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We publish science reports that are not part of a series.

Vehicles on New Zealand beaches: an annotated bibliography of research on physical and ecological impacts. G. D. La Cock, 2022. 17 p. (PDF, 1,117K)

2011 – 2020

Conservation, ecology and management of migratory galaxiids and the whitebait fishery. Jane Goodman, 2018. (PDF, 3,843K)

Conserving Fiordland's biodiversity 1987-2015Department of Conservation, 2017. 128 p.(PDF 21,769K)

Download publication in smaller parts:

Part 1 PDF,  5524K
Part 2 PDF,  5125K
Part 3 PDF,  7870K

Kiwi best practice manual. Hugh Robertson and Rogan Colbourne, 2020. 116 p. (PDF, 5390K)

Fortifications of the New Zealand Wars. Nigel Prickett, 2016. 240 p. (PDF, 12901K)

Download publication in parts (with high-resolution photos):

Part 1: PDF, 9311K
Part 2: PDF, 1290K
Part 3: PDF, 4450K
Part 4: PDF, 12566K
Part 5: PDF, 4519K
Part 6: PDF, 2725K
Part 7: PDF, 1837K
Part 8: PDF, 262K
Part 9: PDF, 20791K
Part 10: PDF, 5002K
Part 11: PDF, 4558K
Part 12: PDF, 1368K
Part 13: PDF, 1204K
Part 14: PDF, 380K

Mapping the services and benefits of indigenous biodiversity and historic heritage in New Zealand: an exploration of spatial datasets. Alison Chick and Ross Laurence, 2016. 135 p. (PDF, 4438 K)

Honeybees (Apis mellifera) on public conservation lands: a risk analysis. Catherine Beard 2015. 25p. (PDF, 316K)

The nature of wellbeing: how nature’s ecosystem services contribute to the wellbeing of New Zealand and New Zealanders. Lin Roberts, Ann Brower, Geoff Kerr, Simon Lambert, Wendy McWilliam, Kevin Moore, John Quinn, David Simmons, Simon Thrush, Mike Townsend, Paul Blaschke, Robert Costanza, Ross Cullen, Ken Hughey and Steve Wratten 2015. 145 p. (PDF, 2045K)

Adapting to a changing climate: a proposed framework for the conservation of terrestrial native biodiversity in New Zealand. J.E. Christie 2015. 23 p. (PDF, 561K)

2001 – 2010

A bibliography of research on visitors to public conservation areas in New Zealand 1995–2010.  B. Lovelock, A. Farminer, A.C. Reis. 89 p. (PDF, 671K)

A synthesis and gap analysis of research on visitors to public conservation areas in New Zealand 1995–2010. B. Lovelock, A. Farminer, A.C. Reis. 21 p. (PDF, 501K

A bibliography of research on visitors to public conservation areas in Australia 1995–2010. B. Lovelock, A.C. Reis, A. Farminer. 116 p. (PDF, 826K)

A synthesis and gap analysis of research on visitors to public conservation areas in Australia 1995–2010. B. Lovelock, A.C. Reis and A. Farminer. 22 p. (PDF, 464K)

Ecology, management and history of the forests of the Mamaku Plateau, New Zealand. A.E. Beveridge, B.R. Christensen, M.C. Smale and D.O. Bergin. 152 p.

Download publication, entire PDF, 1300K
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 489K
Part 2: PDF, 481K
Part 3: PDF, 355K
Part 4: PDF, 317K

Historic concrete structures in New Zealand: overview, maintenance and management. P. Reed; K Schoonees; J Salmond 2008. 90 p.

Download publication: PDF, 2900K 

Conservation of iron and steelwork in historic structures and machinery: maintenance handbook. W. Mandeno 2008. 33 p.

Download publication: PDF, 1100K
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 450K
Part 2: PDF, 393K

Archaeology of the Bay of Plenty. G.R. Law 2008. 149 p.

Download publication: PDF, 2980K
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 457K
Part 2: PDF, 432K
Part 3: PDF, 473K
Part 4: PDF, 474K
Part 5: PDF, 419K
Part 6: PDF, 227K

Kiwi first aid and veterinary care. K.J. Morgan 2008. 103 p. 

Download publication: PDF, 1874K
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 375K
Part 2: PDF, 417K
Part 3: PDF, 482K
Part 4: PDF, 520K
Part 5: PDF, 418K

New Zealand Threat Classification System manual. A.J. Townsend; P.J. de Lange; C.A.J. Duffy; C.M. Miskelly; J. Molloy; D.A. Norton 2008. 35 p.

Download publication: PDF, 477K

Caring for archaeological sites: practical guidelines for protecting and managing archaeological sites in New Zealand. K.L. Jones 2007. 126 p.

Download entire publication: PDF, 3300K 

Māori methods and indicators for marine protection: Summary of research findings. C. Wilson; D. Freeman; K. Hogan; K. Thompson 2007. 59 p.

Download entire publication: PDF, 3120K
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 451K
Part 2: PDF, 491K
Part 3: PDF, 485K
Part 4: PDF, 487K

Department of Conservation fire research needs analysis: Report on a project to implement Recommendation 7 of DOC’s Fire Management Systems Audit. D. Hunt 2007. 95 p.

Download entire publication: PDF, 896K
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 316K
Part 2: PDF, 465K

Historic heritage of high-country pastoralism: South Island up to 1948. R. McIntyre 2007. 172 p.

Download entire publication: PDF, 3380K
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes): 

Part 1: PDF, 476K
Part 2: PDF, 406K
Part 3: PDF, 436K
Part 4: PDF, 488K
Part 5: PDF, 434K
Part 6: PDF, 449K
Part 7: PDF, 457K
Part 8: PDF, 481K
Part 9: PDF, 497K

Māori methods and indicators for marine protection. A process to identify tohu (marine indicators) to measure the health of the rohe moana of Ngati Kere. On behalf of Ngati Kere 2007. 55 p.

Part 1: PDF, 386K
Part 2: PDF, 465K
Part 3: PDF, 497K

New Zealand Threat Classification System lists 2005. R. Hitchmough; L. Bull; P. Cromarty (comp.) 2007. 194 p.

Part 1: PDF, 471K
Part 2: PDF, 332K
Datafile: XLS, 1 384K
Compressed datafile: ZIP, 379K

Gold and electricity. Archaeological survey of Bullendale, Otago. P.G. Petchey 2006. 72 p.

Part 1: PDF, 461K
Part 2: PDF, 458K
Part 3: PDF, 496K
Part 4: PDF, 331K

Māori gardening: an archaeological perspective. L. Furey 2006. 137 p.

Download the entire publication: PDF, 4010K

Pegasus tin: archaeological survey of the Pegasus tin field, southern Stewart Island/Rakiura. P. Petchey 2006. 93 p.

Part 1: PDF, 498K
Part 2: PDF, 387K
Part 3: PDF, 309K
Part 4: PDF, 465K
Part 5: PDF, 492K
Part 6: PDF, 453K
Part 7: PDF, 438K
Part 8: PDF, 421K
Part 9: PDF, 414K
Part 10: PDF, 343K

Māori methods and indicators for marine protection: A process to identify tohu (marine indicators) to measure the health of the rohe moana of Ngati Konohi. P. Gibson on behalf of Ngati Konohi 2006. 55 p.

Part 1: PDF, 447K
Part 2: PDF, 493K
Part 3: PDF, 477K
Part 4: PDF, 344K

Migrations and movements of birds to New Zealand and surrounding seas. M. Williams; H. Gummer; R. Powlesland; H.A. Robertson; G.A. Taylor 2006. 32 p. PDF, 139K

Identifying geckos in Otago. T. Jewell 2006. 60 p.

Part 1: PDF 375K
Part 2: PDF 451K
Part 3: PDF 430K
Part 4: PDF 282K

Māori methods and indicators for marine protection: Ngati Konohi interests and expectations for the rohe moana. Ngati Konohi; Department of Conservation; Ministry for the Environment 2005. 43 p.

Part 1: PDF, 419K
Part 2: PDF, 364K
Part 3: PDF, 526K
Part 4: PDF, 413K

Māori methods and indicators for marine protection: Ngati Kere interests and expectations for the rohe moana. A. Tutepourangi Wakefield; L.Walker for Ngati Kere 2005. 66 p.

Part 1: PDF, 517K
Part 2: PDF, 508K
Part 3: PDF, 486K

Methods for marking New Zealand wildlife: amphibians, reptiles and marine mammals. N. Beausoleil; D.J. Mellor; K.J. Stafford 2004. 148 p. PDF, 1600K 

Birds of the Chatham Islands. H. Aikman and C. Miskelly 2004. 129 p. PDF, 6577K

Identifying freshwater ecosystems of national importance for biodiversity: criteria, methods and candidate list of nationally important rivers. W.L. Chadderton; D. Brown; T. Stephens 2004. 112 p.

Part 1: PDF, 601K
Part 2: PDF, 490K
Part 3: PDF, 500K
Part 4: PDF, 577K
Part 5: PDF, 511K
Part 6: PDF, 516K
Part 7: PDF, 629K

Wetland types in New Zealand. P.N. Johnson; P.J. Gerbeaux 2004. 184 p. Out of print.

Download publication, entire: PDF, 4177K 
Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):
Part 1: PDF, 603K
Part 2: PDF, 483K
Part 3: PDF, 523K
Part 4: PDF, 445K
Part 5: PDF, 511K
Part 6: PDF, 450K
Part 7: PDF, 440K
Part 8: PDF, 468K
Part 9: PDF, 434K
Part 10: PDF, 532K
Part 11: PDF, 451K
Part 12: PDF, 498K
Part 13: PDF, 485K
Part 14: PDF, 557K
Part 15: PDF, 456K

Restoration plan for Korapuki Island (Mercury Islands) New Zealand, 2004–2024. D.R. Towns; I.A.E. Atkinson 2004.  52 p. PDF, 272K

Marking amphibians, reptiles and marine mammals: animal welfare, practices and public perceptions in New Zealand. D.J. Mellor; N.J Beausoleil; K.J. Stafford 2004. 55 p.

Download publication: PDF, 1050K

Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 499K
Part 2: PDF, 428K

Conservation of lizards in West Coast/Tai Poutini Conservancy. T. Whitaker; J. Lyall 2004. 93 p. (This publication is available from West Coast/Tai Poutini Conservancy.) PDF, 460K

A musterer’s sojourn on Campbell Island: the diary of Alfred Austin, 1919-1921. P.R. Dingwall; J.G. Gregory (Eds) 2004. 135 p. $ 35.00.

Part 1: PDF, 342K
Part 2: PDF, 657K

Threatened plants of Northland. L. Forester; A.J. Townsend 2004. 80 p.

Download publication: PDF, 2860K

Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):
Part 1: PDF, 494K
Part 2: PDF, 520K
Part 3: PDF, 467K
Part 4: PDF, 509K
Part 5: PDF, 561K
Part 6: PDF, 564K

Threatened plants of Waikato. A. Brandon; P.J. de Lange; A.J. Townsend 2004. 92 p.

Part 1: PDF, 486K
Part 2: PDF, 496K
Part 3: PDF, 516K
Part 4: PDF, 497K
Part 5: PDF, 464K
Part 6: PDF, 534K
Part 7: PDF, 514K
Part 8: PDF, 497K
Part 9: PDF, 466K
Part 10: PDF, 360K

Potential effects of mussel farming on New Zealand’s marine mammals and seabirds: a discussion paper. B.D. Lloyd 2003. 43 p.

Download publication: PDF, 2,164K

Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):
Part 1: PDF, 412K
Part 2: PDF, 753K
Part 3: PDF, 352K
Part 4: PDF, 170K
Part 5: PDF, 701K
Part 6: PDF, 92K

Our Picturesque Heritage: 100 years of scenery preservation in New Zealand. T. Nightingale; P.R. Dingwall 2003. 68 p.

Download entire publication: PDF, 3890K

Download publication in parts (Smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 230K
Part 2: PDF, 470K
Part 3: PDF, 390K
Part 4: PDF, 456K
Part 5: PDF, 451K

What’s happening with stoat research? Fifth report. E. Murphy; L. Fechney 2003. 44 p. PDF, 308K

Wild city neighbours: a guide to native bird rehabilitation. C. Mander; L. Adams; A. Riley 2003. 56 p. (Out of print.) PDF, 292K

Managing invasive freshwater fish in New Zealand. Proceedings of a workshop hosted by Department of Conservation, 10-12 May 2001, Hamilton. 2003. xiv + 174 p. Contains:

Preliminary pages: PDF, 172K
Invasive freshwater fish in NZ: DOC’s present and future management. T. Dean. PDF, 100K
Rationale, results and management implications of recent carp research in Australia. J. Koehn.  PDF, 142K
Queensland’s approach to the control of exotic pest fishes. R. Mackenzie. PDF, 22K
Brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurusnebulosus) in Lake Taupo. G.E.Barnes; B.J. Hicks. PDF, 63K
Controlling European perch (Percafluviatilis): lessons from an experimental removal. G.P. Closs; B. Ludgate; R.J. Goldsmith. PDF, 48K
Biology and potential impacts of rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L.) in New Zealand. B.J. Hicks. PDF, 54K
Coarse fish: the demise of plants and malaise of lakes? M. de Winton; T. Dugdale; J. Clayton.  PDF, 73K
Management of invasive freshwater fish: striking the right balance! W. L. Chadderton. PDF, 87K
Assessing the effectiveness of pest fish management. P.C. Gehrke. PDF, 52K
Local eradication of trout from streams using rotenone: the Australian experience. M.Lintermans; T. Raadik. PDF, 139K
Testing the efficacy of rotenone as a piscicide for New Zealand pest fish species. L. Chadderton; S. Kelleher; A. Brow; T. Shaw; B. Studholme; R. Barrier. PDF, 76K
Rotenone-based approaches to pest fish control in New Zealand. D.K. Rowe. PDF, 41K
Preliminary assessment of oral rotenone baits for carp control in New South Wales. P.C. Gehrke. PDF, 56K
Australia’s national management strategy for carp control. J. Barrett. PDF, 47K
Appendix 1-Prioritising control of invasive freshwater fish. L. Chadderton; N. Grainger; T. Dean. PDF, 18K

A restoration plan for Mangere Island, Chatham Islands Group. I.A.E. Atkinson 2003. 60 p. PDF, 380K

Archaeology of the Wellington Conservancy: Wairarapa. A study in tectonic archaeology. B.G. McFadgen 2003. 94 p.

Download entire publication: PDF, 1040K

Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes): 

Part 1: PDF, 412K
Part 2: PDF, 464K

Restoration of the principal Marotere Islands. D. Towns, R. Parrish 2003. 41 p. PDF, 277K

Caring for archaeological sites: New Zealand guidelines. Draft for discussion, March 2002. K.L. Jones; D. Harlow; D.S. Gosling 104 p. This discussion document can be downloaded in sections as follows:

Cover/Title pages, Contents, Foreword in Māori, Acknowledgements, Abstract, Introduction: PDF, 464K
Part 1: Conservation policy and planning: PDF, 475K
Part 2: Management issues and conservation techniques (first half): PDF, 781K
Part 2: Management issues and conservation techniques (second half): PDF, 944K
Part 3: Particular land uses: reserves, farming, forestry: PDF, 785K
References, Glossary, Appendices: PDF, 305K

Archaeological survey of the Arrow River and Macetown, Otago. P. Petchey 2002. 65 p.

Download publication: PDF, 1921K

Download publication in parts:

Part 1: PDF, 488K
Part 2: PDF, 453K
Part 3: PDF, 490K
Part 4: PDF, 502K

What’s happening with stoat research? Fourth report. Department of Conservation 2003. 44 p. PDF, 402K

The archaeology of New Zealand shore whaling. N. Prickett 2002. 151 p. $45.00. Preliminary pages and introduction: PDF, 332K

The New Zealand sealing industry: history, archaeology, and heritage management. I.W.G. Smith 2002. 72 p.

Download publication: PDF, 1395K

Download publication in parts (smaller file sizes):

Part 1: PDF, 419K
Part 2: PDF, 294K
Part 3: PDF, 403K

Year Away: Wartime Coastwatching on the Auckland Islands, 1944. G. Turbott 2002. 153 p. $35.00.

Part 1: PDF, 462K
Part 2: PDF, 491K

Conservation of lizards in Otago conservancy 2002-2007. T. Whitaker; M.D. Tocher; T. Blair 2002. 92 p. PDF, 923K

‘St Michael’ goes south. T. Atkinson 2001. 136 p. $35.00.

Part 1: PDF, 459K
Part 2: PDF, 447K

What’s happening with stoat research? 3rd report on the five-year stoat research programme. Department of Conservation 2001. 31 p. PDF, 346K

The state of wilderness in New Zealand. G.R. Cessford (Ed.) 2001. 107 p. $35.00

Part 1: PDF, 336K
Part 2: PDF, 376K
Part 3: PDF, 765K
Part 4: PDF, 319K
Part 5: PDF, 559K
Part 6: PDF, 409K
Part 7: PDF, 90K

The archaeology of Otago. J. Hamel 2001. 226 p.  PDF, 7641K

New Zealand mudfishes: a guide. N. Ling 2001. 21 p.

Part 1: PDF, 469K
Part 2: PDF, 463K
Part 3: PDF, 308K

National overview of biological monitoring in New Zealand’s marine protected areas. A. McCrone 2001. 123 p. PDF, 622K

Chatham Island snipe research and management trials, Rangatira/South East Island, April-May 2001. C. Miskelly, K. Barlow 2001. 31 p. (Out of print.) PDF, 546K

Tuna fishers folder. J. Molloy (Ed.) 2001. (Out of print.)

Part 1: PDF, 406K
Part 2: PDF, 315K
Part 3: PDF, 312K
Part 4: PDF, 224K

Proceedings of the World Heritage Managers Workshop. Tongariro National Park, New Zealand, 26-30 October 2000. B. Sheppard (Ed.) 2001. 168 p. (Out of print.) PDF, 385K

1991 – 2000

Compendium of published CSL reports, 1995/96 to 1999/2000. Funded by Conservation Services Levy.

Preliminary pages PDF, 58K
Surveying and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 1999/2000. E. Bell; J. Sim 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3018). 20 p. PDF, 236K
Surveying and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 1998/99. E. Bell; J. Sim 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3089) . 24 p. PDF, 172K
Reactions of Hector's dolphins to acoustic gillnet pingers.  Stone,  G.S.; Cavagnaro, L.; Hutt, A.; Kraus, S.; Baldwin, K.; Brown, J. 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3071). 29 p. PDF, 339K
Estimation of the Hector’s dolphin bycatch from the inshore fisheries, 1997/98 fishing year. S.J. Baird; E. Bradford 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3024). 20 p. PDF, 181K
Surveying and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 1997/98. E. Bell; J. Sim 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3085). 24 p. PDF, 202K
Line-transect survey of Hector's dolphin abundance between Motunau and Timaru. Dawson, S.; DuFresne, S.; Slooten, E.; Wade, P. 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3072). 17 p. PDF, 320K
Inshore Fishery Observer Programme for Hector's dolphins in Pegasus Bay, Canterbury Bight, 1997/98. Starr, P.; Langley, A. 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3020). 28 p. PDF, 266K

Weed surveillance plan for the Department of Conservation. H. Braithwaite. 2000. 24 p. PDF, 194K

Line-transect survey of Hector’s dolphin abundance between Motunau and Timaru. S. Dawson; S. DuFresne; E. Slooten; P. Wade 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3072). 17 p. PDF, 313K

What’s happening with stoat research? 2nd report on the five-year stoat research programme. Department of Conservation 2000. 31 p. PDF, 502K

Space Invaders. A Summary of the Department of Conservation’s Strategic Plan for Managing Invasive Weeds. Department of Conservation 1998 (revised 2000). 28 p.

Part 1: PDF, 377K
Part 2: PDF, 418K
Part 3: PDF, 606K
Part 4: PDF, 468K
Part 5: PDF, 499K
Part 6: PDF, 568K
Part 7: PDF, 554K
Part 8: PDF, 401K
Part 9: PDF, 548K
Part 10: PDF, 509K

What’s happening with stoat research? Report on the five-year stoat research programme. Department of Conservation 2000. January 2000. 12 p. PDF, 905K

Bibliography of North-west Nelson State Forest Park, New Zealand, 1842-1995. J.C. Heine; A. Heine (Eds) 2000. 82 p. Preliminary pages: PDF, 329K

New Zealand as ecosystems. The ecosystem concept as a tool for environmental management and conservation. G.N. Park 2000. 97 p. PDF, 535K

A review of Department of Conservation mainland restoration projects and recommendations for further action. A. Saunders 2000. 220 p. (Out of print.)

Preliminary pages: PDF, 205K
Part 1: PDF, 471K
Part 2: PDF, 466K
Part 3: PDF, 466K

Inshore Fishery Observer Programme for Hector’s dolphins in Pegasus Bay, Canterbury Bight, 1997/98. P. Starr; A. Langley 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3020). 28 p. PDF, 259K

Reactions of Hector’s dolphins to acoustic gillnet pingers. G.S. Stone; L. Cavagnaro; A. Hutt; S. Kraus; K. Baldwin; J. Brown 2000 (Published CSL contract report 3071). 29 p. PDF, 332K

Community consultation by the Department of Conservation. An independent review. Centre for Research, Evaluation and Social Assessment (CRESA) 1998. 40 p. PDF, 286K

Department of Conservation National Feral Goat Control Plan 1995-2004. A strategy for the sustained protection of native plant and animal communities. Department of Conservation 1998. 66p.

Antarctica in the environmental era. R.P. Dingwall (Ed.) 1998. xii + 38p. PDF, 196K

Mana Island Ecological Restoration Plan. January 1999. C. Miskelly 1998. 149 p. 

Part 1: PDF, 374K
Part 2: PDF, 303K
Part 3: PDF, 374K
Part 4: PDF, 200K

Research plan for kaka (Nestor meridionalis) 1996-2002. R.J. Moorhouse; T.C. Greene 1998. 47p. PDF, 165K

Department of Conservation Strategic Plan for Managing Invasive Weeds. S.J. Owen 1998. 86p.

Part 1: PDF, 479K
Part 2: PDF, 393K

Unusual mortality of the New Zealand sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri, Auckland Islands, January-February 1998. Report of a workshop held 8-9 June 1998, Wellington, and a contingency plan for future events. A. Baker (Comp.)1999. 84 p.

Part 1: PDF 298K
Part 2: PDF 384K
Part 3: PDF 480K
Part 4: PDF 372K
Part 5: PDF 185K

Biodiversity now! Joint societies conference, Wellington, 29 June–3 July 1997. P.M. Blaschke; K. Green (Eds) 1999. Selected papers. 62 p.

Preliminary pages, including: A tribute to John Stevenson Holloway. D. Galloway PDF, 494K
Managing New Zealand’s biodiversity: identifying the priorities and widening the options. I.A.E Atkinson PDF, 258K
Measuring conservation achievement. T. Stephens PDF, 207K
The Commons becoming Uncommon: integration or disintegration in the protection of aquatic biodiversity. C. Richmond PDF, 256K
Landowners, Resource Management Act district plans, and biodiversity protection: What is happening? V. Froude PDF, 238K

Fish passage at culverts: a review, with possible solutions for New Zealand indigenous species. J. Boubee; I. Jowett; S. Nichols; E. Williams 1999. 118 p. (incl. ‘Culvert’ programme for PC on CD.)

Part 1: PDF, 373K
Part 2: PDF, 461K
Part 3: PDF, 484K
Part 4: PDF, 499K
Culvert program for PC: ZIP, 368K

This program (application) is intended for use on an IBM-compatible PC platform, and runs from the DOS prompt. We provide it on the DOC website in zipped form for reasons of comprehensiveness. The Department of Conservation does not accept any responsibility for any problems arising from the extraction, loading, or use of the program.

Stream shade: towards a restoration strategy. J.C Rutherford; R.J. Davies-Colley; J.M. Quinn; M.J. Stroud; A.B. Cooper 1999. 161 p.

Part 1: PDF, 368K
Part 2: PDF, 501K
Part 3: PDF, 309K
Part 4: PDF, 540K
Part 5: PDF, 393K
Part 6: PDF, 479K

Keeping wetas in captivity: a series of nine articles for schools and nature-lovers. P. Barrett; G.W. Ramsay (Eds) 1991. 60 p.

Part 1: PDF, 293K
Part 2: PDF, 270K

The restoration of aquatic habitats. K.J. Collier (Ed.) 1994. 172 p. Contains:

Restoration of freshwater habitats: introduction and synthesis. K.J. Collier. 6 p. PDF, 125K
Enhancement of invertebrate food supplies for Black stilts by manipulating wetland and stream substrata. M.D. Sanders; R.F. Maloney. 13 p. PDF, 186K
Death and life of the billabong. R. J. Shiel. 20 p. PDF, 202K
Lake Rotoroa, a candidate for restoration or restraint? J.S. Clayton; M.D. de Winton. 15 p. PDF, 167K
Biomanipulation of plants and fish to restore Lake Parkinson: a case study and its implications. D.K. Rowe; P.D. Champion. 14 p. PDF, 162K
Restoration of stream habitat for fish using in-stream structures. B.J. Hicks; G.H. Reeves. 27 p. PDF, 215K
Long-term vegetation and water quality changes associated with the restoration of a pasture stream. C. Howard-Williams; S. Pickmere. 17 p. PDF, 185K
Optimising habitat in a stream impounded for water supply. G. B. McBride; J. G. Cooke; A. B. Cooper; C. M. Smith. 15 p. PDF, 197K
Tales of the riverbank – examples of bank restoration on urban rivers. J. Roper-Lindsay. 17 p. PDF, 155K
Community perspectives of riparian management and restoration: a case study in Marlborough. M. O’Brien. 19 p. PDF, 171K
Resource consent application process for Mangatangi Dam
. P. Thomas. 8 p. PDF, 127K

Managing Riparian Zones: a contribution to protecting New Zealand’s rivers and streams. K.J. Collier; A.B. Cooper; R.J. Davies-Colley; J.C. Rutherford; C.M. Smith; R.B. Williamson1995.  

Vol. 1: Concepts PDF, 331K
Vol. 2: Guidelines PDF, 2109K

A Directory of Wetlands in New Zealand. P. Cromarty; D. Scott (eds) 1996. 395 p.

Preliminary pages, introduction and general information and appendicies: PDF, 231K
Northland: PDF, 99K
Auckland: PDF, 81K
Waikato: PDF, 176K
Bay of Plenty: PDF, 195K
Tongariro/Taupo: PDF, 52K
East Coast/Hawke’s Bay: PDF, 71K
Wanganui: PDF, 72K
Wellington: PDF, 76K
Nelson/Marlborough: PDF, 100K
West Coast: PDF, 194K
Canterbury: PDF, 433K
Otago: PDF, 124K
Southland: PDF, 123K

Guide to the identification and collection of New Zealand rodents [3rd ed.]. D. M. Cunningham; P.J. Moors 1996.  24p. PDF, 168K

New Zealand’s loranthaceous mistletoes. Proceedings of a workshop hosted by Threatened Species Unit, Department of Conservation, Cass, 17-20 July 1995. P.J. de Lange; D.A. Norton (Eds) 1997. 220p.

Part 1: PDF, 356K
Part 2: PDF, 215K

Outdoor Recreation in New Zealand. Volume 1. A review and synthesis of the research literature. P.J. Devlin; R.A. Corbett; C.J. Peebles 1995. 259 p.

Archaeology of the Wellington Conservancy: Kapiti-Horowhenua. A prehistoric and palaeoenvironmental study. B. McFadgen 1997. 43 p.

Part 1: PDF, 258K
Part 2: PDF, 487K
Part 3: PDF, 181K

Biodiversity: papers from a seminar series on biodiversity, hosted by Science and Research Division, Department of Conservation, Wellington, 14 June-26 July 1994. B. McFadgen; P. Simpson (Comp.) 1996. 181 p.

Possums as conservation pests. Proceedings of a workshop on possums as conservation pests, organised by the Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National Science Strategy Committee. Christchurch, New Zealand 29-30 November 1994. C.F.J. O’Donnell (Comp.) 1995.  81p. PDF, 338K

Possum control by the Department of Conservation: background, issues, and results from 1993 to 1995. J. Parkes; A.N. Baker; K. Ericksen 1997. 40 p. PDF, 94K

Ecological restoration in the Wellington Conservancy. P. Simpson 1997. 112 p.

Environmental weeds research plan 1997-2006. S.M Timmins 1997. 28 p. PDF, 105K

Wild willows in New Zealand. Proceedings of a Willow Control Workshop hosted by Waikato Conservancy, Hamilton, 24-26 November 1993. C.J. West (Comp) 1994. 103 p.

1981 – 1990

Ecological regions and districts of New Zealand. Third revised edition in four 1:500,000 Maps. W.M. McEwan (Ed.) 1987. New Zealand Biological Resources Centre Publication No. 5. (xii + 35 + 61 + 105 + 113 p.)

Monochrome scans of the maps: PDF, 4000K

Sheet 1: Northern North Island from Kermadec to Mayor. Booklet: PDF, 303K
Sheet 2: Central North Island from Meremere to Eastern Hawke's Bay. Booklet: PDF, 393K
Sheet 3: Central New Zealand from Eastern Wairarapa in the North Island to Akaroa in the South Island; also Chathams, not shown on map. Booklet: PDF, 501K
Sheet 4: Southern South Island from Browning to Snares; also southern islands, not shown on map. Booklet: PDF, 556K