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NZCA members

Current members of New Zealand Conservation Authority


The NZCA has 13 members appointed by the Minister of Conservation. The NZCA is currently carrying one vacancy. Find out more about the current members.

The New Zealand Conservation Authority is a multi-talented team of people from diverse backgrounds, for example, farmers, trampers, scientists, lawyers, tangata whenua, writers and tourism operators.

Members are appointed as individuals because of their expertise, experience and links with the community. Individuals do not act as delegates promoting any cause or organisation. Rather, members work by consensus within a team. The diversity amongst members brings together a wide range of knowledge, skills and concerns.

Edward Ellison ONZM (Chair)

NZCA Chairperson Edward Ellison
Edward Ellison, NZCA Chair

Appointment term: 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2026

Edward (Ngāi Tahu and Te Ati Awa) was appointed by the Minister of Conservation from the public nomination process.  He is a sheep farmer on the Otago Peninsula, an active member of Otakou marae and former Deputy Kaiwhakahaere of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, with experience in cultural advocacy, Treaty of Waitangi Claims negotiations, environmental management, policy development and governance.  He has previously served on the Otago Conservation Board, the New Zealand Conservation Authority, QEII National Trust Board, the South-East Marine Protection Forum and the Otago University Council. 

He was formaly a qualified and independent RMA Hearings Commissioner with experience in policy, plan change and resource consent hearings for councils across the South Island.  He is chairperson of Otago based environmental consultancy Aukaha and the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu HSNO Committee, and holds advisory roles with the South Island High Country Forum (LINZ), the NZ Biodiversity Strategy (DOC) review and the Kāhui Kaumātua (EPA).

Edward is the NZCA's liaison person for the Chatham Islands Conservation Board.

Michael (Mick) Abbott

Appointment term: 31 May 2024 to 30 June 2026

Mick is appointed on recommendation of the Federated Mountains Club of New Zealand Incorporated. He is an Emeritus Professor of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University and has previously served as Chair of the Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Board. As well as having strong governance experience, he has a demonstrated history of working on significant projects within public conservation lands.

Tāne Davis MNZM

Appointment term: 1 October 2018 to 30 June 2025

Ko Hananui me Takitimu nga Mauka.
Ko Aparima te Awa.
Ko Oraka Aparima te wahi kainga.
Ko Takutai o Te Titi te Marae.
Ko Takitimu te Waka.
Ko Te Moana a Kiwa te Moana.
Ko Atawhuia te Hapu.
Ko Whenua Hou te Motu o nga Tipuna. 
Ko Waitaha, Katimamoe, me Kai Tahu te Iwi.
Ko Tāne Davis toku ingoa.

Through the Ngāi Tahu Deed of Settlement Tāne Represents Ngāi Tahu on the NZCA.  He represents Ngāi Tahu on the Kākāpō Recovery Group, enhancing the Ngāi Tahu connection to Kākāpō. Tikanga, Mātauranga, Wairua, Kaitiaki.

Tāne chairs the Whenua Hou Committee, which was formed from the Ngāi Tahu Settlement. Allowing Ngāi Tahu to have involvement with the governance, and management of Whenua Hou.

Tāne has a life time connection to the Tītī Islands, in particular the island known as Putauhinu, now known as the Rakiura Tītī Islands. He endorses this connection by chairing the Rakiura Tītī Islands Administerring Body, which administers a group of 18 islands returned from the Crown to Rakiura Māori within the Ngāi Tahu Settlement.  It is this mahi Tāne is strongly connected to, involving Rakiura Māori with concentrating on the conservation values of their islands. Participating with pest controls, taonga species recovery programs, and enhancing the biosecurity and biodiversity of the islands back to their natural state. Maintaining tikanga, whakapapa, whanaungatanga, mātauranga, values with in the Tītī whānau community.

Tāne is a registered and supportive member of the Oraka Aparima Runaka.  He is currently contracted by Te Rūnanga O Ngāi Tahu as a Works Programs Coordinator for the Rakiura Tītī Islands.

Tāne is the NZCA's liaison person for the Southland Conservation Board.

Greg Duley

Appointment term: 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2025

Greg is appointed from public nominations. He is the Director of the NZ Hunter magazine and host of the TVNZ Duke show, NZ Hunter Adventures. Greg is a passionate hunter as well as a keen tramper and recreationalist, having climbed all of New Zealand’s highest mountains including Aoraki/Mt Cook, Horokoau/Mt Tasman, and Tititea/Mt Aspiring.  He has also been heavily involved with volunteer conservation projects all over the country and is currently a member of the NZ Fish & Game Council and the NZ Tahr Foundation.

Greg is the NZCA's liaison person for the Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Boards

Sally Gepp

Appointment term: 7 August 2020 to 30 June 2025

Sally is appointed on the recommendation of Forest & Bird. She is a barrister who specialises in environmental and public law, and has significant experience in legal and policy issues relating to conservation and environmental management.  She represented Forest & Bird in its successful Supreme Court challenge of a decision by the Department of Conservation to change the status of conservation park land in relation to the Ruataniwha Dam proposal.

She was involved in the development of the draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity and a review of the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry. Sally is President of the Resource Management Law Association and is a frequent contributor to the Resource Management Journal. She lives in Nelson.

Sally is the NZCA's liaison person for the Nelson Marlborough Conservation Board.

Ina Kara-France 

Appointment term: 3 August 2023 to 30 June 2026

Ina Kara-France ( Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Te Ati Hau-nui-A-Paparangi, Ngarauru, Ngāti Koata)
Appointed in consultation with the Minister of Māori Affairs, Ina holds a Master of Business Administration in International Business, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Māori Development and is a certified Commissioner for the Resource Management Act 1991.  A specialist advocate for Mana Whenua regarding Tikanga Māori, Mātauranga Māori, cultural values, sites of significance, Te Mana o Te Wai, Iwi environmental management plans and cultural impact assessments. Ina has Resource Consent Pre-Hearing, Hearing and Environment Court appeal negotiation and Environment Court, and Future Development Strategy Hearing Panel Iwi Representative, Regional Policy Statement and District Plan Change experience.  Ina has 2 years with WSP NZ Ltd, and 30 years of experience. Ina is an Independent Hearing Commissioner for the Wellington Regional Council, Auckland Councl, Upper Hutt City Council and Far North District Council and an Expert Consenting Panel member for the Environmental Protection Authority. 

Ina is the NZCA's liaison person for the Te Hiku o Te Iku, Northland, and Auckland Conservation Boards

Aroha Te Pareake Mead

Appointment term: 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026

Aroha (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Porou, and Tūhourangi) is appointed in consultation with the Minister of Tourism. Aroha (of Ngati Awa, Ngāti Porou and Tūhourangi). She is an independent researcher currently working with the Biological National Science Challenge, Bio-Protection Aotearoa Centre of Research Excellence and Wakatū. Specialising in indigenous cultural and intellectual property issues, mātauranga/Indigenous knowledge and participatory inclusive conservation. Aroha has previously served for 16 years on the Governing Council of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with eight of those years as elected global Chair of IUCN's Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP). Her career also spans across academia (Victoria University of Wellington) and the public service (Te Puni Kōkiri).

Aroha is the NZCA's liaison person for the East Coast Hawke's Bay Conservation Board. 

Tak Mutu 

Appointment term: 25 April 2021 to 30 June 2025

Tak (Te Arawa, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Hurunga, and Ngāti Pikiao) is appointed in consultation with the Minister of Tourism. Tak (of Te Arawa, Ngati Whakaue, Ngati Hurunga, Ngati Pikiao) is the co-owner and director of the MDA Group, operating in the tourism and events sector as well as business consultancy. The parent company, MDA Experiences, is an industry leader for both luxury and adventure tourism, which has a strong focus on Māori Business Development.

Tak has spent his working life in the industry undertaking a wide range of roles from front line hosting and tour guiding to business development and marketing management. He is also internationally known in the mountain biking community.

Tak is the NZCA's liaison person for the Bay of Plenty and Tongriro Taupō Conservation Boards.

Wendy Nelson MNZM

Appointment term: 7 August 2020 to 30 June 2026

Wendy is appointed on the recommendation of the Royal Society of New Zealand. She is a botanist and marine ecologist, and has specialised in the study of marine algae, particularly the discovery and documentation of NZ’s algal biodiversity. Wendy has participated in a range of government panels, committees, and working groups, as well as national and international science bodies.

Wendy is the NZCA's liaison person for the Wellington Conservation Board.

Jill Pettis 

Appointment term: 3 August 2023 to 30 June 2025

Jill (Te Ati Hau Nui A Paparangi) of Martinborough is appointed in consultation with the Minister for Local Government. Jill is a former Labour MP, has extensive experience in governance at several levels in the community and nationally, and a long-term interest and active participation in conservation issues. She brings a high level of cultural awareness, kawanatanga, and kaitiakitanga to the Authority.

Shad Rolleston

Appointment term: 3 August 2023 to 30 June 2026

Shad (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, and Ngāti Pukenga) is appointed from public nominations. Based in Tauranga, Shad has strong iwi links and a deep understanding of Te Tiriti and section 4 of the Conservation Act. He has wide experience with government agencies and boards, including substantial knowledge on planning, analysis, tourism, recreation, and strategy. 

Shad is the NZCA's liaison person for the Waikato Conservation Board

Metiria Stanton Turei

Appointment term: 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2025

Metiria (Ngāti Kahungunu and Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi) is appointed from public nominations. She is an academic, currently a Lecturer in Law at the University of Otago, and former New Zealand politician. Metiria was previously a Member of Parliament from 2002-17 and the co-leader of the Green Party from 2009-17.

Metiria is the NZCA's liaison person for the West Coast Tai Poutini and Otago Conservation Boards.  

Puna Wano-Bryant

Appointment term: 31 May 2024 to 30 June 2026

Puna is appointed in consultation with the Minister for Māori Development. She has a background in the law and Treaty of Waitangi issues and has held the role of Iwi Environmental Manager at Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Pou Taiao. Puna has robust governance experience, and extensive networks in the Taranaki region and is committed to healthy lifestyles and building positive and vibrant communities.

Puna is the NZCA's liaison person for the Taranaki Whanganui Conservation Board