
Complete this form to apply to be a volunteer hut warden for Packhorse or Ōtamahua Huts.

Privacy disclosure: To process your request or information, we need to collect personal information about you. We'll only use your information for this purpose and we'll follow the principles of the Privacy Act 2020. See our privacy and security statement.

Preferred hut and dates

List your preferred hut and date options. You can include both huts in your list.

Contact details

Personal details

Are you older than 18 years of age?

Emergency contact

For international volunteers, add a New Zealand contact if available.

Medical conditions

Are there any medical conditions that would affect your ability to do the tasks required?


You must have a medium level of fitness to volunteer for this activity. Do not apply if you do not meet the criteria. You could put your life and that of others at peril if you do not meet the criteria.

My fitness level

Licences and certificates

Do you have any licences or certificates relevant to this volunteer activity?

Relevant skills and experience

DOC will only be considering applicants with significant tramping and backcountry experience.

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