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Molesworth hunting permit application form


Apply to hunt on Molesworth Recreation Reserve outside the roar period.

Before applying:

Privacy disclosure: To process your request or information, we need to collect personal information about you. We'll only use your information for this purpose and we'll follow the principles of the Privacy Act 2020. See our privacy and security statement.


Application form for hunting outside the roar period

All fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are compulsory.

Applicant (party leader)

Contact details

Check your address is entered correctly before continuing. 

Check your email is correct before continuing. 

Vehicle details

Trip details



  • Ensure you check hunting calendars and restrictions before selecting dates.
  • We will only process requests for dates within 6 months of the current month.
  • Weeks start on a Wednesday and end on a Tuesday.
Preferred dates: (dd/mm/yyyy)

Must be from a Wednesday to a Tuesday.

Alternative dates: (dd/mm/yyyy)

Must be from a Wednesday to a Tuesday

Acheron Road access

Acheron Road through Molesworth is normally open 7 am – 7 pm daily from 1 October to Easter Monday or the second Sunday in April – whichever is later.

Closed period:

  • The Acheron Road is closed and gates locked.
  • An Activity permit is required for driving access, mountain biking and horse riding.
  • Permits are unlikely to be issued for driving access except in exceptional circumstances. Allow for this in your block choices.
Is an Activity permit required for Acheron Road access?

Hunting party

Your hunting party can contain up to six hunters, and an additional two non-hunting party members. This is a maximum of 8 people per party.


You must register each member of the hunting party including non-hunting members with full details including any extra vehicles on the following steps.

Person 2

Will this person be hunting?
Will this person take a different vehicle?

Person 3

Will this person be hunting?
Will this person take a different vehicle?

Person 4

Will this person be hunting?
Will this person take a different vehicle?

Person 5

Will this person be hunting?
Will this person take a different vehicle?

Person 6

Will this person be hunting?
Will this person take a different vehicle?

Person 7

Will this person be hunting?
Will this person take a different vehicle?

Person 8

Will this person be hunting?
Will this person take a different vehicle?


I will leave a copy of my Molesworth Hunting Permit on my vehicle dashboard displaying my hunting block and dates.

We will notify you by email. Check all email addresses are correct:

  • Your email:

Other party members if applicable:

  • Person 2:
  • Person 3:
  • Person 4:
  • Person 5:
  • Person 6:
  • Person 7:
  • Person 8:

Check that your residential address is correct and complete:

  • Your address:
I have checked all email and residential addresses are correct.

Submit your application

Your permit is not approved until you receive notification and a copy of the permit from the Wairau/Renwick Office.

Enter your name below to confirm you have read the conditions of permit, and that all your party will abide by the conditions.