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2010 CSP meetings and project updates


Find the agenda, minutes, reports and presentations for the 2010 meetings of the Conservation Services Programme.

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CSP/NPOA - Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

29 October 2010

Department of Conservation, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington.

Chair: Russell Harding, DOC

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 34K)



Population projects:

POP2007-01 Final Report on New Zealand sea lion data collection from the Auckland Islands and at-sea distribution of juvenile sea lions 2007/08-2009/10 by Louise Chilvers (DOC)

POP2010-01 New Zealand sea lion data collection from the Auckland Islands - proposed plans for 2010/11 by Louise Chilvers (DOC)

POP2007-01 Analyses of New Zealand sea lion demographic parameters 1997/98-2009/10 by Darryl McKenzie (Proteus)

Report revised following feedback from the TWG:

Mitigation projects:

MIT2009-01 Development of mitigation strategies: Inshore fisheries - draft final report by Dave Goad (Vita Maris)

Fisheries interaction projects:

INT2008/02 Identification of protected corals - draft final report by Di Tracey (NIWA)

MCSINT2010/03 Coral spatial analysis and review - proposed project plan by Di Tracey (NIWA)

INT2008/01 Observing commercial fisheries 2008/09 - draft final report by Kris Ramm (DOC)

INT2009-02 Photo-identification of live seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries by Igor Debski (DOC)

Joint Mfish AEWG - CSP/NPOA - Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

12 July 2010

Level 4 meeting rooms, MFish, ASB House, 101-104 The Terrace, Wellington

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 40K)

MinutesDraft meeting minutes (PDF, 36K)


INT2007/02. Autopsy report for seabirds killed and returned from NZ fisheries 2008/09, and update from 2009/10 fishing year. Presentation by David Thompson, NIWA.

Joint Mfish AEWG - CSP/NPOA - Seabirds Technical Working Group

6 May 2010

Level 4 meeting rooms, MFish, ASB House, 101-104 The Terrace, Wellington

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 40K)

Minutes: Draft meeting minutes (PDF, 35K)


1) POP2007-01 Objective 3. Estimation of demographic parameters for NZ sea lions breeding on the Auckland Islands: 1998-2009. Darryl MacKenzie, Proteus Wildlife Research Consultants 

2) Further analyses of New Zealand sea lion tag-resighting data. Dave Gilbert for SeaFIC.