The Department of Conservation (DOC) is subject to the Official Information Act 1982. Under this Act you can make a request to DOC for information it holds.
Before making a request, have a look at this website as the information you need may already be available.
DOC will release responses to some selected OIA requests soon after the requester has received their response.
Other sources of information on this website include:
Requests should include your name, postal address or preferred email address, and specific details of the information you want.
Email or post your request to:
Government Services
Department of Conservation
PO Box 10420
The Terrace
Wellington 6143
We'll acknowledge your request, usually within 24 hours. We'll respond no later than 20 working days after we receive it. Sometimes for large requests or those requiring consultation we'll need an extension â the Act allows for this. If we need one, we'll let you know and give you a specific due date.
We may seek further information from you if we feel your request is not clear. We may seek to refine your request in consultation with you, if the scope is very broad.
We'll endeavour to respond to your request in your preferred manner. We'll respond by restating your request and answering every question asked. Any supporting documents will usually be attached in PDF format.
If we're not able to supply all the information requested or satisfy your request in full we'll inform you in our response. We'll refer to the specific section of the Act and explain the reason. For more information refer to sections 6, 9 and 18 of the Official Information Act 1982
If you have not received a response by the due date or are not satisfied with our response, you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman. Email or post to PO Box 10152 Wellington 6143.