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Hokonui Forest Conservation Area and Hokonui Scenic Reserve hunting

Located in Mainland Southland hunting in the Southland region


You can hunt red deer, fallow deer and pigs in the Hokonui Forest.

About this hunting block

The Hokonui Forest Conservation Area (5371 ha) and Hokonui Scenic Reserve (187 ha) consist of rolling to steep terrain. Vegetation cover is podocarp forest and tussock land, the bush can be dense in places. 


Access to the northern Hokonui Forest area is by forestry road through the Dunsdale pine plantation off Dunsdale Valley Road.


NZTopo50 map - CF11

A selection of Topo50 maps which cover the Southland region are available to purchase from the DOC Murihiku Office. 

If you require a map that is not supplied at the Murihiku Office, you can download maps or check out a list of other retailers on the Land Information New Zealand website.  

Animals present

Red deer - moderate numbers
Fallow deer - low numbers
Pigs - moderate numbers


  • Dogs must be registered and are not permitted in huts.
  • When crossing private land, dogs are to be on a leash until well into forest and kept under control.
  • DOC must be notified regarding missing or lost dogs on conservation land.


There are no DOC huts available.

Additional information

If possuming, a permit must be obtained by visiting the DOC Murihiku Office in Invercargill.