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Show respect


Respect others, respect culture.

Care for Aotearoa banner.
Care for Aotearoa

Help everyone enjoy the outdoors by being considerate of others when you’re out in nature. Make space for others, keep noise down and read up on tramping hut etiquette.

Bikes, dogs and drones can really impact on other people, so make sure you are following the rules and being considerate to others.

Take extra care when cycling on shared tracks. Wherever you’re cycling, respect others, respect the rules, and respect the track.

Cultural heritage sites are places in the landscape that tell the physical, spiritual, and cultural stories of our past. They are places we value and connect to as New Zealanders. When visiting a heritage site please treat it with care and respect, so it can be enjoyed for many generations to come.

For Māori, public conservation land is a taonga (treasure) and of special significance. Many of these places are wāhi tapu (sacred to Māori) and need to be treated with respect. If you are visiting a place that is wāhi tapu, there may be restrictions on access. There may also be tikanga (protocols) in place, such as not eating, running, or making loud noises while at the wāhi tapu site. Respect these tikanga.

About DOC huts

About DOC huts

Discover what facilities you can and can't expect to find in DOC-managed backcountry huts, and read the hut users code.

Care for cultural heritage

Care for cultural heritage

Help care for the places that shaped New Zealand. Take only photos and leave only footprints when visiting cultural heritage sites.

Dogs on conservation land

Dogs on conservation land

Where you can take your dog on public conservation land, disability assist dogs, avian awareness training and why dog access is controlled.

Drone use on conservation land

Drone use on conservation land

Learn about operating drones on public conservation land and how to apply for DOC for a drone concession (permit).

Mountain biking

Mountain biking

Fantastic scenery and plenty of opportunities for overnight trips staying in DOC huts make mountain biking a great way to enjoy the outdoors. From easy family rides to adrenalin pumping technical tracks, there is something for everyone.

Mountain biking guidelines

Mountain biking guidelines

Respect the track, respect others and respect the rules.