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2016/17 Conservation Services Programme reports


Conservation Services Programme reports from July 2016 to June 2017.

2016-17 Annual Research Summary

This report outlines the research carried out through the Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2016-17, and provides updates on multi-year projects started in previous years. Published March 2018.

NZ sea lion monitoring at the Auckland Islands 2016/17

This report describes the results of ongoing population monitoring of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland islands. This is the final report for the 2016/17 year. Published May 2017.

Seabird bycatch reduction in small vessel longline fisheries, 2016/17

This is the final report for the seabird bycatch reduction in small vessel longline fisheries, 2016/17 project. Published June 2017.

Identification of marine mammals captured in NZ fisheries 2016/17

This the annual report on the identification of marine mammals captured in New Zealand fisheries in 2016/17 (1 July 2016 - 30 June 2017). Published November 2019.

Updated basking shark bycatch review 2016/17

This is the final report for POP2016-03: Updated basking shark bycatch review 2016-17. Published June 2017.

Post release survival of white pointer sharks in New Zealand setnet fisheries

This is the final report for the post release survival of white pointer sharks in New Zealand setnet fisheries 2016-17. Published June 2017.

Population study of Southern Buller's albatrosses on The Snares 2017

This report presents a summary of the results of the collection of demographic data at three study colonies of Southern Buller's Albatross breeding at The Snares from 3 to 6 April 2017. This report was prepared for the Deepwater Group Limited and did not form a part of the Conservation Services Programme. Published June 2017.

Salvin's albatross Bounty Islands: Methodology development 2016/17

Final report for the Salvin's albatross Bounty Islands: Methodology development workshop 2016/17. Published March 2017.

Gibson's wandering albatross at Adams Island, population study and census 2016/17

This is the final report for the population study and census of Gibson's albatross at Adams Island 2016/17. Published June 2017.

White‐capped albatross, adult survival and other demographic parameters, Auckland Islands 2017

This is the final report for White‐capped albatross, adult survival & other demographic parameters, Auckland Islands 2017. Published June 2017.

Indirect effects of commercial fishing on Buller's shearwater and red-billed gulls

These are two final reports for INT2016-04: Indirect effects of commercial fishing on Buller's shearwater and red-billed gulls. The reports assess available information on seabird population status and trends, and interactions with fish shoals. Published June 2017.

Antipodean wandering albatross census and population study 2017

Read more about the census and population study of Antipodean wandering albatross on Antipodes Island in 2017. This report was prepared by Albatross Research and did not form a part of the Conservation Services Programme.  Published July 2017.

Seabird population census on the Forty-Fours, 2016

Read about the population census for Northern Buller's mollymawk, Northern royal albatross and Northern giant petrel at the Forty-Fours, Chatham Islands 2016. Published August 2017.

Seabird population research Chatham Islands, aerial survey 2016/17

This is the final report for POP2016-01 on seabird population research, Chatham Islands aerial photographic survey 2016/17. Published August 2017.

Testing the Hookpod-mini in the New Zealand pelagic longline fishery

This is the final report for MIT2015-02 on seabird mitigation: testing of Hookpod-minis in the NZ pelagic longline fishery. Published August 2017.

Chatham Island Seabird Population Research 2016/17

These are the final reports for POP2016-01 on Chatham Island Seabird Population Research 2016/17. Published February 2017.

Chatham Island shag census 2014-2016

This is the final report for objective 6 of the Chatham Island Seabird Population Research 2016/17. Published June 2017.

Pitt Island shag census 2016

This is the final report for objective 5 of the Chatham Island Seabird Population Research 2016/17. Published February 2017.

Entanglement of cetaceans in pot/trap lines and set nets and a review of potential mitigation methods

This is the final report for the MIT2016-02: Entanglement of cetaceans in pot/trap lines and set nets and a review of potential mitigation methods and replaces all previous and preliminary reports for it. Published September 2017.

Tori line designs for small longline vessels

This is the final report for MIT2015-02: Seabird mitigation: small longline vessel trials - Tori line designs for small longline vessels. Published September 2017.

Identification and storage of cold-water corals, 2016/17

Final annual report for the Identification and storage of cold-water corals 2016/17. Published December 2017.

Identification of seabirds caught in NZ fisheries, 2016/17

This is the final annual report on protected seabird species caught in NZ fisheries during the period 1 July 2016 - 30 June 2017. Published December 2017.

Seabird Liaison for Surface Longline Fleet Programme 2016/17

This is the final report for the Seabird Liaison for Surface Longline Fleet Programme 2016/17. Published December 2017.

Flesh-footed shearwater population projects, 2016/17

These are the final reports for the Flesh-footed shearwater population projects conducted in various locations in 2016/17. Published February 2018.

Protected Species Bycatch Media 2016/17

This is the final report for the protected species bycatch media 2016-17. Published March 2018.

White-chinned petrel distribution, abundance and connectivity in NZ

This is the final summary report for White-chinned petrel distribution, abundance and connectivity: NZ populations and their global context. Published February 2018.