Mangawhai Cliffs Walkway



This walk goes from the shoreline to the clifftops. You'll get to see remarkable views up and down the coast and to off-shore islands. It also gives you an opportunity to see passing whales and schools of shark.
  • Fitness required: Moderate
  • Gradient: Moderately steep with many steps
  • This track is suitable for children and is one of our best short walks.

9 km return via same track

Walking and tramping

2-3 hr Easy: Walking track

Seasonal restrictions

1 September to end of October: Link track between Mangawhai Cliffs Walkway and Cove Road is closed for lambing and calving.

The rest of the Walkway remains open during this period and is accessible from the carpark near the Mangawhai Surf Life Saving Club.


Stop kauri disease and protect kauri

  • Scrub all soil off shoes and gear.
  • Use cleaning stations.
  • Always stay on the track.

How you can help save kauri


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Phone 0800 275 362
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