Recommended best practice for designing instream structures to provide for fish passage.
New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines.
This is an app and website to record and assess instream structures and their impact on fish passage. The information is also added to a database that is accessible to the public.
The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) has endorsed this tool, is encouraging its use and is hosting and supporting its improvement and maintenance.
Fish Passage Assessment Tool (FPAT).
Here's a basic user guide factsheet and a video on freshwater fish, the problem with in-stream barriers and how to use the fish passage assessment tool.
A guide to using FPAT factsheet (PDF, 2,208K)
Fish Passage Assessment Tool (FPAT) video.
Additional guidance is available on the Ministry for the Environment's fish passage hub on how to use this tool to meet the requirements under the fish passage NPS-FM and NES-F.
These case studies provide examples of a range of fish passage problems and solutions at different structures. They provide information and guidance on how different approaches were designed and installed, monitoring results, and lessons learnt.
These are some great resources that can be used to learn more about fish passage.