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2009 CSP meetings and project updates


Find the agenda, minutes, reports and presentations for the 2009 meetings of the Conservation Services Programme.

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Joint Mfish AEWG - CSP/NPOA - Seabirds Technical Working Group

27 November 2009

Joint meeting of the MFish Aquatic Environment Working Group with Conservation Services Programme Technical Working Group National Plan of Action - Seabirds Technical Working Group

Main conference room, NIWA, Greta Point, Wellington

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 11K)

Minutes: Draft meeting minutes (PDF, 25K)

CSP presentation

CSP/NPOA - Seabirds Technical Working Group

5 October 2009

Department of Conservation, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington

Chair: Johanna Pierre, DOC

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 22K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 32K)


Population studies:

POP2007/01 New Zealand sea lion: Auckland Islands field trip 2008-09, plans for 2009-10 by Louise Chilvers (DOC)

POP2008/01 Black petrel: Great Barrier Island field trips 2008-09, plans for 2009-10 by Elizabeth Bell (WMIL)

POP2005/02 White-capped albatross: Auckland Islands field trip 2008, plans for 2009 by David Thompson (NIWA)

Fisheries interaction projects:

INT2007/02 Seabird autopsy: 2008-09 progress report by David Thompson (NIWA)

INT2009/02 Photo-identification of live seabirds: project update by Igor Debski (DOC)
INT2009/02 Photo-identification of live seabirds (PDF, 288K)

Mitigation projects:

MIT2006/09 Mitigating fur seal captures in trawl nets. Draft final report. George Clement (Clement & Associates)

MIT2009/01 Development of mitigation strategies: Inshore fisheries. Project plan. David Goad (Vita Maris)

Results from the 2008 offal mincing experiments: does mincing reduce seabird attendance at trawl vessels by Ed Abraham (Dragonfly)

Other project updates:

Seabird abundance (observer counts) by Ed Abraham (Dragonfly)

Electronic Monitoring trial 2008 by Igor Debski (DOC)

2009 Research Planning - 2010/11 meeting

26 August 2009

Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington


  • Johanna Pierre, DOC
  • Martin Cryer, MFish

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 17K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 29K)


Draft Marine Conservation Services five-year research plan 2009-2014

CSP/NPOA - Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

16 March 2009

Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington

Chair: Johanna Pierre, DOC

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 33K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 41K)

Presentations/draft reports

Mitigation projects:

1) MIT2006/02 Mitigating seabird interactions with trawl nets. Draft final report. John Cleal & Richard Wells (Clement & Associates)

2) Efficacy of batch discharge in reducing seabird attendance at trawl vessels. Draft final report. Ed Abraham (Dragonfly)

Fisheries interaction projects:

1) INT2007/01 Observing commercial fisheries – 2007/08 observer report. Stephanie Rowe (DOC)

2) INT2008/01 Observing commercial fisheries – 2008/09 data summary to date.

3) INT2007/03 Coral identification. Di Tracey (NIWA)

4) INT2007/02 Seabird autopsy. David Thompson (NIWA)

Population studies:

1) POP2007/01 New Zealand sea lion: Model options for data analysis. Darryl Mackenzie (Proteus)

2) POP2005/02 White-capped albatross: brief update on Auckland Islands field trip 2008. David Thompson (NIWA)

3) POP2007/01 New Zealand sea lion: brief update on Auckland Islands field trip 2008-09. Louise Chilvers (DOC)