Located in Mainland Southland hunting in the Southland region
Leithen Bush Scenic Reserve has steep lower slopes and a series of ridges and spurs of moderate slope leading onto the broad open tops of the Umbrella Ranges. Mixed beech forest, dominate the lower to mid slopes with diverse broad leaved shrubs, ferns and tussock grasslands on the tops. Land area is approximately 2,333 ha.
The Leithen Bush Scenic Reserve is a restricted hunting area. Outside the ‘roar’ period a permit must be obtained by contacting the DOC Murihiku Office in Invercargill. These permits close on 9 March each year for the ‘roar’ balloted permits. The block is also closed to hunting 16 September to 19 January due to lambing.
The balloted ‘roar’ period runs from the 3rd Monday in March to the 3rd Sunday in April every year.
During this 'roar' period the area is divided into three blocks and balloted for periods of up to three days during the week, or weekends only. Applications close on 31 October.
DOC charges an application fee for the balloted periods to recover costs.
Download the ballot map and application form (PDF, 185K) or (Word, 46K)
To apply for the ballot, you will need to complete an application form and either post, email or drop it off to the Invercargill office. If you post your application you will need to include credit card or debit card details for payment. If you would like to email your application you will need to phone the Invercargill Office to pay, we can not accept credit card or debit card details via email. Alternatively, you can pop into the Invercargill Office and pay by credit card, debit card, EFTPOS, or cash over the counter.
For hunting permits outside of the ballot hunting period contact the Murihiku Office in Invercargill.
From Waikaia follow Winding Creek Road onto Switzers Road, or from Waikaka follow either Wendon Valley Road or Greenvale Road onto Leithen Road to Switzers Road. There is a short walk across private land and hunters are required to contact the landowners.
Southern Forest NZ Ltd
Jim Love +64 208 5522 +64 27 271 3099
Greenvale Station
Dennis O’Connell +64 3 208 3727
Alan Stewart +64 3 207 2400
Highview Station
Geoff Reeves +64 27 284 6573
Kelwyn Reeves +64 27 759 3666
Leithen Valley Farm
Brendon Stewart +64 3 207 3755
Parasol Run
George Stewart +64 3 204 0885
NZTopo50 map - CE12
A selection of Topo50 maps which cover the Southland region are available to purchase from the DOC Murihiku Office.
If you require a map that is not supplied at the Murihiku Office, you can download maps or check out a list of other retailers on the Land Information New Zealand website.
Block 1 (PDF, 2096K)
Block 2 (PDF, 2097K)
Block 3 (PDF, 2097K)
Red deer - high numbers
There are no DOC huts available.
If possuming, a permit must be obtained by contacting the DOC Murihiku Office in Invercargill.