Yellow sponge at Horoirangi Marine Reserve



Horoirangi Marine Reserve lies north of Nelson city along the eastern side of Tasman Bay/Te Tai-o-Aorere. The reserve is a great place for walking, exploring the intertidal zone, snorkelling, diving, kayaking and boating.

For boundaries, tide and other information download the MarineMate app.

View maps and boundaries of Horoirangi Marine Reserve.

Ngati Tama welcomes you:

Nau mai ’aere mai, e ngā manu’iri o ngā ’au e w’ā
Welcome to all people from all four winds

Mai i te ’au kāinga o tenei ro’e me kii ko Ngāti Tama o Wakapuaka
From us, the home people of Ngāti Tama of Wakapuaka.

Mai i rānō he ka’a te ’ononga i waenganui i te Iwi Māori me te ao tūturu.
For all time the link between Māori people and the natural world has been strong.

E w’akanui ana tātou i a Tangaroa me ngā tini rawa o te moana.
We respect Tangaroa and the multitude of his resources.

Engari kua moumoutia e tātou aua rawa, kia ā’ua ngaro ’aere ai.
But we have wasted these resources, and some are disappearing.

Me w’akarerekë i ērā tikanga, me ma’i ta’i tātou w’akaora ai i ngā tamariki a Tangaroa
Let’s change these ways, and work in unison to restore Tangaroa’s children

kia rite anō ki ngā rā o ō tātou tūpuna,
to what they were in the time of our ancestors,

mau tonu ai mō ngā w’akatupuranga e ’eke mai nei.
and retain them for the generations to come.

Find things to do and places to stay Horoirangi Marine Reserve

For bird watchers, variable oyster catchers and blue penguins nest along the rocky shoreline. Over winter, spotted shags roost on the rocky crags at Ataata Point.

Protect our marine reserves
  • No fishing of any kind.
  • Don't take or kill marine life.
  • Don't remove or disturb any marine life or materials.
  • Don't feed fish - it disturbs their natural behaviour.
  • Take care when anchoring to avoid damaging the sea floor.


Whakatū/Nelson Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 546 9339
Address Millers Acre/Taha o te Awa
1/37 Halifax Street
Nelson 7010
Hours Visitor centre hours and services

Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 521 1806
Address View Road
St Arnaud 7072
Hours Visitor centre hours and services
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