
Read DOC's January 2023 briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation on their portfolio, the Department of Conservation, and our work. Published January 2023.

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Briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation 2023 (PDF, 10,196K)


  1. Conservation matters to New Zealand
  2. When nature thrives, New Zealand thrives
  3. Nature is in trouble
  4. Where we focus effort, we see progress
  5. A system-level response is needed
  6. What DOC does
  7. Treaty Partner relationships are at the heart of what we do
  8. Many others are critical to conservation
  9. The big challenges ahead
  10. Where we're heading
  11. Key work underway
  12. Your role as Minister
  13. Vote conservation
  14. Upcoming decisions
  15. DOC's senior leadership team


  • Appendix 1: Key stakeholders and descriptions
  • Appendix 2: Suggested list of forthcoming briefings
  • Appendix 3: DOC strategy

© Copyright January 2023, New Zealand Department of Conservation

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