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Science and Research Series archive.

103. Island management and commercial sponsorship: the Mercury Islands experience. D. Townes; T. Stephens 1997. Science & Research Series 103. (Out of print.) (PDF, 436K)

102. Formation, landforms, and palaeoenvironment of Matakana Island and implications for archaeology. M.J. Shepherd; B.G. McFadgen; H.D. Betts; D.G. Sutton 1997. Science & Research Series 102. (Out of print.) (PDF, 6,439K)

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Part 1: (PDF, 530K)
Part 2: (PDF, 461K)
Part 3: (PDF, 519K)
Part 4: (PDF, 452K)
Part 5: (PDF, 459K)
Part 6: (PDF, 452K)
Part 7: (PDF, 505K)
Part 8: (PDF, 346K)
Part 9: (PDF, 483K)
Part 10: (PDF, 293K)
Part 11: (PDF, 591K)
Part 12: (PDF, 584K)
Part 13: (PDF, 462K)
Part 14: (PDF, 492K)

101. Southern Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora epomophora census on Campbell Island, 4 January - 6 February 1996, and a review of population figures.  P.J. Moore; J.J. Scott; L.J. Joyce; M. Peart 1997. Science & Research Series 101. 27 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 931K)

100. Preliminary results of a Southern Royal Albatross Diomedea epomorpha epomorpha census, Campbell Island, 12 January - 10 February 1995. P.J Moore; S.M. Waugh; C. West; G. Mitchell 1997. Science & Research Series 100. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 268K)

99. Preliminary studies of Chatham Island tui: January 1995 population status and aspects of ecology. P.J. Dilks; J. Kearvell 1996. Science & Research Series 99. (Out of print.) (PDF, 533K)

98. Assessment of the weed control programme on Raoul Island, Kermadec Group. C.J. West 1996. Science & Research Series 98. 100 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 2534K)

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Part 1: (PDF, 455K)
Part 2: (PDF, 444K)
Part 3: (PDF, 401K)
Part 4: (PDF, 456K)
Part 5: (PDF, 444K)
Part 6: (PDF, 305K)

97. Canoeing and crowding on the Whanganui River. G. Cessford 1996. Science & Research Series 97. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 328K)
Part 2: (PDF, 303K)
Part 3: (PDF, 397K)
Part 4: (PDF, 365K)
Part 5: (PDF, 461K)
Part 6: (PDF, 518K)
Part 7: (PDF, 524K)
Part 8: (PDF, 503K)
Part 9: (PDF, 426K)
Part 10: (PDF, 398K)
Part 11: (PDF, 402K)

96. Tourist visitors and their experiences at New Zealand subantarctic islands. G.R. Cessford; P.R. Dingwall 1996. Science & Research Series 96. 68 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 425K)
Part 2: (PDF, 509K)
Part 3: (PDF, 376K)
Part 4: (PDF, 507K)

95. Conservation benefits of public visits to protected islands. G.R. Cessford 1995. Science & Research Series 95. 62 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 221K)
Part 2: (PDF, 509K)
Part 3: (PDF, 362K)

94. Preliminary report of the flora and fauna of Fanal Island, Mokohinau Islands Nature Reserve. P. de Lange; I. McFadden; E.K. Cameron 1995. Science & Research Series 94. 20 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 294K)

93. Off-road mountain biking: a profile of participants and their recreation setting and experience preferences. G.R. Cessford 1995. Science & Research Series 93. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 380K)
Part 2: (PDF, 508K)
Part 3: (PDF, 524K)
Part 4: (PDF, 532K)
Part 5: (PDF, 476K)
Part 6: (PDF, 328K

92. Off-road impacts of mountain bikes: a review and discussion. G.R. Cessford 1995. Science & Research Series 92. (Out of print.) (PDF, 498K)

91. Ecology and breeding biology of kukupa (Hemiphaga novaseelandiae) in Northland. R.J. Pierce; P.J. Graham 1995. Science & Research Series 91. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 410K)
Part 2: (PDF, 248K)

90. Archaeological site stabilisation and vegetation management. Case studies II: Auckland and Northland, Otago and Canterbury, and Wellington. K.L. Jones; P.G. Simpson 1995. Science & Research Series 90. 112 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 547K)
Part 2: (PDF, 483K)
Part 3: (PDF, 496K)
Part 4: (PDF, 407K)
Part 5: (PDF, 494K)
Part 6: (PDF, 295K)
Part 7: (PDF, 381K)
Part 8: (PDF, 366K)
Part 9: (PDF, 323K)
Part 10: (PDF, 512K)
Part 11: (PDF, 456K)
Part 12: (PDF, 458K)
Part 13: (PDF, 450K)
Part 14: (PDF, 360K)

89. Ka pakihi whakatekateka o waitaha: The archaeology of Canterbury in Maori times. A.J. Challis 1995. Science & Research Series 89. 118 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 348K)
Part 2: (PDF, 499K)
Part 3: (PDF, 364K)
Part 4: (PDF, 479K)
Part 5: (PDF, 497K)

88. Preliminary results and observations on North Island kokako productivity and ecology at Mapara Wildlife Reserve, King Country, July 1993 - June 1994. I. Flux; P. Bradfield; S. Clegg 1995. Science & Research Series 88. (Out of print.) (PDF, 315K)

87. Report on bird banding in New Zealand 1992 - 1993. R.O. Cossee. 1995. Science & Research Series 87. (Out of print.) (PDF, 424K)

86. The blue penguin (Eudyptala minor) at Taiaroa Head, Otago, 1992-1993. L. Perriman; B. McKinlay 1995. Science & Research Series 86. (Out of print.) (PDF, 356K)

85. Preliminary results and observations on North Island kokako productivity and ecology at Mapara Wildlife Reserve July 1992 - June 1993. I. Flux; P. Bradfield; S. Clegg 1994. Science & Research Series 85. 21 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 454K)

84. Archaeological site stabilisation and vegetation management. Case Studies I: Coromandel, Bay of Plenty and Hawke's Bay, Central Volcanic Plateau and Taranaki. K.L. Jones; P.G. Simpson 1995. Science & Research Series 84. (Out of print.) (PDF, 9375K

83. Yellow-eyed penguin foraging study, south-eastern New Zealand, 1991 - 1993. P.J. Moore; M. Wakelin; M.E. Douglas; B. McKinlay; D. Nelson; B. Murphy 1994. Science & Research Series 83. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 481K)
Part 2: (PDF, 389K)

82. Some aspects of the ecology and breeding biology of parea on southern Chatham Island, July 1993 - April 1994. A. Grant; P. Dilks; I. Flux; M. Bell; R. Powlesland 1995. Science & Research Series 82. 30 p. (Out of print.)

81. Women's involvement in conservation II: a report on a conference to involve women in the wider community in conservation. L. Jowett; P. Duncan; M. O'Brien 1995. Science & Research Series 81. (Out of print.) (PDF, 319K)

80. Women's involvement in conservation I: a focus on Department of Conservation staff. M. O'Brien 1995. Science & Research Series 80. (Out of print.) (PDF, 546K)

79. Community perspectives of riparian management: A case study in Marlborough. M. O'Brien 1995. Science & Research Series 79. (Out of print.) (PDF, 483K)

78. Wandering albatross on Adams Island: census, nesting data, and body measurements, February 1993. K. Walker; G. Elliot; A. Davis; P. McClelland 1994. Science & Research Series 78. (Out of print.) (PDF, 609K)

77. Ecological research and monitoring of the protected grasshopper Brachaspis robustus in the Mackenzie Basin. E.G. White 1994. Science & Research Series 77. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 432K)
Part 2: (PDF, 494K)
Part 3: (PDF, 522K

76. Some preliminary results and observations on North Island kokako productivity and ecology at Mapara Wildlife Reserve, King Country, July 1991 - June 1992. I. Flux; P. Bradfield; S. Clegg; G. Sherley 1994. Science & Research Series 76. (Out of print.) (PDF, 391K

75. Distribution, conservation status and some features of the natural history of Dorcus stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). G. Sherley; C. Green; K. Owen 1994. Science & Research Series 75. (Out of print.) (PDF, 526K)

74. The Maketu Marae totara whakatupuranga, Kawhia. P.G. Simpson 1994. Science & Research Series 74. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1272K)

Part 1: (PDF, 450K)
Part 2: (PDF, 869K)

73. Vegetation recovery following fire in the Whangamarino wetland. B.R. Clarkson; E.A. Stanway 1994. Science & Research Series 73. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 533K)

72. Botanical ranking for nature conservation. W.B. Shaw 1994. Science & Research Series 72. (Out of print.) (PDF, 162K)

71. Fluoride in New Zealand birds: a review. C.J.R. Robertson; J.W Lock 1994. Science & Research Series 71. (Out of print.) (PDF, 809K)

Part 1: (PDF, 385K)
Part 2: (PDF, 468K)

70. Using brodifacoum to eradicate kiore (Rattus exulans) from Burgess Island and The Knights Group of the Mokohinau Islands. I. McFadden; T. Green 1994. Science & Research Series 70. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 193K)

69. Whitebait spawning ground management. C.P. Mitchell 1994. Science & Research Series 69. (Out of print.) (PDF, 863K)

Part 1: (PDF, 450K)
Part 2: (PDF, 447K)

68. Edmonds Ruins, Kerikeri Inlet, Bay of Islands: the stone structures and the artefact assemblage. A.J. Challis 1994. Science & Research Series 68. 93 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 2837K)

Part 1: (PDF, 504K)
Part 2: (PDF, 557K)
Part 3: (PDF, 498K)
Part 4: (PDF, 497K)
Part 5: (PDF, 486K)
Part 6: (PDF, 528K)

67. Recognition of ephemeral wetlands from their plant species assemblages. C. Ogle 1994. Science & Research Series 67. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 154K)

66. Some aspects of the ecology and breeding biology of parea on southern Chatham Island, July 1992 - April 1993. A. Grant; I. Flux; P. Dilks; R. Powlesland 1994. Science & Research Series 66. 33 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1298K

Part 1: (PDF, 612K)
Part 2: (PDF, 543K)
Part 3: (PDF, 419K)

65. Report on a tuna long-lining fishing voyage aboard Southern Venture to observe seabird by-catch problems. M.J. Imber 1994. Science & Research Series 65. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 221K)

64. Hawkdun Ecological District invertebrate survey. B. Patrick 1994. Science & Research Series 64. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 375K)  

63. Sources for the archaeology of the Maori settlement of the Taamaki volcanic district. S. Bulmer 1994. Science & Research Series 63. 76 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 387K)
Part 2: (PDF, 388K)

62. A trial to determine whether kaka consume carrot baits, Kapiti Island, May 1993. B.D. Lloyd; K. Hackwell 1993. Science & Research Series 62. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 349K)

61. Volcanic hazard management in Tongariro National Park. R.L. Montgomery; J.R. Keys 1993. Science & Research Series 61. 11 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 305K)

60. Flow preferences of aquatic invertebrates in the Tongariro River. K.J. Collier 1993. Science & Research Series 60. 58 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 2267K)

Part 1: (PDF, 427K)
Part 2: (PDF, 434K)
Part 3: (PDF, 584K)
Part 4: (PDF, 437K)
Part 5: (PDF, 574K)

59. Report on bird banding in New Zealand 1991 - 1992. R.O. Cossee 1993. Science & Research Series 59. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1895K)

Part 1: (PDF, 694K)
Part 2: (PDF, 611K)
Part 3: (PDF, 355K)
Part 4: (PDF, 335K)

58. Towards a protocol for assessing the natural value of New Zealand rivers. K.J. Collier 1993. Science & Research Series 58. 58 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 927K)

Part 1: (PDF, 367K)
Part 2: (PDF, 648K)

57. Effect of sphagnum harvesting on invertebrate species diversity and community size. M.D. Sanders; M.J. Winterbourn 1993. Science & Research Series 57. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 521K)

56. Site records compiled during the development of the coastal sensitivity index. J.G. Gibb; A.T. Sheffield; G.A. Foster 1993. Science & Research Series 56. 140 p. (Out of print.)

55. A standardised coastal sensitivity index based on an initial framework for physical coastal hazards information. J. Gibb; A. Sheffield; G. Foster 1993. Science & Research Series 55. 101 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 4227K)

Part 1: (PDF, 561K)
Part 2: (PDF, 634K)
Part 3: (PDF, 469K)
Part 4: (PDF, 502K)
Part 5: (PDF, 613K)
Part 6: (PDF, 755K)
Part 7: (PDF, 555K)
Part 8: (PDF, 893K)

54. Experimental eradication of feral cats (Felis catus), from Matakohe (Limestone) Island, Whangarei Harbour. B.K. Clapperton; C.T. Eason; R.J. Pierce 1992. Science & Research Series 54. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 122K)

53. An evaluation framework for the New Zealand coastal policy statement. A.D. Meister; D.J. Rosier 1992. Science & Research Series 53. 38 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 375K)

52. Effects of whale-watching vessels on the surface and underwater acoustic behaviour of sperm whales off Kaikoura, New Zealand. J. Gordon; R. Leaper; F.G. Hartley; O. Chappell 1992. Science & Research Series 52. 64 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 461K)
Part 2: (PDF, 384K)

51. Impacts of marine reserves on fisheries: a report and review of the literature. R.J. Rowley 1992. Science & Research Series 51. 50 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 311K)

50. Freshwater macroinvertebrates of potential conservation interest. K.J. Collier 1992. Science & Research Series 50. 45 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 258K)

49. Report on bird banding in New Zealand 1990 - 1991. R.O. Cossee 1992. Science & Research Series 49. 29 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 145K)

48. Changes in the grey-faced petrel population on Moutohora (Whale Island) 1982-1991. M. Harrison 1992. Science & Research Series 48. 19 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 262K)

47. Whale responses to anthropogenic sounds: a literature review. R.R. Reeves 1992. Science & Research Series 47. 47 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 261K)

46. Eradication of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) on Kapiti Island, New Zealand: techniques and methods. G.R. Sherley 1992. Science & Research Series 46. 35 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 344K)

45. A review of archaeological site records for the Canterbury region. A.J. Challis 1992. Science & Research Series 45. 20 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 343K)

44. A landform classification for PNA survey in eastern Southern Alps. I.E. Whitehouse; L.R. Basher; P.J. Tonkin 1992. Science & Research Series 44. 40 p. (Out of print.)

43. Archaeological research and management strategy: the Nelson - Marlborough region. A.J. Challis 1991. Science & Research Series 43. 41 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 718K)

42. Parting the waters: a journey to Tairawhiti (a personal view). 1st ed.  P. Simpson 1991. Science & Research Series 42. 9 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 136K)

41. A bicultural partnership for Te Waihora (Lake Ellesmere): a case study in management planning. B. James 1991. Science & Research Series 41. 32 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 195K)

40. Aquatic invertebrates of Ngaruroro River, Hawke's Bay. K.J. Collier; P. Henriques 1991. Science & Research Series 40. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 552K)

39. Canada geese feeding on farmland in North Canterbury high country. K.J. Potts; J.J. Andrew 1991. Science & Research Series 39. 22 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 341K)

38. Conservation and management of the whitebait fishery. R.M. McDowall 1991. Science & Research Series 38. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 228K)

37. Research directions for conservation science? B.G. McFadgen; P. Simpson 1991. Science & Research Series 37. 81 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 567K)

36. Distribution of blue duck in New Zealand from 1980 - 1991. D.M. Cunningham 1991. Science & Research Series 36. 101 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 212K)

35. Questions on the harvesting of toroa in the Chatham Islands. C.J.R. Robertson 1991. Science & Research Series 35. 105 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1357K)

34. Ecological corridors: an assessment. C.D. Thomas 1991. Science & Research Series 34. 57 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 371K)

33. Report on bird banding in New Zealand. R.O. Cossee; M. Wakelin 1991. Science & Research Series 33. 26 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 134K)

32. Insects of Dansey Ecological District. B.H. Patrick 1991. Science & Research Series 32. 21 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 702K)

31. Conservation guidelines for assessing the potential impacts of wastewater discharges to wetlands. J.G. Cooke 1991. Science & Research Series 31. 49 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 314K)

30. Bibliography of Te Urewera. W.B. Shaw; K. Thompson; G.A. Steward 1991. Science & Research Series 30. 91 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 71K)

29. An analysis of the New Zealand whale stranding record. M.W. Brabyn 1991. Science & Research Series 29. 47 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1278K)

28. Recent vegetation history of Mana Island: palynological investigations. P.I. Chester 1991. Science & Research Series 28. 46 p. (Out of print.)

27. An analysis of the information requirements of the Department of Conservation. Part 1. An information map. M. Harrison 1991. Science & Research Series 27. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 272K)

26. Lake Taupo trout production: a four year study of the rainbow trout fishery of Lake Taupo, New Zealand. M. Cryer 1991. Science & Research Series 26. 191 p. (Out of print.)

25. Social science research skills: where to find them. H.M. Adcock 1991. Science & Research Series 25. 62 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 193K)

24. Birdlife of Nelson Lakes National Park, South Island, New Zealand. D. Butler 1991. Science & Research Series 24. 95 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 3067K)

23. Public participation in management planning: an investigation of participants' views and experiences. B. James 1990. Science & Research Series 23. 65 p. (Out of print.)< (PDF, K538)

22. Project Conservation: a sociological evaluation of a community participation and educational programme. B. James 1990. Science & Research Series 22. 144 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 535K)

21. Archaeological investigations at site R11/1519, Cryers Road, East Tamaki, Auckland, New Zealand. E.P. Visser; C.F.K. Frederickson 1990. Science & Research Series 21. 139 p. (Out of print.)

20. Vascular flora of Lake Wairarapa and its adjacent wetlands. C. Ogle; T. Moss; T. Druce 1990. Science & Research Series 20. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 859K)

19. Report on bird banding in New Zealand 1988 - 1989. R.O. Cossee 1989. Science & Research Series 19. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 416K)

18. Strategies for New Zealand archaeology. B. Sheppard 1989. Science & Research Series 18. 10 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 123K)

17. A habitat study of North Island kokako in Puketi Forest, Northland. H.A. Best; P.J. Bellingham 1990. Science & Research Series 17. 25 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 827K)

16. Flow management in the Tongariro River. R.T.T. Stephens 1989. Science & Research Series 16. 115 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 2161K)

15. Fishes of the Te Arai River. R.T.T. Stephens 1989. Science & Research Series 15. 7 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 170K)

14. Weeds in New Zealand Protected Natural Areas: a review for the Department of Conservation. P.A. Williams; S.M. Timmins 1990. Science & Research Series 14. 114 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 831K)  

13. A literature review of visitors to the conservation estate with special reference to under-represented groups. K.L. Booth 1989. Science & Research Series 13. 110 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1145K)

12. Aquatic invertebrates in two Canterbury rivers related to bird feeding and water development impacts. K.F.D. Hughey; B.R. Fraser; L.G. Hudson 1989. Science & Research Series 12. 65 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 418K)
Part 2: (PDF, 427K)
Part 3: (PDF, 426K)

11. Whakapapa area economic benefits study, winter 1985 and summer 1985/86. P.W.J. Clough; A.D. Meister 1989. Science & Research Series 11. 100 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 913K)

10. A method for assessing upland game habitat: California quail in Central Otago. C.C. Ogle; T.A. Caithness 1989. Science & Research Series 10. 27 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1091K)

9. A survey of California quail in Kaingaroa State Forest. M. Harrison 1989. Science & Research Series 9. 40 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1222K)

8. The foods of California quail in Kaingaroa State Forest Park. T.A. Caithness; A.E. Fitzgerald; P. Jansen 1989. Science & Research Series 8. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1149K

7. Re-constructing earthworks fortifications in New Zealand: an example from the Western Ureweras, New Zealand. K.L. Jones 1989. Science & Research Series 7. 17 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 866K)

6. Conservation research skills: where to find them. H.M. Adcock; W.M. McEwen 1988. Science & Research Series 6. 180 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 422K)

5. An open settlement in Tamaki, Auckland, New Zealand. R.S. Foster; B. Sewell 1989. Science & Research Series 5. 71 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 1786K)

4. A method for quantifying habitat use by forest birds. C.F.J. O'Donnell; P.J. Dilks 1988. Science & Research Series 4. 20 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 716K)

3. The feral goats of Auckland Islands National Reserve: some observations from a field trip in January 1987. G.H. Sherley 1988. Science & Research Series 3. 13 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 259K)

2. Wildlife and wildlife habitat of Hawke's Bay rivers. G.R. Parrish 1988. Science & Research Series 2. 42 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 313K)

1. Mapping the distribution of forest birds. C.F.J. O'Donnell; P.J. Dilks 1988. Science & Research Series 1. 15 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 693K)