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Science posters


An archive of science posters.

Our science posters were usually presented at conferences by DOC staff.

Science posters produced after 2011 are listed on this website with the relevant topic. 

101. Predicting the replacement of woody weeds by native plant succession in New Zealand.  K. G. McAlpine 2010. DOC Science Poster 101. PDF, 1,904K 

100. Marine protected areas in New Zealand: 40+ years of progress? S. Byers; A. McCrone 2010. DOC Science Poster 100. PDF, 2,856K

99. Standardising biodiversity monitoring methods. K. McNutt, E. Wright, T. Greene and C. O’Donnell. DOC Science Poster 99. PDF, 786K

98. An approach to assessing and managing climate change impacts on terrestrial biodiversity. J.E. Christie; J.R. Hay. 2009. DOC Science Poster 98. PDF, 395K

97. National Biodiversity Metadata Database. M. Gautam; E. Wright; S. Vollweiller; J. Alejandro; N. Spencer 2007. DOC Science Poster 97.

96. DOC's Inventory and Montoring Toolbox - why are we standardising monitoring methods? K. McNutt; E. Wright; T. Greene; C. O'Donnell 2007. DOC Science Poster 96. PDF, 294K

95. Performance of mark-resight population estimators using two robin populations of known size. M. Pryde; T. Greene 2007. DOC Science Poster 95. PDF, 329K

91. Conserving the lupe—after Cyclone Heta. 2007. DOC Science Poster 91. PDF, 472K 

92. Campbell Island snipe (Coenocorypha undescribed sp.) recovery following rat eradication. C. Miskelly; J. Fraser 2006.  PDF, 473K

90. Using line transect distance sampling to estimate relative abundances of tomtits. C. Meurk; I. Westbrooke 2006. PDF, 423K

87. Lahars from Ruapehu Volcanomitigation and management. J.R. Keys 2006. PDF, 414K

80. Alpine gecko survey, South Island (2004/05). A. Goodman; R.A. Hitchmough; M.D. Tocher; T. Jewell 2005. PDF, 489K

75. Diet of stoats at Okarito Kiwi Sanctuary. E. Murphy; F. Maddigan; D. Brown; J.E. Christie; B. Edwards 2005.  PDF, 471K

74. Male harassment of breeding female New Zealand sea lions—a significant source of adult mortality. B.L. Chilvers; I. Wilkinson; B.C. Roberston; N.J. Gemmell; P.J. Duignan 2005. PDF, 220K

70. Effectively managing weeds. The Department of Conservation's weed management system. K.W. Briden; S.M. Timmins 2004. PDF, 483K

69. Weed eradication—When is it feasible? S.M. Timmins; D. Panetta 2004. PDF, 366K

68. Controlling bone-seed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) seedlings with clopyralid. K.W. Briden; I. Popay 2004. PDF, 345K

67. Distribution and biology of the Mandarin dogfish in New Zealand waters. C. Duffy; S. Bishop; K. Yopak 2004. PDF, 468K

66. Demystifying Mystacina: radio-tracking lesser short-tailed bats in New Zealand. J.E. Christie 2004. PDF, 459K

65. Kakapomanagement and recovery. J. Hamill 2004. PDF, 411K

64. Distance sampling populations of New Zealand birdsestimating kaka and kereru abundance.  T.C. Greene 2004. PDF, 497K

63. Radio-transmitters impose energetic costs on a flightless bird. J.D. Godfrey; D.M. Bryant; M.J. Williams 2004. PDF, 423K

62. Survival and dispersal of shoveler in New Zealand. R. Barker; M. Williams 2004. PDF, 494K

61. Refloatation rates recorded in the New Zealand Whale Stranding Database 1978-2002. T.M. O'Callaghan; A.L. van Helden; A.J. Baker 2004. PDF, 239K

60. Invertebrate conservation with computer-based tools. L. Sinclair; I.A.N. Stringer 2003. PDF, 422K

59. Successful translocation of Middle Island tusked weta. I.A.N. Stringer; R. Chappell 2003. PDF, 474K

58. DOC weeds database: sharing information. C. Howell 2003. PDF, 492K

57. Understanding small mammal impacts on endemic invertebrates. E. Murphy; F. Maddigan 2003. PDF, 500K

56. The effect of fire on bone-seed and gorse germination. K. McAlpine; S.M. Timmins 2002. PDF, 447K

55. Weed surveillance - when to search for new weeds.  S.M. Timmins 2002. PDF, 310K

54. Why monitor weed control? I. Popay; S.M. Timmins 2002. PDF, 351K

53. Control of introduced mammalian predators reverses the decline of a threatened New Zealand parrot.  R.J. Moorhouse; T.C. Greene 2002. PDF, 400K

52. Long-finned pilot whale strandings in New Zealandthe past 25 years. T.M. O'Callaghan; A.N. Baker; A.L. van Helden 2001. PDF, 403K

51. Conserving New Zealand's invertebrates. C. McGuinness 2001.

50. Coastal dune vegetation in Wellington. J.W.D. Sawyer; R. Milne 2001. PDF, 490K

49. Mistletoe conservation in Wellington. J.W.D. Sawyer; A. Rebergen 2001. 

47. Records of whale shark and manta ray from North Island, New Zealand. C. Duffy 2001.

46. Invertebrates on Kapiti Island post rat eradication - pattern or piggeldy? L. Sinclair; S. Pledger 2001.

45. Picking the places to pull plants. S. Timmins 2001. PDF, 466K

43. Islands of information: weeds in New Zealand. C. Howell; C. Buddenhagen 2001. PDF, 452K

42. Haast Tokoeka: mountain kiwi on the edge. R. Colbourne; P. Van Klink; M. Hieatt; J. Lyall 2001. PDF, 352K

41. Southern Tokoeka. R. Colbourne; H.A. Robertson 2001. PDF, 408K

38. Ecological restoration of Mana Island. C.M. Miskelly; C. Ryder 2001.

37. Response of forest birds to rat eradication on Kapiti Island. C.M. Miskelly; H.A. Robertson 2001 (1st edition), 2002 (2nd edition). PDF, 394K

36. Application of biogeography to protection of Chatham Island endemic vascular plants. J.W.D. Sawyer 2001. PDF, 443K

35. Early detection of new invasive weeds on islands. S. Timmins; H. Braithwaite 2001. PDF, 222K

34. Controlling multiple pests at low densities on the New Zealand mainland. A. Saunders 2001. 

33. Eradication of possums from Kapiti Island. K.P. Brown 2001.

32. Determining the extent of grey duck and mallard hybridisation in New Zealand. J. Green; G. Wallis; M. Williams 2001. PDF, 1,380K

31. Relationships between Australian, New Zealand and Chatham Island populations of Grey Ducks. J.M. Rhymer; M. Williams; R. Kingsford 2001.

30. Solving incidental capture of seabirds on pelagic longline vessels - progress in New Zealand. J. Molloy; C. Keith; S. Anderson 2000.

29. Northern Royal Albatross behaviour deduced from prototype loggers. D.G. Nicholls; C.J.R. Robertson; J. Catsoulis; K. Lay 2000.

27. Infanticide and cannibalism in the New Zealand sea lion. I. Wilkinson; S. Childerhouse; P.J. Duignan; F.M.D. Gulland 1999.

26. Bringing science to weed control: monitoring methods for managers. C. Buddenhagen; J. Geritzlehner 1999.

25. Intensive pest mammal control at Trounson Kauri Park. C. Gillies; M. Leach; S. Theobold; N. Coad; T. Herbert; J. Apeldoorn; P. Graham 1999.

24. Stoats as conservation pests in New Zealand. E.C. Murphy 1999.

23. Longline sink rates on bottom autoline vessels. N.W.McL. Smith 1999.

22. Weed surveillance: how to do it? H. Braithwaite; S. Timmins 1999. PDF, 303K

21. Eradicate this weed or not? Decision-making for weed-led control programmes. S. Timmins; S.J. Owen 1999. PDF, 193K

20. Bone-seed: another yellow-flowered shrub invading New Zealand's coastal plant communities. V. Reid; S. Timmins 1998.

19. The impact of weeds on threatened plants. V. Reid; S. Timmins 1998.

18. Predator diet in the Mackenzie Basin - after the release of rabbit haemorrhagic disease. E. Murphy; K. Brown; R. Keedwell 1998.

17. Home range of introduced mammalian predators at Trounson Kauri Park, Northland, New Zealand. C. Gillies 1998.

16. Kiore: their impact on two small seabird species in the Hen and Chicken Islands. R. Pierce 1998. PDF, 398K

15. Stress causing eggshell thinning: Northern Royal Albatross. C.J.R. Robertson; P.D. Jones 1998. PDF, 490K

14. Kiwi: incubation behaviour and egg physiology of New Zealand's kiwi. R. Colbourne 1998.

13. New Zealand fur seals: how much spawning hoki do they eat? H. Best 1998.

12. New Zealand sea lion: research programme. S. Childerhouse 1998.

11. Aerial archaeology of southern Hawke's Bay. K. Jones 1998.

10. Campbell Island Teal: from discovery to acceptance. M. Williams; C. Robertson 1998. PDF, 267K

9. Brown Teal: reversing the decline in Northland. M. Williams 1998.

8. Campbell Island Teal: research to support conservation. M. Williams 1998. PDF, 309K

7. Blue Duck: characteristics of a population. M. Williams 1998.

6. Aerial archaeology: Central Otago Goldfields. K. Jones 1998.

5. Kaka research: conserving a native parrot at risk from introduced predators and competitors. T. Greene; R. Moorhouse 1998.

4. Yellow-Eyed Penguin: a study of foraging habits. P. Moore 1998.

3. Restoration ecology: an emerging science for returning natural values to farms and forests. P. Simpson 1998.

2. Fire: an issue in maintaining New Zealand's indigenous biodiversity. S. Timmins; L. Foggarty 1998.

1. Predator research priorities for the Department of Conservation. E. Murphy 1998.