Māori sites
Trace our heritage back through the large collection of Māori sites we manage.We manage around 10,000 Māori sites
DOC manages around 10,000 Māori sites, ranging from sites of earliest Polynesian settlement to nineteenth-century Māori economic, spiritual and military sites.
All these sites are protected from development pressures and from avoidable harm, which makes them a key national collection.
- Akeake Historic Reserve
- Arai-te-Uru Recreation Reserve
- Bream Head and Busby Head Scenic Reserves, 13th – 19th century
- Cape Brett track, Deep Water Cove
- Cape Reinga/Te Rerenga Wairua
- Far North Dunes, 13th-20th century
- Flagstaff Hill Historic Reserve, Maiki
- Harata (Paroa) Pa Historic Reserve
- Kahuwhera Pa Historic Reserve
- Kororipo Heritage Park
- Mahinepua Peninsula
- Marsden Cross Historic Reserve, Oihi , pre-1814
- Mimiwhangata Coastal Park, 13th – 19th century
- Mokaikai Recreation Reserve, Nga Iwi o Tuararoa Complex
- Motuarohia Island Scenic Reserve
- Motukawanui Island Scenic Reserve
- Motukiore Island Recreation Reserve, 17th – 19th century
- Moturua Island Scenic Reserve, Hikurangi Pa, 13th century
- Muiata Pa Historic Reserve
- Nga Iwi o Tuararoa Complex, Mokaikai Recreation Reserve
- Okuratope Pa Historic Reserve
- Otaika Valley Wild Management Reserve, 15th-19th century
- Paetotara Pa Complex, Te Paki Farm Park
- Paparahi Pa
- Puwheke Scenic Reserve
- Ranfurly Bay
- Rangikapiti Pa Historic Reserve
- Ruapekapeka Pa Historic Reserve
- St Pauls Rock (Ohakiri) Historic Reserve
- Tapeka Pa Historic Reserve
- Taumarumaru Complex
- Taumatawhana/Tomoatawhana, Te Ramanuka
- Tauroa Point midden, 13th – 20th century
- Te Paki Farm Park & Recreation Reserve
- Te Ramanuka, Taumatawhana/Tomoatawhana
- Urupukapuka Island Recreation Reserve
- Waewaetoria Island Recreation Reserve
- Waikare Pa Historic Reserve
- Waipoua State Forest, Waipoua Forest, 1400
- Waitata Point Historic Reserve
- Whangaruru North Head Scenic Reserve, 14th – 19th century
- Browns Island archaeological landscape, c. 13th century – 1820s
- Burton Wells Historic Reserve, c. 16th-19th centuries
- Casnell Island Pa (Maunganui) , c. 16th–18th centuries
- Haratonga, Great Barrier Island, pa site t8/2, c.16th-19th centuries
- Kawau archaeological landscape, c. 15th century - 1840
- Little Barrier/Te Maraeroa Flats, c. 14th century - 1897
- Matietie Historic Reserve, c. 14th – 19th centuries
- Motutapu archaeological landscape, c. 13th century – 1840
- Maungauika/North Head Historic Reserve, c. 13th century – 1860s
- Okiwi, Great Barrier Island, pa site, s8/34, c. 19th century
- Okiwi, Great Barrier Island, pa site, s8/35, c.16th-19th centuries
- Raoul Island East Polynesian archaeological landscape, c. 14th–18th centuries
- Sadler Point Pa (Waiaro), c. 16th -1827
- Taupo Pa, c. 16th century - 1969
- Ti Point Pa, c. 16th-18th centuries
- Tiritiri Matangi Island archaeological landscape, c. 13th century – 1850s
- Waitete Pa (Waiau Pa Historic Reserve), 1835-1844
- Whangapoua, Great Barrier Island, pa site s8/19, c.16th-19th centuries
- Whangateau marginal strip, c. 19th century
- Aotea Scientific Reserve, Aotea Harbour, 1400
- Awaroa Māori rock drawings, 1750
- Horoure Pa
- Kakepuku Mountain Historic Reserve, Te Awamutu, 1650
- Kauri Pa
- Meremere Redoubt
- Opapaka Pa, Waitomo, 1700
- Opera Point Pa Historic Site, Coromandel Peninsula, 1700
- Opito Point Pa Historic Site, Coromandel Peninsula, 1600
- Otautu Pa Historic Reserve (headland pa), Coleville, 1700
- Puketapu Pa Historic Reserve, King Country,1750
- Puraho Pa Historic Reserve, Aotea Harbour – South side, 1700
- Smith Historic Reserve (pa), Thames, 1700
- Taniwha Pa Historic Reserve, Taniwha, 1800
- Te Mautohe Pa, Cathedral Cove
- Te Pare Historic Reserve (headland pa), Coromandel Peninsula, 1650
- Te Puia Historic Reserve (ridge pa), Coromandel Peninsula, 1700
- Te Teoteo’s Pa, Whangamarino, 1650
- Te Toto Gorge Complex, south of Raglan, 1650
- Whangamarino Redoubt
- Whiritoa rock art and pa, Whiritoa Beach, 1800
- Whitianga Rock Historic Reserve (headland pa), Coromandel Peninsula, 1600
Bay of Plenty
- Matata Scenic Reserve
- Matekerepu Historic Reserve
- Maungaruahine Pa Historic Reserve
- Moutohora, Raetihi pa/ Kumara gardens
- Ohope Scenic Reserve
- Paparoa Pa Historic Reserve, Paparoa pa/ Mōtū o rei pa
- Tarawera rock art
- Tauwhare Pa Scenic Reserve, 1610
- Te Ikawhenua fieldcentre, Rangitaiki artefacts, 1800
- Te Paripari Pa Historic Reserve, 1865
- Te Tapiri Pa, 1865
- Tokitoki Historic Reserve, Tokitoki Midden, 1315
- Tongariro National Park
East Coast/Hawke’s Bay
- Heipipi Pa (titi-o-hawea) Historic Reserve
- Hine Rae Historic Reserve
- Opou covenant
- Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, 1430-1640
- Rangitoto Pa covenant
- Tiwaewae Memorial Historic Reserve
- Tutira Domain
- Waiotahi Historic Reserve
- Whakaari Pa/whaling station
- Awa-te-take Pa Historic Reserve, Waitara
- Kaukore waterwheel and water race, Whanganui River, 1854
- Kawana mill and cottage, Whanganui River, 1854
- Kawau Pa Historic Reserve, northern Taranaki
- Ngangana Pa, Waitara
- Okoki Pa Historic Reserve, Urenui (Sir Peter Buck memorial)
- Pararoa Pa, Katere Scenic Reserve, New Plymouth
- Pou Tehia Historic Reserve, Tongapurutu
- Pukemiro Historic Reserve, Urenui
- Pukerangiora Pa Historic Reserve, Waitara
- Puketakauere Historic Reserve, Waitara
- Puketarata-Parihamore Historic Reserve, New Plymouth
- Tapuinikau Pa Historic Reserve
- Tataraimaka Pa historic reserve, Oakura
- Taumata Historic Reserve, Taumata, 1854/1920
- Te Rau o te Huia Historic Reserve
- Te Urinui Historic Reserve, Urenui
- Waitaha Pa, Whanganui (very old pa)
- Whatarangi Pa, inland Taranaki
- Mahoetahi Historic Reserve, Bell Block-New Plymouth
- J.R. Barker Hapupu National Historic Reserve, Chatham Islands
- Lake Kairae Historic Reserve, Chatham Islands
- Mana Island, Mana Island habitation sites, 1500
- Matiu/Somes Island, Te Moana-a-kura Pa, 1500
- Taia Historic Reserve, Chatham Islands, pre 1769
- Te Kahu o Terangi, Kapiti Island 1832
- Kupe's Sail, Wairarapa, c1100
- Whitireia Park, pre 1769
Chatham Islands
- Bark Bay archaeological site, 1500
- Crail Bay pits, 1600
- Horahora Kakahu , 1840
- Kaikoura Pa, 1600
- Karaka Point Pa, 1600
- Moioio Island, 1600
- Nga Niho Pa, 1825
- Parapara Spit, 1500
- Pariwhakatau Pa, 1600
- Peketā Pa, 1550
- Puponga farm park archaeological sites, 1500
- Sawpit Point archaeological sites, 1400
- Titirangi farm park archaeological sites, 1150
- Wairau Bar archaeological sites, 1250
- Waitui gardens, 1500
- Whangamoa Spit archaeological site, 1300
West Coast
- Heaphy River mouth
- Cave Stream Scenic Reserve, Cave Stream rock art shelter
- Craigmore (ppl), Craigmore rock art site (administered by NZHPT)
- Frenchman's Gully (ppl), Frenchman's Gully rock art site (administered by NZHPT)
- Kura Tawhiti/Castle Hill Conservation Area, rock art shelter
- Onawe Pa Historic Reserve, Onawe Pa (vested in Ngai Tahu)
- Oruaka Pa Historic Reserve, Oruaka Pa (vested in Ngai Tahu)
- Raincliff Historic Reserve, rock art shelter
- Te Puke-ki-Waitahu Historic Reserve
- Weka Pass Historic Reserve, rock art shelter
- Mapoutahi Pa Historic Reserve, 1750
- Nenthorn Conservation Area, rock shelter, 1350
- Onewhenua Historic Reserve, 1350
- Te Umu Kuri Historic Reserve, 1831
- Enderby Island Māori occupation (1200 ad), Auckland Islands
- Indian Island occupation site, Tamatea/Dusky Sound
- Port Pegasus Māori occupation site, Stewart Island
- Round Island occupation site, Preservation Inlet
- Te Wera settlement, bluff
Further reading
Davidson, J. (1984) The Prehistory of New Zealand (Longman Paul Ltd).
Houghton, Phillip. (1980). The First New Zealanders. (Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland).