
View the map & boundaries of the Waiau Glacier Coast Marine Reserve.

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GPS points

Waiau Glacier Coast Marine Reserve map.

View a larger, print-fomatted map of Waiau Glacier Coast Marine Reserve (PDF, 1024K)

Marine reserve boundary GPS points

C 43° 12' 31.591" S 170° 05' 31.383" E
D 43° 13' 55.421" S 170° 07' 57.985" E
E 43° 17' 24.063" S 170° 03' 57.207" E
F 43° 17' 42.377" S 170° 03' 44.775" E
B 43° 16' 41.897" S 170° 00' 22.859" E
A 43° 18' 13.648" S 170° 02' 08.785" E
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