Get information on this page about these 2018 meetings:
CSP Research Advisory Group Meeting
14 December 2018
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington. 9.30 am- 1.30 pm
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 181 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 1,110 K)
RAG Resources:
- CSP RAG Research Submission Form (DOC, 36 K)
- CSP RAG slides 14 December 2018 (PDF, 4,000 K)
- FNZ/MPI Projects Slides (PDF 108 K)
- DRAFT Annual Research Summary 2017-18 (PDF, 1,370 K)
- DRAFT Marine Mammal Medium Term Research Plan 2019 (PDF, 2,520 K)
- DRAFT Protected Fish Medium Term Research Plan 2019 (PDF, 2,890 K)
- Seabird Medium Term Research Plan (PDF, 2,840 K)
- CSP Strategic Statement 2018 (PDF, 6,230K)
- CSP Research Advisory Group resources
Research submissions can be made to CSP using the Research Submission Form above. The submission period is 30.11.18 - 14.01.18 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: POP2017-07: The age and growth of New Zealand protected corals at high risk
3 December 2018
This is a draft report for POP2017-07: The age and growth of New Zealand protected corals at high risk
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Monday 17 December 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: POP2017-06: Indirect effects on seabirds in northern North Island
30 November 2018
This is an interim report for POP2017-06, reporting on milestone 4 of this project: Summary of activities carried out to collect population estimates or priority seabirds in 2017-18.
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Thursday 14 December 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: INT2016-02: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries: 1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018
22 November 2018
This is the draft annual report for INT2016-02, reporting on milestone 10 of this project: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Thursday 6 December 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
9 October 2018
G0.2 Tangaroa Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 183K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 888K)
CSP Technical Working Group presentations:
- MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project - Johanna Pierre
- MIT2017-02: Characterisation and development of offal management for small vessels - Kalinka Rexer-Huber
- MIT2017-03: Characterisation and mitigation of protected species interactions in the inshore trawl fishery- Graham Parker
These projects were presented at the CSP TWG on 9 October 2018. Comments are sought until 12 pm, Tuesday 23 October 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: INT2015-03: Identification of protected corals progress report
01 September 2018
This is a progress report for INT2015-03, reporting on milestone 7 of this project: Summary of identified corals, and photographs assessed for the three-month period 1 October 2017- 31 December 2017
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Wednesday 19 September 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: POP2016-05: Yellow-eyed penguin foraging and indirect effects - Workshop report
23 July 2018
This is the expert workshop report for POP2016-05: Yellow-eyed penguin foraging and indirect effects
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Monday 6 August 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: MIT2016-01: Protected species bycatch media - Final Report
23 July 2018
This is the final report for MIT2016-01: Protected species bycatch media
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Monday 6 August 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: POP2017-04: White-capped albatross mark-recapture study at Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands. Field season 2018
8 June 2018
This is the draft report for POP2017-04: White-capped albatross mark-recapture stud at Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands. Field season 2018
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on 24 May 2018. Comments are sought until 12 pm, Friday 22 June 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: INT2017-02: Using electronic monitoring imagery to characterise protected species interactions with commercial fisheries: A primer and review
5 June 2018
This is the draft report for INT2017-02: Using electronic monitoring imagery to characterise protected species interactions with commercial fisheries: A primer and review
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on 24 May 2018. Comments are sought until 12 pm, Friday 15 June 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
24 May 2018
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Kris Ramm
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 183K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 809K)
CSP Technical Working Group presentations:
- Electronic Monitoring - Johanna Pierre
- Northern royal albatross census - Peter Frost
- POP2017-06: Indirect effects on seabirds in north-east North Island region - Chris Gaskin & Peter Frost
- POP2017-01 Seabird population research: Chatham Islands 2017-18 - Mike Bell
- POP2017-04: Seabird population research: Auckland Islands 2017-18: White-capped albatross - Graham Parker
- POP2017-04: Seabird population research: Auckland Islands 2017-18: Gibson's albatross - Kath Walker
- White-chinned petrel popuation research - Kalinka Rexer-Huber
- POP2015-05: Flesh-footed shearwater: various locations population project - Patrick Crowe
CSP & TMP Technical Working Group
2 May 2018
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K).
Agenda: Draft Agenda (PDF, 102K).
CSP Technical Working Group presentations:
- POP2016-05: Yellow-eyed penguin foraging and indirect effects - Thomas Mattern (Eudyptes EcoConsulting Ltd.)
- POP2017-05: New Zealand Sea Lion: Auckland Islands pup count - Tom Burns (Blue Planet Marine)
TMP Technical Working Group Presentations:
- TMP - Update on disease research at the Auckland Islands - Sarah Michael (Massey University)
- TMP - Campbell Island pup count - Laura Boren (DOC)
- TMP - Campbell Island - pup mortality - Micah Jensen (Wild Vet Care)
- TMP - Campbell Island - pup behaviour - Dahlia Foo, Mark Hindell (University of Tasmania)
- TMP - Campbell Island - Engineering solutions to pup mortality in holes - Reuben Saathoff (Fulton Hogan / CNC Alliance)
- TMP - Stewart Island - Pup count update - Kevin Carter
- TMP - Mainland - Pup count update - Jim Fyfe (DOC)
CSP project update: MIT2015-02: Mitigating seabird captures during hauling on smaller longline vessel
9 April 2018
This is the draft report for MIT2015-02: Mitigating seabird captures during hauling on smaller longline vessels.
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on 28 February 2018. Comments are sought until Tuesday 24 April 2018 and should be sent to
CSP project update: POP2016-01: Chatham Islands seabird population research: Rangitatahi Seabird Research December 2017
3 April 2018
This is the draft final report for POP2016-01:Chatham Islands seabird population research: Rangitatahi Seabird Research December 2017.
Comments are sought until 12pm Tuesday 17 April 2018 and should be sent to
CSP project update: Age & growth of NZ protected corals at high risk
28 March 2018
This is the draft final methodology report for POP2017-07: Age and growth of NZ protcted corals at high risk
This report was presented at the MPI AEWG on 23 March 2018. Comments are sought until 5pm 5 April 2018 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group & Research Advisory Group
28 February 2018
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington.
Chair: Kris Ramm, DOC
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 169K)
RAG Resources
- Final Annual Research Summary 2016-17 (PDF, 1,467K)
- CSP Strategic Statement (PDF, 222K)
- CSP Research Advisory Group resources
- CSP RAG project proposal 2018/19 (PDF, 3,659K)
- CSP RAG presentation (PDF, 1,153K)
- Project proposal initial prioritisation (PDF, 225K)
- CSP seabird medium term research plan 2017 (PDF, 2,913K)
- CSP protected fish medium term research plan 2016 (PDF, 361K)
- CSP marine mammal medium term research plan 2017 (PDF, 2,599K)
TWG Presentations
- MIT2016-01: Protected species bycatch media - Progress update and reccomendations - Johanna Pierre (JPEC)
- MIT2015-02 Mitigating seabird captures on hauling in small-vessel longline fisheries - Johanna Pierre (JPEC)
- MIT2015-02: Development of haul mitigation on a bluenose small vessel longliner Dave Goad (Vita Maris)