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A helicopter flying over a mountain range with a drop load of 1080 biodegradable bait pellets.

How we use 1080


The use of 1080 is strictly regulated and carefully planned so it is safe and we achieve the best results for native wildlife.

1080 is strictly regulated

Government agencies and independent authorities oversee the use of 1080 in New Zealand to ensure it is safe and effective. There are regulations for health and safety, community consultation, animal welfare, bait manufacturing and other practices.

We engage with hapū and iwi

We're required to consult with mana whenua for all 1080 aerial predator control operations.

We partner with hapū and iwi to respond to the threat of introduced predators in forests within their rohe/tribal boundaries.

We're also working on long term plans with hapū and iwi to restore the mauri/lifeforce of native ecosystems.

We consult with communities  

When planning predator control operations, we (or our contractors) visit and consult with neighbouring landowners and affected communities to assess the potential effects.

We aim to:

  • understand people’s views
  • answer any questions they may have
  • let them know how the operation could affect people, native flora and fauna, natural resources.

As part of this consultation process, we consider what we can do to mitigate any effects.  

We also work with many community conservation groups. 

We carefully plan and deliver operations

Operations involves helicopters distributing biodegradable 1080 bait pellets over large, remote and rugged areas where we can’t use traps.

In many places, 1080 operations are combined with ground control methods including trapping and bait stations. Each operation aims to reduce predators to near undetectable levels.

After we have permissions and consents, and have consulted with stakeholders, operations are scheduled for the best time to target predators. We run operations when monitoring shows predator numbers are dangerously high. This is the time when operations are needed to protect populations of threatened native species.

Fine, calm weather is required for operations. This allows predators to consume the pellets before rain dissolves the 1080.

Our technology enables us to place baits accurately to best target predators.

Find out more about How we run 1080 operations. 

We monitor and report results

We monitor the numbers of rodents and/or possums, before and after an operation is completed. 

Using scientific modelling, we can predict how predator populations will change in different areas throughout the year. We also forecast the timing and intensity of forest seeding events across the country. Learn more about the predator plague cycle.

We provide:

  • operational reports to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
  • monitoring results to hapū and/or iwi and local stakeholders 
  • results in an annual report about DOC’s National Predator Control Programme.

Practices for predator control operations are continuously reviewed and improved. There is ongoing research into the use of 1080 and other methods for controlling predators.