
NZCA Chair, Edward Ellison ONZM, gives an update on the latest meeting.

New Zealand Conservation Authority meeting June 2024

The Authority held its latest meeting on 20 and 21 June at the Conservation House in Wellington. The Authority welcomed two new members, Mick Abbott of Waitati and Puna Wano-Bryant of Waitara, we are pleased to have them on-board. I would also like to acknowledge outgoing member Robin McNeill; the Authority are most grateful for Robin’s expertise and contributions over the past years.

A highlight of the meeting was our korero with Hon Tama Potaka, Minister of Conservation. Also during the meeting, the Authority received many valuable updates from the Department, and held discussions over a variety of topics, including: the Department’s application to release of biocontrol agents ragwort plume moth and ragwort plume beetle into Mount Aspiring National Park, to control ragwort; and the proposed additions to Abel Tasman National Park. In regard to the latter, the Authority will undertake consultation over the next months, that aims to represent the views of mana whenua and the local Conservation Board in their recommendation to the Minister of Conservation.

Minister of Conservation session

Hon Tama Potaka, Minister of Conservation, met with the Authority for the first time. The hui was an opportunity for the Authority to outline its role, functions and key priorities, and for the Minister to introduce himself to the Authority and communicate his current main areas of focus. Discussions on the concerning legislative changes and the lack of sufficient fundings towards conservation mahi were also held. The session was positive and productive. The Minister expressed his interest in cooperating with the Authority, and the members are looking forward to working closely with him for the duration of his term. 

D-G and DD-G strategic session

Ruth Isaac (DD-G Policy and Regulatory Services) led the first half of this session, and provided the Authority with an update on Regulatory Services. Ruth presented the Regulatory Services team’s current areas of focus; she also discussed the processing of permissions and the wider management planning system.

Penny Nelson (Director-General) led the second half of the session and provided an overview of the savings and efficiency work the Department have recently been undertaking. Constructive discussions on Stewardship Land and the Fast Track Approvals Bill were also held. Penny acknowledged the importance of the role of the Authority and encouraged the members to work closely with the Minister going forward.

Treaty Settlement End-to-End Review

Peter Galvin (Director Treaty Negotiations and Land, DOC) presented to the Authority the Treaty Settlement End-to-End review, which analyses all steps of the Treaty Settlements process. The Department aims to review and improve the Treaty settlement system. During the session, Peter also presented to the Authority the tracking system utilised to navigate the stages of such complex procedure.

NZCA work programme 2023-24

As the 2023-2024 financial year comes to its end, the Authority reflected on its performance over the past 12 months and identified possible areas of improvement. The members discussed effectiveness, culture and communications, process, and servicing. Conversations were held on their delivery of statutory functions and how to enhance the communication of their ambitions publicly. The Authority also looked ahead to the 2024-25 financial year, and began setting their work programme, which will be finalised at the next meeting.

Conservation Board Chairs’ Conference 2024

As previously communicated, the Conservation Board Chairs’ Conference 2024 will be held in Wellington on 17 and 18 August. The members of the Authority reviewed the list of suggested agenda items provided by the Conservation Board Chairpersons, and agreed for the Authority Liaisons to connect with their respective Conservation Board Chairperson to expand on the topics provided or identify new ones. The Authority is looking forward to hosting this Conference and to connect with the Conservation Boards representatives to discuss pressing conservation matters.


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Nāku iti noa, nā

Edward Ellison ONZM
Chairperson NZCA

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