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Conservation Advisory Science Notes archive


Conservation Advisory Science Notes archive.

346. The Last Conservation Advisory Science Note. C.J.R. Robertson 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 346. 21 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 181K)

345. Impact of feral pigs and other predators on macro-invertebrates, D'Urville Island. M.C. Coleman; J.P. Parkes; K.J. Walker 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 345. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 279K)

344. Not available

343. List of invertebrate on Mokoia Island, Lake Rotorua. M. Meads; B. M. Fitzgerald 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 343. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 60K)

342. Comparison of two regimes for artificially incubating kiwi eggs. S. M. Bassett; M. A. Potter 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 342. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 123K)

341. Effects of transportation-induced jarring on ratite embryo development and hatching success. M. A. Potter; S. M. Bassett 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 341. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 120K)

340. Palatability of FeraCol for dama wallaby (Macropus eugenii) control. G. A. Morriss; C. E. O'Connor 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 340. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 30K)

339. Stoat pathogen survey, submission and testing protocol. J. O'Keefe 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 339. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 74K)

338. Natal and breeding dispersal of northern New Zealand dotterels. J. E. Dowding 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 338. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 263K)

337. Captive diet of New Zealand black stilt held at Twizel. Y. Cottam; W. Hendricks; E. Sancha 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 337. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 113K)

336. Pachystegia rufa and allied rock daisies. B. Molloy 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 336. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 92K)

335. Conservation and ecology of Hutton's shearwater (Puffinus huttoni). R.J. Cuthbert 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 335. 35 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 344K)

334. Draft import health standard for importation of passerine birds. R. Jakob-Hoff 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 334. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 42K)

333. Catastrophic events in New Zealand coastal environments. J. R. Goff; C. Chague-Goff 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 333. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 154K)

332. Preliminary aerial survey of Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori), north-west North Island. C. Duffy; B. Williams 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 332. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 401K)

331. Translocation of wild-caught and captive-reared blue duck Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos. T Holmes; D. Caskey 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 331. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 235K)

330. Use of an immunocontraceptive vaccine in feral Kaimanawa mares. K.J. Stafford, E.O. Minot, W.L. Linklater, E.Z. Cameron, S.E. Todd 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 330. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 127K)

329. Proceedings of a workshop on distance sampling, Wellington, May 2000. R. Powlesland; R. K. Barraclough 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 329. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 73K)

328. Predation on Hutton's shearwater by stoats: effect of a mast seeding year. J. Kemp 2001. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 328. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 75K)

327. Genetic analysis of brown teal (Anas chlorotis) from Fiordland. L. Milicich 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 327. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 62K)

326. Taxonomic status of the brown teal (Anas chlorotis) in Fiordland. N.J. Gemmell; H.J. Flint 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 326. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 93K)

325. Morphological variation in New Zealand brown teal (Anas chlorotis). I. Southey; R. Hitchmough 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 325. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 113K)

324. Invertebrate fauna and their ecological context on Whangaokena, East Cape. J.A. Hutcheson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 324. 43 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 453K)

323. First inspection of remedial treatments on the Howe Truss Railway Bridge, Waikino. D. Page; B. Patterson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 323.  8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 152K)

322. Fish communities of Lake Whangape, Waikato - April 2000 survey. D.W. West; T. Roxburgh; B.L. Chisnall 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 322. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 180K)

321. Southern right whales wintering in the Auckland Islands. N.J. Patenaude 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 321. 31 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 383K)
Part 2: (PDF, 384K)

320. The conservation status of invertebrates in Canterbury. S.M. Pawson; R.M. Emberson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 320. 64 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 212K)
Part 2: (PDF, 334K)
Part 3: (PDF, 276K)
Part 4: (PDF, 389K)

319. Forbes’ parakeet (Cyanoramphus forbesi) population on Mangere Island, Chatham Island. T.C. Greene 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 319. 27 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 387K)

318. Ship rat (Rattus rattus) irruptions in South Island beech (Nothofagus) forest. B. Studholme 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 318. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 67K)

317. Potentially species-variable DNA regions of Cheesemania 'Chalk Range'. A. Mitchell 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 317. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 36K)

316. Detecting critical changes in mohua (Mohoua ochrocephala) populations. B. Lawrence; D. Palmer 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 316. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 187K)

315. Rock art conservation survey, Tongariro/Taupo Conservancy. A. Williams; N. Tupara 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 315. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 144K)

314. Status of weka (Gallirallus australis greyi) on Mokoia Island. I. Castro; R. Brejaart; K. Owen 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 314. 25 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 333K)
Part 2: (PDF, 227K)

313. Trial of burrow flaps to protect petrel chicks. K.J. Wilson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 313. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 82K)

312. North Island saddleback translocated to Motuhora Island, Bay of Plenty. D. Brunton 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 312. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 127K)

311. Levels and implications of polychlorinated hydrocarbons in male Australasian harriers. H. Reid 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 311. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 94K)

310. Assessment of Chatham Island as a location for liberation of black stilts. D.P. Murray; M.D. Sanders 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 310. 18 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 248K)
Part 2: (PDF, 378K)

309. Aggregating public submissions on Conservation Management Strategies. J. Pettigrew 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 309. 13 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 265K)
Part 2: (PDF, 256K)

308. Maori, whales and "whaling": an ongoing relationship. M.W. Cawthorn 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Note 308.  15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 95K)

307. Aspects of the biology, ecology and captive breeding of stoats. A. Polkanov 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Note 307. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 185K)

306. Effectiveness of diphacinone to control stoat populations. B.L. Lawrence; P.J. Dilks 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Note 306. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 243K)

305. Winter flocking of New Zealand dabchicks on the Rotorua lakes. J. Innes; W.B. Shaw; M. Day; R. Jackson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Note 305. 13 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 152K)
Part 2: (PDF, 309K)

304. Fish population and fish passage monitoring for Orokonui Creek, Otago. R. Allibone 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 304. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 59K)

303. Feasibility of video monitoring seabird interactions on small domestic tuna longliners. C. Keith 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Note 303. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 29K)

302. The Australian longfinned eel, Anguilla reinhardtii, in New Zealand. B.L. Chisnall 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Note 302. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 143K)

301. Minimising visitor impacts on threatened shorebirds and their habitats. L. Bridson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Note 301. 21 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 229K)

300. Broom control monitoring at Tongariro National Park. C. Buddenhagen 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 300. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 226K)

299. In-service wood preservative test on the Howe truss railway bridge, Waikino. D. Page; G. Durbin 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 299. 28 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 251K)
Part 2: (PDF, 365K)

298. Project River Recovery Bibliography: 1991--March 2000. M.D. Sanders 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 298.  5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 49K)

297. Anticoagulant resistance in rodents. C.I. Bailey; C.T. Eason 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 297.  8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 55K)

296. Herbicide control of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) without damaging Lepidium oleraceum. A.M. Dugdale 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 296.  6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 158K)

295. Seabird/fisheries interactions. Final report of advisory officer. C. Keith 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 295. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 92K)

294. Autopsy report for seabirds killed and returned from New Zealand fisheries 1 January 1998 to 30 September 1998. C.J.R. Robertson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 294. 36 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 167K)
Part 2: (PDF, 302K)
Part 3: (PDF, 327K)
Part 4: (PDF, 330K)
Part 5: (PDF, 411K)

293. Autopsy report for seabirds killed and returned from New Zealand fisheries 1 October 1996 to 31 December 1997. J.A. Bartle 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 293. 43 p. (Out of print.) 

Part 1: (PDF, 326K)
Part 2: (PDF, 333K)
Part 3: (PDF, 326K)
Part 4: (PDF, 360K)
Part 5: (PDF, 357K)
Part 6: (PDF, 424K)

292. Autopsy report for seabirds killed and returned from New Zealand fisheries 1 January 1996 to 30 September 1996. J.A. Bartle 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 292. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 79K)

291. Identification of genetic diversity for lizard conservation. C. Miller; C.H. Daugherty 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 291. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 33K)

290. Conservation of the Tahiti flycatcher (Pomarea nigra). Report on advice provided to Société d'Ornithologie de Polynésie. R.J. Pierce; C. Blanvillain 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 290. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 59K)

289. Archaeological excavations at Big River quartz mine, Victoria Forest Park, West Coast, New Zealand. R. Nichol; K.L. Jones 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 289. 50 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 234K)
Part 2: (PDF, 231K)
Part 3: (PDF, 320K)
Part 4: (PDF, 322K)
Part 5: (PDF, 414K)
Part 6: (PDF, 383K)
Part 7: (PDF, 348K)
Part 8: (PDF, 139K)

288. Comparative review of models for sustainable yield in indigenous forests. B. Manley 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 288. 28 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 371K)

287. Humpback whales around New Zealand. N. Gibbs; S. Childerhouse 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 287. 35 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 296K)
Part 2: (PDF, 321K)

286. Potential ecological impacts of harvesting kina (Evechinus chloroticus) in Fiordland. E. Villouta 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 286. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 372K)

285. Survey for forest geckos (Hoplodactylus aff. Granulatus) in the Catlins/Southland district. M.D. Tocher; T. Jewell; L. McFarlane 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 285. 23 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 293K)
Part 2: (PDF, 162K)

284. Weed management in shore plover aviaries at Mt Bruce Wildlife Centre. C. Spence 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 284. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 122K)

283. Love them or lose them... Palm forests of Pitt Island and their wildlife. An ecological assessment of management needs, with comment from Pitt Islanders. G. Walls; P. Dilks; A. Baird 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 283. 52 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 392K)
Part 2: (PDF, 377K)
Part 3: (PDF, 348K)
Part 4: (PDF, 363K)
Part 5: (PDF, 396K)
Part 6: (PDF, 325K)
Part 7: (PDF, 281K)
Part 8: (PDF, 313K)

282. Ecology and management of Pureora Forest Park. A.E. Beveridge; M.C. Smale; A.S. Holzapfel 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 282. 98 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 366K)
Part 2: (PDF, 317K)

281. Thar density and vegetation condition. A. Sparrow; D. Kelly 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 281. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 53K)

280. Succession in the Kaimaumau gumland, Northland, New Zealand, following fire. J. McQueen; L. Forester 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 280. 33 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 461K)
Part 2: (PDF, 441K)
Part 3: (PDF, 497K)
Part 4: (PDF, 302K)

279. Water quality in Waikoko Wetland, Mana Island. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 279. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 162K)

278. Hieracium lepidulum invasion of indigenous ecosystems. S. Wiser; R. Allen 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 278. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 98K)

277. Impact of introduced gastropods on molluscan communities, northern North Island. K. Mahlfeld 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 277. 62 p.(Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 518K)
Part 2: (PDF, 495K)
Part 3: (PDF, 470K)
Part 4: (PDF, 495K)
Part 5: (PDF, 499K

276. Geology of the southeastern Eyre Mountains relevant to tenure review. I.M. Turnbull 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 276. 25 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 455K)
Part 2: (PDF, 481K)
Part 3: (PDF, 255K)

275. The sand dunes of Kawakaputa Bay and Haldane Bay, Southland. M. Hilton 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 275. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 138K)

274. Implications of a subdivision proposal near an important shorebird breeding site. R.J. Pierce 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 274. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 64K)

273. Vegetation survey and monitoring in Whakatane Field Centre. W.B. Shaw 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 273. 22 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 332K)

272. Conservation of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata), Rarotonga. H.A. Robertson 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 272. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 134K)

271. Captive rearing diet of the New Zealand shore plover. Y. Cottam; W. Hendriks 2000. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 271. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 148K)

270. Fifty first meeting, Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. S. Childerhouse 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 270. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 141K)

269. Organochlorine contaminants in northern royal albatross from Taiaroa Head, Otago Peninsula. H. Reid; P. Jones 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 269. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 249K)

268. Potential interactions of hedgehogs with North Island brown kiwi at Boundary Stream Mainland Island. C. Berry 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 268. 22 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 180K)

267. Seasonal abundance patterns and dietary preferences of hedgehogs at Trounson Kauri Park. R. Hendra 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 267.  12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 304K)

266. Sea urchin fisheries and potential ecological interactions with a kina fishery in Fiordland. N.L. Andrew; A.B. MacDiarmid 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 266.  12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 198K)

265. Ruapehu crater rim inspection 13 April 1999: Developments since 1997. I.A. Nairn 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 265. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 501K)

264. Impact of a planting programme on historic and archaeological sites of Quail Island, Lyttelton Harbour. M. Trotter; B. McCulloch 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 264. 19 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 138K)
Part 2: (PDF, 360K)

263. Migration season of whitebait or giant kokopu, Galaxias argenteus. R.M. McDowall 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 263. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 206K)

262. Genetic analysis of Forbes' parakeet (Cyanoramphus forbesi). W.M. Boon; G.K. Chambers; C.H. Daugherty 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 262. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 217K)

261. Toxicants for control of stoats (Mustela erminea). E.B. Spurr 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 261. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 80K)

260. Survey of localised kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) dieback in Tongariro National Park. K. McBreen 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 260. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 299K)

259. Response of wild kiwi to orange and cinnamon lured possum baits. T. Ward-Smith; M. Potter 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 259. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 93K)

258. DNA fingerprinting of maire, Nestegis cunninghamii tissue. T. Richardson 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 258. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 56K)

257. Some issues in risk assessment reports on grass carp and silver carp. J.S. Clayton; R.D.S. Wells 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 257. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 101K)

256. Cumulative impacts of multiple grass carp releases. J. Clayton; D. Rowe; R. McDowall; R. Wells 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 256. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 102K)

255. Observer reports from squid-jigging vessels off the New Zealand coast 1999. R.H. Blezard; J. Burgess 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 255. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 73K)

254. Potential threat of hedgehogs to invertebrates with a restricted range, Otago region. W.J. Hamilton 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 254. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 46K

253. Options for Spartina control in Northland. W.B. Shaw 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 253. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 75K)

252. Signs of South Island kokako Callaeas cinerea near Abut Head, South Westland. B.J. Donovan 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 252. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 137K

251. Resurvey of Archey's frogs, Mt Moehau, 24 December 1998. M. Thorsen 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 251. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 59K)

250. Status and conservation of the sooty shearwater colony at Mt Oneone, Wanganui River, Westland. K.J. Wilson 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 250. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 87K)

249. Sugar Loaf Islands Marine Protected Area monitoring programme. S. Kelly 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 249. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 96K)

248. Tori line designs for New Zealand domestic pelagic longliners. C. Keith 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 248. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 146K

247. An approach to assessing the environmental impacts of tourism. G.R. Cessford; P.R. Dingwall 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 247. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 459K)

246. Developmental stages of the underwater bait setting chute for the pelagic longline fishery. J. Molloy; K. Walshe; P. Barnes (Comps) 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 246. 34 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF 349K)
Part 2: (PDF 335K)
Part 3: (PDF 291K)

245. The health of puriri (Vitex lucens). G. Hosking 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 245. 24 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 295K)
Part 2: (PDF, 360K)
Part 3: (PDF, 453K)
Part 4: (PDF, 144K)

244. Existing records of the carabid beetle Oregus inaequalis Castelnau in coastal Otago. C. Jamieson 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 244. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 166K)

243. Kettle tarn vegetation, Lake Coleridge area. P.N. Johnson 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 243. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 116K)

242. Rapid assessment of ecological condition and trend of conservation areas in Hawke's Bay. G. Walls 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 242. 68 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 411K)
Part 2: (PDF, 488K)
Part 3: (PDF, 479K)
Part 4: (PDF, 452K)
Part 5: (PDF, 471K)
Part 6: (PDF, 500K)
Part 7: (PDF, 353K)
Part 8: (PDF, 503K)
Part 9: (PDF, 475K)
Part 10: (PDF, 490K)
Part 11: (PDF, 425K)
Part 12: (PDF, 441K)
Part 13: (PDF, 402K)
Part 14: (PDF, 381K)
Part 15: (PDF, 440K)
Part 16: (PDF, 477K)
Part 17: (PDF, 381K)

241. Significant Natural Areas and Timberlands West Coast production forests. C. Miller 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 241. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 35K

240. Visitor impacts on freshwater avifauna in New Zealand. G. Walls 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 240. 69 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 242K)
Part 2: (PDF, 212K)

239. Genetic status of New Zealand black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae) and impact of hybridisation. G. Wallis 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 239. 22 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 352K)

238. West Coast whitebait fishing closed areas workshop. R.M. McDowall 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 238. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 112K)

237. Estimating animal abundance by distance sampling techniques. P. Cassey 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 237. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 103K)

236. Abundance and distribution of waterbirds of the Rotorua lakes, 1985-1996. J. Innes; K. Whaley; K. Owen 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 236. 46 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 470K)
Part 2: (PDF, 513K)
Part 3: (PDF, 510K)

235. Forest monitoring on Pitt Island: "Just you ask the plants". G. Walls 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 235. 58 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 445K)
Part 2: (PDF, 428K)
Part 3: (PDF, 447K)
Part 4: (PDF, 447K)
Part 5: (PDF, 449K)
Part 6: (PDF, 472K)
Part 7: (PDF, 337K)
Part 8: (PDF, 507K)
Part 9: (PDF, 388K)
Part 10: (PDF, 389K)
Part 11: (PDF, 521K)
Part 12: (PDF, 199K)

234. Live rats and mice as lures for stoats. B. Lawrence 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 234. 2 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 23K)

233. Poor Knights Island weed control programme. C.J. West 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 233. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 130K)

232. A striped gecko (Hoplodactylus stephensi) at Coromandel. T. Whitaker; R. Hitchmough; R. Chappell 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 232. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 254K)

231. Mt Ruapehu Crater Lake lahar hazard. M.G. Webby 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 231. 19 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 305K)

230. Black-eyed geckos (Hoplodactylus kahutarae) on Mt Arthur, Kahurangi National Park. T. Whitaker; T. Shaw; R. Hitchmough 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 230. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 153K)

229. Effects of tourism on dusky dolphins at Kaikoura. K. Barr; E. Slooten 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 229.  28 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 335K)

228. Big Bay skink (Oligosoma sp.): taxonomy, distribution and habitat requirements. M. Tocher 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 228. 21 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 468K)
Part 2: (PDF, 336K)

227. Morphological variation in adult Cromwell chafer beetles Prodontria lewisi. S.M. Ferreira; B. McKinlay 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 227. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 56K)

226. Organochlorine contaminants in albatross from the South Pacific Ocean. P. Jones 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 226. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 255K

225. Invertebrate conservation in Northland. F. Brook 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 225. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 58K)

224. Management of frost flat communities under threat from mouse-ear hawkweed invasion. M.C. Smale; P.T. Whaley; P.N. Smale 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 224. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 104K)

223. Detection of Himalayan thar using a thermal infrared camera. R.H. Wilde; C.M. Trotter 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 223. 19 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 259K)

222. Kiwi-safe kill traps for possums. C. Thomson; B. Warburton; K. Drew 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 222.  10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 323K)

221. Bait consumption and biology of tammar wallabies in the Rotorua region. R.G. Lentle; M.A. Potter; B.P. Springett; K.J. Stafford 1999. Conservation Advisory Science Note 221. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 122K)

220. Administration of an immunocontraceptive vaccine to Kaimanawa mares. K. Stafford; W. Linklater; E. Cameron 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 220. 9 p. (Out of print.) PDF, 125K

219. Raukumara tusked weta: Field and captive observations. M. McIntyre 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 219. 35 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 266K
Part 2: PDF, 411K

218. Raukumara tusked weta: Discovery, ecology and management implications. G. Gibbs 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 218. 17 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 296K
Part 2: PDF, 319K

217. Exploitation of freshwater eels in National Parks. D. Jellyman 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 217. 4 p. (Out of print.) PDF, 50K

216. Current status of New Zealand indigenous aphids. D.A. Teulon; M.A.W. Stufkens 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 216. 23 p. (Out of print.) PDF, 283K

215. Motu-o-kura (Bare Island), Hawke's Bay: Monitoring since rat eradication. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 215. 13 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 280K
Part 2: PDF, 336K

214. The mistletoes of Puketitiri and eastern Kaweka. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 214. 28 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 376K 
Part 2: PDF, 321K
Part 3: PDF, 249K
Part 4: PDF, 286K
Part 5: PDF, 342K
Part 6: PDF, 281K
Part 7: PDF, 360K
Part 8: PDF, 188K

213. Simply sand? Ocean Beach dunes, Hawke's Bay. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 213. 51 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 540K
Part 2: PDF, 500K
Part 3: PDF, 410K
Part 4: PDF, 460K
Part 5: PDF, 390K
Part 6: PDF, 479K
Part 7: PDF, 358K
Part 8: PDF, 533K
Part 9: PDF, 522K

212. Macroinfauna of Wainui Beach, Gisborne—impact of beach protection structures.
G. Stephenson 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 212. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 183K)

211. Ecosystem-based restoration of Moutohora: Threatened plants. W.B. Shaw 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 211. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 46K)

210. Demography of treeline mountain beech as a guide to lahar events. G.L. Rapson; M. Severinsen; A. White 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 210. 15 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 281K)
Part 2: (PDF, 264K)

209. A burrowscope for examining petrel nests in burrows. P. Lyver; S. Hamilton; M. McKenzie; I. Dickson; M. Dooher; T. Broad; H. Moller 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 209. 21 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 224K)
Part 2: (PDF, 212K)

208. Representative areas: Research needs of indigenous forestry. C. Miller; M. Slater 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 208. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 43K)

207. Issues in bryophyte conservation and research. P. Warren; C. Miller 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 207. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 29K)

206. Aging live New Zealand sea lions using post-canine teeth. G. Dickie 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 206. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 32K)

205. Monitoring protocols for Hamilton's frogs Leiopelma hamiltoni on Stephens Island. S. Pledger 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 205. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 130K)

204. Conservation of the world's amphibians and reptiles. D. Newman 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 204. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 118K)

203. Field tests of a geolocation datalogger. J. Catsoulis 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 203. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 46K)

202. Response of tuna longline fishers to seabird scaring lines (tori lines). K. Duckworth 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 202. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 74K)

201. Construction of tori lines for domestic longline vessels. D.I. Nelson 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 201. 9p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 59K)

200. Threatened plants of Hawke's Bay. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 200. 32 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 257K)

199. Rare plant conservation at Tangimoana dunelands. N. Singers 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 199. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 208K)

198. South Island kokako search, Abut Head, South Westland. R. Buckingham 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 198. 10 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 118K)
Part 2: (PDF, 474K)

197. Vegetation changes without grazing, Flat Top Hill, Central Otago. S. Walker 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 197. 40 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 256K)
Part 2: (PDF, 259K

196. Ungulate effects on tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa) forest in Urewera National Park. F.K. Bockett 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 196. 28 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 392K)
Part 2: (PDF, 341K

195. Fossil deposits in Megamania Cave, Gunner River, South Island, New Zealand. T.H. Worthy 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 195. 14 p. (Out of print.) PDF, 241K 

194. Placostylus hongii at the Mokohinau Islands. F. Brook 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 194. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 85K)

193. Significance of gecko populations on islands in Lakes Wanaka and Hawea. R.A. Hitchmough; K. Tutt; C.H. Daugherty 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 193. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 185K)

192. Sixth South Pacific Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 192. 23 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 327K)

191. Southern Connection Congress, Chile, January 1997. C.J. West 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 191. 23 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 260K)

190. Juvenile grass carp in the Waikato River, May 1997. B.L. Chisnall 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 190. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 138K)

189. Ecological survey of the Opotiki Ecological District coastal zone. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 189. 21 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 399K)

188. A potential network of permanent forest plots for the West Coast Conservancy. P.J. Bellingham 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 188. 21 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 328K)

187. An infrared scope for assessing sooty shearwater burrow occupancy. S. Hamilton; J. de Cruz; C. Hunter; H. Moller 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 187. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF 281K)
Part 2: (PDF 382K)

186. Impacts of tree coring on indigenous trees. D.A. Norton 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 186. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 89K)

185. The parasitology of the black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae). S. McDonald 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 185. 36 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 524K)

184. Analysis of organic contaminants in New Zealand marine mammals. P.D. Jones 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 184. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 176K)

183. Franz Josef Glacier access road — security of road-end facilities. T.R. Davies 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 183. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 119K)

182. Molecular systematics of New Zealand fairy tern (Sterna nereis davisae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. G.K. Chambers; S.J. Coddington 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 182.  9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 117K)

181. Diversity of microsatellite loci in New Zealand otariids: A pilot study. G.M. Lento; C.S. Baker 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 181. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 51K)

180. Herbicide trials on Tradescantia fluminensis. T. McCluggage 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 180. 15p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF 431K)
Part 2: (PDF 330K)
Part 3: (PDF 504K)

179. Mid Pohangina valley exclosure plots March 1997. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 179. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 276K)

178. Distribution of the endangered grasshopper Sigaus minutus on the Earnscleugh Tailings Historic Reserve. C. Jamieson 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 178. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 298K)

177. Mosses and lichens of Paengaroa Scenic Reserve. B. Polly 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 177. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 69K)

176. Awaroa wetlands: Value assessment. B. Burns 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 176. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 55K)

175. Review of black stilt management data (1981-1995). C. Reed 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 175. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 338K

174. Vegetation monitoring in the subantarctic islands. G. Walls 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 174. 31 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 259K)
Part 2: (PDF, 241K)
Part 3: (PDF, 312K)
Part 4: (PDF, 289K)
Part 5: (PDF, 277K)

173. Persistence of sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) and diphacinone in hen eggs for control of stoats (Mustela erminea). E.B. Spurr; G.R.G. Wright; M.D. Potts 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 173. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 83K)

172. Large carabid beetles Stephens Island 30 April - 3 May 1996. A. Tennyson 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 172. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 93K)

171. A review of possum monitoring in Waikato Conservancy. T. Stephens; S. Barnett 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 171. 22 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 283K)

170. Effects of biologically active discharges into aquatic ecosystems: Review of treatment systems and standards. P.A. Ryan 1998. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 170. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 193K)

169. Causes of kiwi mortality in Northland. R.J. Pierce; W. Sporle 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 169. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 62K)

168. Possum monitoring plots in Waione Block, Tongariro Forest. C.E. Ecroyd; C. Jones 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 168. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 254K)

167. Ecology of brown kiwi and causes of poulation decline in Lake Waikaremoana catchment. J. McLennan 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 167. 25 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 214K)

166. Holes in the fence: The vegetation of Chatham Island reserves, 1990-1996. G. Walls; A. Baird 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 166. 30 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF 307K)
Part 2: (PDF 370K)
Part 3: (PDF 545K)
Part 4: (PDF 433K)
Part 5: (PDF 393K)
Part 6: (PDF 281K)

165. Where water meets land: Ecological values and conservation management of driftwood. G. Walls 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 165. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 234K)

164. Meat consumption from stranded whales and marine mammals in New Zealand: Public health and other issues. M.W. Cawthorn 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 164. 23 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 198K)

163. Changes in Cromwell Terrace vegetation and soils. B. McKinlay 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 163.  5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 61K)

162. Changes in substrate and diet of blue duck on Tongariro River after the 1995 Mt Ruapehu eruption. K.J. Collier 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 162. 30 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF 283K)
Part 2: (PDF 393K)

161. Honeydew abundance in two areas at St Arnaud. J. Beggs; J. Rees 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 161.  4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 55K)

160. Results of the Westland petrel satellite tracking programme 1995 season. A. Freeman; K-J. Wilson 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 160. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 77K)

159. Black Maire (Nestegis cunninghamii) decline in the Haurangi Forest Park. G. Hosking 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 159. 17 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF 476K)
Part 2: (PDF 525K)

158. Effects of Gallant for Spartina control. S.J. Turner; J.E. Hewitt 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 158. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 173K

157. Conservation values and significance of kanuka forest at East Taieri, coastal Otago. R.B. Allen 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 157. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 62K)

156. Instructions for using poisoned hen eggs for control of stoats (Mustela erminea). E.B. Spurr; S.J. Hough 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 156. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 302K)

155. Some revegetation options for Lake Horowhenua, Levin. C. Ogle; C. West 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 155. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 161K)

154. An assessment of risks associated with the use of CCA-treated timber in sensitive environments and options for its substitution with alternative timber materials. M.D. Hedley 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 154. 37 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF 246K)
Part 2: (PDF 393K)

153. Electrophoretic identification of whitebait species. L.H. Dijkstra; R.M. McDowall 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 153. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 341K)

152. An insect survey of Paengaroa Scenic Reserve, Mataroa. J.I. Townsend 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 152.  9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 113K)

151. Assessment of the effectiveness of Transonic -- ESP and Yard Gard -- ultrasonic devices for repelling stoats (Mustela erminea). E.B. Spurr 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 151. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 60K)

150. Natural pohutukawa in Taranaki. P. Simpson 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 150. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 346K)

149. Tekapo Scientific Reserve: Ecological restoration. P.R. Espie 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 149. 26 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 456K)
Part 2: (PDF, 475K)

148. Inspection of Motukoruenga and Motukoranga Islands, Whitianga, Coromandel Peninsula, 28 January 1995. I Lawlor 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 149. 11 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 405K)
Part 2: (PDF, 361K)
Part 3: (PDF, 292K)
Part 4: (PDF, 350K)

147. Literature review on the effects of seawalls on beaches. J.A. Comfort; M.B. Single 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 147. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 90K) 

146. Whitaker's skink Cyclodina whitakeri eaten by a weasel Mustela nivalis. C.M. Miskelly 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 146. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 54K)

145. Sand movement and the protection of natural areas on Pouto Peninsula, Northland. C. Ogle 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 145. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 310K)

144. Biological notes on the Western Chain, Snares Islands, 1984-85 and 1985-86. C.M. Miskelly 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 144. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 202K)

143. Environmental effects of sea-based farming of paua (Haliotis spp.) and kina (Evechinus chloroticus). P.E. McShane 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 143. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 186K)

142. Fish passage issues at Lake Tuakitoto. C. Mitchell 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 142. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 78K)

141. Elimination of microsporidian infections from quarantined heather beetle populations. P.J. Wigley 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 141. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 49K)

140. Inglis Bush Scenic Reserve (Central Hawke's Bay): Impact or water race on native vegetation. J.P.C. Watt 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 140. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 117K)

139. Responses of the native skink Leiolopisma maccanni to two pest control baits. A.B. Freeman; G.J. Hickling; C.A. Bannock 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 139. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 125K)

138. Identification of predators of Royal Albatross chicks at Taiaroa Head in February 1994. H. Ratz; H. Moller 1997. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 138. 36 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 209K)
Part 2: (PDF, 220K)
Part 3: (PDF, 571K)
Part 4: (PDF, 461K)
Part 5: (PDF, 429K)
Part 6: (PDF, 290K)

137. Archaeological assessment of the Otago Central rail trail: the line today. J. Hamel 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 137. 34 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 153K)
Part 2: (PDF, 319K)
Part 3: (PDF, 317K)
Part 4: (PDF, 309K)
Part 5: (PDF, 412K)
Part 6: (PDF, 405K)

136. Motu-o-Kura (Bare Island): report on invertebrates in pitfall traps. T.K. Crosby 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 136. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 37K)

135. Manorburn Conservation Area: vegetation assessment. P.N. Johnson 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 135. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 229K)

134. Modification of the floodgates and drainage pattern into Lake Pounui: implications for fish passage. C. Mitchell 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 134.  5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 54K

133. Seed production in Gunnera hamiltonii. C.J. Webb 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 133. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 39K)

132. Forests and the carbon cycle: Emerging opportunities for native forest protection and afforestation in New Zealand. C. Collins 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 132. 28 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 207K)

131. Determining the sensitivity of SPOT XS imagery for monitoring intertidal and sublittoral vegetation of Otago Harbour. S.A. Israel; J.E. Fyfe 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 131. 27 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 177K)

130. Winds of change: monitoring vegetation condition and trend in the Chatham Islands. G. Walls; A. Baird 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 130. 19 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 320K)

129. Cherry trees in Mount Cook National Park. C.J. Burrows 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 129. 25 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 245K)
Part 2: (PDF, 369K)
Part 3: (PDF, 484K)
Part 4: (PDF, 173K)

128. Testing for evidence of philopatry: minisatellite DNA variations in Auckland Island teals. D. Lambert; J. Robins 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 128. 17 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 66K)
Part 2: (PDF, 240K)
Part 3: (PDF, 284K)

127. Unusual feeding behaviour and habitat use by koaro. J.W. Hayes 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 127.  5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 63K)

126. Fish passage past the Lake Wairarapa control structure. C. Mitchell 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 126.  8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 238K)

125. Pohutukawa in North Taranaki. M. Benson 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 125. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 137K)

124. Provenance variation in cabbage trees; northern South Island. P. Simpson 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 124.  4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 55K)

123. A search for Mecodema laeviceps Broun. J.I. Townsend 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 123. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 124K)

122. Research on New Zealand dotterels during the 1994-95 season. J.E. Dowding 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 122. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 283K)

121. A geological hazard assessment for the lower Fox Valley, anno 1994. N. Hovius 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 121. 25 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 184K)
Part 2: (PDF, 952K)
Part 3: (PDF, 397K)
Part 4: (PDF, 461K)

120. Collapse or recovery: Pitt Island vegetation 1980-1993, with reference to Chatham Island. G. Walls; S. Scheele 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 120. 68 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 528K)
Part 2: (PDF, 512K)
Part 3: (PDF, 535K)
Part 4: (PDF, 428K)
Part 5: (PDF, 543K)
Part 6: (PDF, 407K)
Part 7: (PDF, 412K)
Part 8: (PDF, 463K)
Part 9: (PDF, 495K)
Part 10: (PDF, 510K)

119. Alkaline single cell batteries and rechargers: results of preliminary tests. M.E. Douglas 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 119. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 395K)

118. Population census, habitat assessment, and management of the endangered fern Davallia puketi. T. Shaw 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 118. 23 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 253K)

117. Alongside the water - Parewai: a concept to restore ecological. P. Simpson 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 117. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 106K)

116. A geological assessment of the Moss Creek track, Kauaeranga valley, Thames. M. Chapman 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 116. 14 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 460K)
Part 2: (PDF, 464K)
Part 3: (PDF, 278K)

115. The Little Shearwater in the 1994 breeding season on Lady Alice Island: breeding success, and timing and causes of breeding failure. A.M. Booth 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 115. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 195K)

114. The domestic fuelwood sector in Whangarei and Northland, and the role of manuka as a fuelwood and a forest. P. Davis 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 114. 33 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 449K)
Part 2: (PDF, 544K)

113. Track markers: improving their visibility. R.J. Jacobs; C. Lewes; I.K. Laird 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 113. 23 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 536K)

112. Status of the introduced brown seaweed Undaria in New Zealand. M.J. Parsons 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 112. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 514K)

111. Fish passage over the Whangamarino weir. R. Barrier; D. West; J. Boubee 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 111. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 195K)

110. Civil war sites in the United States: management lessons for New Zealand. K. Jones; D. Carson 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 110. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 105K)

109. Calluna vulgaris — Poukai Range, Egmont National Park. G. Rogers 1995. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 109. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 102K)

108. Evaluating the potential hazard of aerial 1080 poison operations to Short-tailed bat populations. B.D. Lloyd 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 108. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 210K)

107. Project Crimson: an example of corporate support for conserving biodiversity. P.G. Simpson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 107. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 216K)

106. A report on a brief trip to assess the status of Short-tailed bays in the Rangitaua, Ohakune area, April 1994. B.D. Lloyd 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 106. 11 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 376K)
Part 2: (PDF, 268K)

105. Kaimanawa feral horses: recent environmental impacts in their northern range. G. Rogers 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 105. 11 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 413K)
Part 2: (PDF, 485K)

104. Population viability analysis of blue duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos). I.M. Henderson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 104. 39 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 507K)
Part 2: (PDF, 46K)  

103. What is a bad season for yellow-eyed penguins? P.J. Moore 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 103. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 128K

102. Seal finger and mycobacterial infections of man from marine mammals: occurrence, infection and treatment. M.W. Cawthorn 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 102. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 151K

101. Evaluation of techniques for management of NZ dotterels. J.E. Dowding 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 101. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 216K

100. Pohutukawa and biodiversity. P.G. Simpson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 100. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 388K

99. Regeneration of Pittosporum turneri communities. C.E. Ecroyd 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 99. 34 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 454K)
Part 2: (PDF, 312K)
Part 3: (PDF, 335K)  

98. Location of short-tailed bats using Dactylanthus. C.E. Ecroyd 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 98. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 134K)

97. Otago Central Rail Trail: an archaeological assessment. J. Hamel 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 97. 36 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 301K)
Part 2: (PDF, 502K)

96. Preliminary protection of whitebait (Inanga) spawning areas in Hawke's Bay. H. Rook 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 96. 14 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 340K)
Part 2: (PDF, 372K)   

95. Black Head: vegetation condition after quarrying. P.N. Johnson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 95. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 453K

94. Surveys of paua (Haliotis iris) off Nugget Point, southeast New Zealand. P.E. McShane; S.F. Mercer; J.R. Naylor 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 94. 22 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 264K)
Part 2: (PDF, 369K)  

93. Maori conservation ethic: A Ngati Kahungunu perspective. W. Hodges 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 99. 39 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 562K)

92. Colouration and visibility of track markers. K. Laird 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 92. 23 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 459K

91. Recommendations for a fish pass on the Braemar lagoon water level control weir. C. Mitchell 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 91. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 238K)  

90. Performance of transplanted indigenous salt marsh species, Maketu estuary. D.O. Bergin 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 90. 16 p. (Out of print.) 

Part 1: (PDF, 327K)
Part 2: (PDF, 480K)   

89. Hydrological management of three wetlands. R.J. Jackson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 89. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 106K

88. Native fish and minimum flows in the Kakanui River. I.G. Jowett 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 88. 20 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 385K

87. Survival of kaka following aerial poisoning with Talon on Whatupuke Island. R. Pierce; R. Moorhouse 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 87. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 148K

86. Ageratina at Waipoua and Taranga/Marotene Islands. J. Craw 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 86. 2 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 77K

85. A locality for Pittosporum obcordatum in Catlins Forest Park. P. Wardle 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 85. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 155K)

84. Botanical inspection of Birch Hill Flats, Mount Cook National Park. P. Wardle 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 84. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 239K

83. Ages of six kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) seedlings from Whataroa, South Westland. R.P. Buxton 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 83. 2 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 49K

82. Seeking a way to conserve fragments of native bush on private land: "Curtis Bush", Wainuiomata valley, Wellington. P. Simpson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 82. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 238K

81. Behaviour of stoats to trapping tunnels. E.B. Spurr; S.J. Hough 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 81. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 110K

80. Susceptibility of terrestrial amphipods, especially Tara taranaki, to possum control operations. K.W. Duncan 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 80. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 98K

79. Kaweka mountain beech - animal pest problem. G. Walls 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 79. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 176K

78. Aquatic insects recorded from Westland National Park. D. Eward; R. Putz; I.D. McLellan 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 78. 18 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 416K)
Part 2: (PDF, 438K

77. Additional studies/observations on the heather beetle, Lochmaea suturalis. T.C. Bourner 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 77. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 80K

76. The suitability of New Zealand moss species and heather litter as oviposition sites for the heather beetle, Lochmaea suturalis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). T.C. Bourner; P. Syrett 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 76. 6p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 128K

75. Kina sampling and marine reserve monitoring. A. McDiarmid 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 75. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 227K

74. Mecodema laeviceps Broun: An assessment of the priority for conservation. B.I.P. Barratt 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 74. 20 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 347K
Part 2: PDF, 446K
Part 3: PDF, 227K

73. Satellite tracking of large seabirds - a practical guide. D.G. Nichols 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 73. 22 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 215K)

72. Methodology for examining the relationship between skink density and habitat features. G. Elliott 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 72. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 102K)

71. The New Zealand Hydrilla problem. A review of the issues and management options. G. Walls 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 71. 42 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 291K
Part 2: PDF, 306K

70. Albatross research on (Motuhara) Forty-Fours Islands: 6-15 December 1993. C.J.R. Robertson; S. Sawyer 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 70. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 203K)

69. An unexploited mixed species eel stock (Anguilla australis and A. dieffenbachii) in a Waikato pastoral stream, and its modification by fishing pressure. B.L. Chisnall 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 69. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 147K)

68. Nomination of Tongariro National Park for inclusion in the World Heritage cultural list. S. Forbes 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 68. 33 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 490K
Part 2: PDF, 288K

67. Mortality of native fish from Waikato tributary: disease diagnosis. J.B. Jones 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 67. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 56K)

66. Northern rata dieback - Minginui faces. G. Hosking 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 66. 10 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 588K
Part 2: PDF, 461K

65. Sperm whale jaw removal and preparation. H. Rook 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 65. 23 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 405K
Part 2: PDF, 429K
Part 3: PDF, 156K

64. Threatened and local plants in Southland and Otago: including national distribution. P.N. Johnson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 64. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 163K)

63. Taieri Island vegetation. R.B. Allen 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 63. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 141K)

62. Community involvement in conserving biodiversity in the South Pacific. G. Walls 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 62. 48 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 406K)

61. Accelerated life environmental tests of various outdoor signs. J.V. Hall 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 61. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 509K)

60. Turf management report. B. Walmsley 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 60. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 83K)

59. Evaluation of southern Hawke's Bay coast intertidal data II: The use of presence/absence data. M. Haddon 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 59. 59 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 465K
Part 2: PDF, 484K
Part 3: PDF, 488K
Part 4: PDF, 144K

58. Genetic tools and conservation problems. D. Lambert; C. Millar 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 58. 31 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 384K)

57. Map of archaeological sites on Pukekura Pa. J. Hamel 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 57. 22 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 458K
Part 2: PDF, 270K

56. Management of a solitary, sociable dolphin situation. W. Doak 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 56. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 121K)

55. Forestry and environmental issues. J. Ombler 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 55. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 105K)

54. Local cabbage tree surveys: the Wairau valley, Marlborough. P. Simpson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 54. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 378K)

53. The importance of invertebrate biodiversity: an Otago Conservancy review. B. Patrick 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 53. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 170K)

52. Monitoring impacts of water abstraction from the Takahue River. C. Mitchell 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 52. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 117K)

51. Fire for conservation management of pakihi. C. Miller 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 51. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 96K)

50. Timing of egg laying in the Royal Albatross (Diomedea epomophora) at Taiaroa Head 1937-1992. C.J.R. Robertson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 50. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 334K)

49. Emerald Creek, Nenthorn: Botanical report on wetlands. P.N. Johnson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 49. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 357K)

48. The breeding phenology of the Royal Albatross (Diomedea epomophora sanfordi) 1937-1974. C.J.R. Robertson; L.E. Richdale 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 48. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 369K)

47. Esplanade reserve recommendations for Lakes Serpentine, Mangahia, Rotomanuka, Ruatuna and Cameron (Waipa District). K. Thompson; P. Champion 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 47. 18 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 291K
Part 2: PDF, 157K
Part 3: PDF, 352K

46. Nitrogen content of soils, Calluna vulgaris, and some native plants in Tongariro National Park, (1992-1993). V.F. Keesing 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 46. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 362K)

45. Assessment of recommended areas for protection from Morven Hills pastoral lease, Lindis ecological district. A.F. Mark 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 45. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 128K)

44. The extent of die-back of the kelp Ecklonia radiata in the Cape Rodney to Okakari Point Marine Reserve. R.C. Babcock; R.G. Cole 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 44. 27 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 315K)

43. Use of CCA tanalised timber in or near waterways. B. Patrick 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 43. 2 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 71K)

42. Assessment of tinted glass for public observatory, Taiaroa Head nature reserve. C.J.R. Robertson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 42. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PSD, 161K)

41. Genetic variation and systematics of the New Zealand dotterel. J.M. Herbert; J.E. Dowding; C.H. Daugherty 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 41. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 479K)

40. An analysis of fish abundance and distribution data, Mayor Is. (Tuhua) marine reserve baseline survey, 1993. K.R. Grange  1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 40. 34 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 351K)
Part 2: (PDF, 325K)
Part 3: (PDF. 305K)
Part 4: (PDF, 318K)
Part 5: (PDF, 253K)

39. Evaluation of southern Hawke's Bay coast intertidal data. M. Haddon; V. Anderlini 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 39. 38 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 431K)

38. Macroinfauna of Wainui beach south of the Hamanatua Stream: an assessment of changes associated with beach erosion. G. Stephenson 1994. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 38. 21 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 333K)

37. 1992-93 Assessment and reorganisation of the tussock flowering line in Takahe Valley, Fiordland National Park. W.G. Lee 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 37. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 203K)

36. Okaia flat, Otago Peninsula: Botanical values and grazing. P.N. Johnson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 36. 18 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 282K)
Part 2: (PDF, 355K)

35. Recalibration of the regression model used to predict deer densities in the Blue Mountains recreational hunting area. G. Nugent 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 35. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 127K)

34. Long-term possum control: Getting the framework right. A.B. Rose 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 34. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 105K)

33. A review of the effects of pesticides on lizards. E.B. Spurr 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 33. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF108K)

32. Death of mangroves: upper Whangarei Harbour. N.M.U. Clunie 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 32. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 116K)

31. Fish surveys in Northland. C. Mitchell 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 31. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF 185K)

30. Testing whether wild short-tailed bats will consume non-toxic carrot bait. C.E. Ecroyd 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 30. 1 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 67K)

29. The kiore threat to kakapo. I.A.E. Atkinson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 29. 4 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 106K)

28. Trounsen park kauri dieback 1993. D. Bartram 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 28. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 518K)

27. Management of riparian margins of the lower Rangitaiki River to enhance whitebait spawning success. C. Mitchell 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 27. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 112K)

26. Breeding colonies of titi, Puffinus griseus, on the Otago coast in 1992/93. S. Hamilton 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 26. 25 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 324K)

25. Assessing the palatability of threatened plant species to possums. F. Mallinson; G. Hickling 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 25. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 146K)

24. Heath rush, an unwanted weed in Fiordland. P.N. Johnson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 24. 5 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 165K)

23. DNA fingerprinting studies of teals and ducks. D. Lambert 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 23. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF,  461K)

22. Ruapekapeka Pa management. P.W. Woods 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 22. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 172K)

21. Effects of Roundup® and Pulse® on aquatic ecosystems. R.J. Wilcock 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 21. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 119K)

20. An assessment of the current status of kamahi forest in the Kaitake Range, Egmont National Park. B. Clarkson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 20. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 127K)

19. Monitoring and survey methodology for black mudfish. D. Rowe 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 19. 2 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 98K)

18. Management options for dwarf inanga. D. Rowe 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 18. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 159K)

17. Shellfish monitoring: Maketu estuary. S.F. Thrush 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 17. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 112)

16. Oreti - Von kettleholes: Botanical report. P.N. Johnson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 16. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 442K)

15. Possum control operations in Northland in the 1970s and 1980s and their impacts on kiwi. A.N.J. Gardiner 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 15. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 476K)

14. Mecodema chiltoni Broun: An assessment of the priority for conservation. B.I.P. Barratt 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 14. 43 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 478K)
Part 2: (PDF, 278K)
Part 3: (PDF, 313K)
Part 4: (PDF, 504K)

13. Status and monitoring of marine shags in Otago Conservancy, with recommendations on research needs. C. Lalas 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 13. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 213K)

12. Recommendations for managing Northland kokako. N. Miller 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 12. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 764K)

11. Management of native orchids, Lake Ohia, Northland. B. Molloy 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 11. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 314K)

10. Comment on proposed experimental control of wasps on Tuhua island using 1% 1080 in water. E.B. Spurr 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 10. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 281K)

9. Pingao on Otago Peninsula: Botanical report. P.N. Johnson 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 9. 14 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 188K)

8. Gorse and wilding pine management, proposed additions Maungatua scientific reserve. R.B. Allen 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 8. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 412K)

7. ECNZ Marsden `A' power station: Assessment of environmental effects: October 1992. N. Thom 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 7. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 104K)

6. Matai Bay Department of Conservation camp: Defoliation of amenity plantings. D.A. Bartram 1993. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 6. 13 p. (Out of print). (PDF, 1024K)

5. Ecological restoration of Mana Island: threatened plants. I.A.E. Atkinson 1992. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 5. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 142K)

4. Forest and scrub vegetation, east branch Tokomairiro River. R.B. Allen 1992. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 4. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 79K)

3. Feeding by captive Kaka on baits used in 1080-poisoning operations. E.B. Spurr 1992. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 3. 3 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 91K)

2. Questions on brodifacoum. C.T. Eason 1992. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 2. 2 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 86K)

1. Underwater noise from tourist operations. R. Marrett 1992. Conservation Advisory Science Notes 1. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 157K)