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2007-2008 CSP meetings and project updates


Find the agenda, minutes, reports and presentations for the 2007-2008 meetings of the Conservation Services Programme.

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CSP/NPOA Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

19 September 2008

The meeting was held at Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington

AgendaAgenda for the meeting (PDF, 33K)

MinutesMeeting minutes (PDF,60K)

Presentations/draft reports

Population studies (New Zealand sea lion):

1) New Zealand sea lion Auckland Island field trip (POP2007/01) by Louise Chilvers

2) Final results from sea lion pupping rate estimation (POP2006/01 objective 3) by Dave Gilbert

3) Draft results from sea lion data analyses 2008 (POP2007/01 objective 3) by Darryl MacKenzie 

CSP/NPOA Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

12 September 2008

The meeting was held at Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington

Agenda: Agenda for the meeting (PDF, 37K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 48K)

Presentations/draft reports

1) Monitoring protected species interactions with New Zealand fisheries by Stephanie Rowe

2) Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries by David Thompson

3) Identification of protected corals by Di Tracey

Population studies

1) A population and distributional study of white-capped albatross by David Thompson (Auckland Islands)

2) At-sea distribution and population dynamics of black petrels by Elizabeth Bell (Procellaria parkinsoni)

CSP/NPOA Seabirds Technical Working Group Aquatic Environment Working Group meeting

29 August 2008 

The meeting was held at NIWA Greta Point, Wellington


  • Martin Cryer, Ministry of Fisheries
  • Stephanie Rowe, Department of Conservation

Draft agenda: 

Purpose: Presentation and discussion of MFish and DOC research results on protected species

1. Introductions, apologies, etc. 

MFish Aquatic Environment Working Group:

2. PRO2007-01: Estimating the nature and extent of incidental captures of seabirds in NZ commercial fisheries. Model predictions for seabird bycatch. Presentation by Ed Abraham and Finlay Thompson, Dragonfly Ecological Research. 

3. PRO2006-02: Modelling the effects of fishing on the population viability of selected seabirds.Further results and analysis following discussion at AEWG, 12 June. Presentation by Chris Francis, NIWA. 

4. PRO2006-01: Data collection of demographic, distributional and trophic information on selected seabird species. Presentation by Paul Sagar, NIWA. 

CSP Technical Working Group:

5. MIT2006/02: Mitigating seabird interactions with trawl nets. Proposal for at-sea trials of potential mitigation methods. Presentation by Clement & Associates.

6. Any other business

MIT2006/09 Fur Seal Mitigation Project meeting

18 June 2008 update

View the draft reports of the Fur Seal Mitigation Project.

As part of project MIT2006/09 Mitigating fur seal bycatch in trawl fisheries, and further to the circulation of a best practice review and project plan on May 13, the following draft project reports are available:

CSP/NPOA Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

12 June 2008

MinutesMeeting minutes (PDF, 42K)

Presentations/draft reports

Pupping rate estimates for New Zealand sea lions by Dave Gilbert and Louise Chilvers

Presentation of the results by Dave Gilbert

Comments by Chris Lalas on NIWA Client Report: WLG2008-35. ‘Pupping rate estimates for New Zealand sea lions’ by D. J. Gilbert & B. L. Chilvers

CSP/NPOA Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

13 May 2008

Draft reports from the meeting

Review of worldwide best practice to mitigate pinniped incidental capture in trawls: A report commissioned by Department of Conservation. Report by SJ Baird, Clement & Associates.

CSP/NPOA Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

6 May 2008

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 31K)


Seabird captures in trawl nets: Summary of Ministry of Fisheries observer comments report by SJ Baird

CSP/NPOA Seabirds Technical Working Group meeting

19 March 2008

Agenda: Agenda for the March 2008 meeting (PDF, 32K)

MinutesMeeting minutes (PDF, 56K)

Presentations/draft reports

Report on an estimation model for the pupping rate of New Zealand sea lions: Interim sea lion methodology report by David Gilbert

Estimation of Demographic Parameters for New Zealand Sea Lions Breeding on the Auckland Islands  Methodological Update by Darryl MacKenzie

Pupping rate estimates - preliminary results by David Gilbert

Gilbert preliminary results (PDF, 88K)

Estimation of sea lion demographic parameters - methodological update (POP2007/01 Objective 3 by Darrly MacKenzie

New Zealand sea lion research summer 2007/2008 by Louise Chilvers

CSP Technical Working Group

August 2007


Dave Gilbert's proposed analysis of the 2006/07 sea lion data.

Provisional totals for seabirds killed and returned from New Zealand fisheries, 1 October 2006 to 27 August 2007 by D.R. Thompson from NIWA.

CSP Fisheries Observer Programme report by Stephanie Rowe.