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Haast Valley hunting

Located in South Westland hunting in the West Coast region

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Low numbers of red deer can be found throughout Haast Valley. Chamois are present but uncommon.

Permit requirements

A permit is required to hunt on public conservation land.

This hunting area is covered by an 'open area permit' – get it online or from a DOC office.

Dog access

No dogs

About this hunting block


This area includes the true left, south side, of the Haast valley from the Burke confluence downstream to Haast township. The area is approached on SH6 from either Haast or Wanaka.

The true right (north side) of the Haast Valley is called the Thomas-Roaring Billy-MacFarlane hunting area. It’s more difficult to access. It has balloted, restricted access roar blocks during March – April.

Thomas -Roaring Billy-MacFarlane hunting area information.

Hunting ballot

The true left of the Haast Valley is not covered by any balloted, restricted access roar blocks except for Block 50 Lower Burke that begins from the Haast/Burke confluence and takes in the upstream area. Roar Blocks run from March- April. The rest of the area is open to hunting all year round.

More information and how to apply for the roar ballot.



Helicopter Landings into Mount Aspiring National Park are permitted by DOC approved aircraft concessionaires only.

Access to the area is off SH6 with many access points either direct into the bush or via side creeks throughout the valley. The valley is steep sided and sheer bluffs are common in places. Access to the open tops requires a long and sometimes difficult climb.


Most of the area is Mount Aspiring National Park except for the Haast River flats that are leased for grazing.

There are also small areas of privately owned land in the valley. A grazing lease is in place in the Haast Valley, hunters must seek the landowners or occupier’s permission before crossing.

Contact the Haast Visitor Centre office for landholder contact details.


NZTopo50 BY12, BY13


The true left side of the valley is part of Mount Aspiring National Park and all dogs are prohibited.


There are no DOC huts in this area.


Red deer can be found throughout the area at any time of the year however the roar is most popular. Good access to low altitude forest off SH6 makes this area popular for short duration bush stalking throughout the year.

Chamois are present in low numbers.

Know before you go

Check for current pesticide operations that may be in progress where you intend to hunt using the pesticide summary map West Coast pesticide map.

The use of shotguns, shotgun-rifle combos, .22 calibre and rim-fire firearms is prohibited on public conservation land unless stated otherwise.