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Lake Waikaremoana.

Te Urewera Visitor Centre at Te Kura Whenua


Visit Te Urewera Visitor Centre at Te Kura Whenua.

In 2016, Tūhoe opened, Te Kura Whenua. This ‘living building’ has been designed as a tribal meeting place, information space and visitor centre.           

Te Kura Whenua is a place that welcomes manuhiri in to Waikaremoana, we provide updated information and answer enquiries manuhiri may have for all activities and services in Te Urewera. 

There is mobile coverage for Vodafone and wifi available for those who wish to make Great Walk bookings or, to contact family and friends.

We encourage all manuhiri to call in and introduce themselves.

There is free day-time parking available at Te Kura Whenua/Visitor Centre, however no multi-day parking is available to make space for other manuhiri.

Contact the visitor centre for opening hours. 

You can also check Ngāi Tūhoe website for information including the water taxi timetable. 

Contact details

Te Urewera Visitor Centre
Phone+64 6 837 3900
AddressTe Kura Whenua
6249 Lake Road/SH38
Waikaremoana 4195
Te Urewera