Percy Burn viaduct
Image: Stephen Patience | DOC


This project to upgrade Tuatapere’s Hump Ridge Track to Great Walk standard is well underway.

The Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track opened as a multi-day hike in November 2001 and is managed by the Tuatapere Hump Track Charitable Trust.

In 2019 the track was chosen from a number of proposed tracks to be upgraded to Great Walk standard to offer visitors a safer, smoother experience across its stunning and challenging terrain.

Located in Te Wāhipounamu, the south-west corner of the South Island, the track journeys through spectacular and diverse landscapes, including seascapes, sandy beaches, native forests and an alpine environment with soaring limestone tors.

About the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track

The Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track is a 3-day, 60 km loop walk, that takes trampers along the south coast of western Southland, up to the sub-alpine zone of the Hump Ridge and over historic viaducts (bridges) surrounded by native forest.

The idea for this track came after a ban on native logging in the mid-1980s saw the loss of NZ Forestry Services from Tuatapere. In 1988 the Tuatapere & Districts Promotions Group suggested the construction of a tramping track to support the community, by creating jobs and bringing income to the area from visiting track walkers.

The community embraced the idea and provided numerous volunteer hours, skills, tools and resources to create the track between 1994 and 2001.

The Hump Ridge track opened in November 2001, operated by a not-for-profit business, Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track Inc., on behalf of the Tuatapere Hump Track Charitable Trust.

The track currently begins at the Rarakau carpark, which is located about 30 km from Tuatapere. It traverses several South Island Landless Native Act (SILNA) blocks before it crosses into Fiordland National Park. The southern section of the walk follows the DOC-managed South Coast Track.

The area has a rich history. The stories of mana whenua/iwi and the forestry heritage, including the viaducts and Port Craig, will be part of the experience upgrade.

To find out more about the track, including description, things to know, and how to book it, visit Hump Ridge Track.

About the project

The goal of this project is to upgrade the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track to a higher/Great Walk standard and make it a world-class visitor experience reflecting the significant cultural and heritage values of the area, and inspiring increased conservation advocacy.

Get information about  the Great Walks selection process.

Although the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track has been operating as a multi-day hike for more than 20 years, work is needed to bring it to the Great Walk standard. This includes upgrades to the track surface, structures and carpark, as well as the interpretation and storytelling package.

There are several challenges to be addressed for this project to succeed. These include:

  • bringing the South Coast Track up to Great Walk standard, including fixing drainage
  • ensuring legal access across all private land that the track crosses
  • ensuring safety concerns on and around the track are addressed
  • ensuring the viaducts can be managed and maintained for long term public access.

Working with others

The DOC Strategic Projects Team leads the project with oversight from a Governance Group that includes mana whenua, namely Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka; and the Tuatapere Hump Track Charitable Trust.

The project team are also working with the various stakeholders that have a relationship to the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track, including SILNA representatives, Rowallan Alton Inc., Southland District Council, Heritage New Zealand and Port Craig Viaducts Charitable Trust.

The track crosses land managed by DOC and Southland District Council, SILNA blocks, as well as areas owned by Rowallan Alton Inc. and other private individuals or groups. 

The Tuatapere Hump Track Charitable Trust will continue to manage and operate the track and facilities during and after the upgrade project.

Community benefit

The project is expected to benefit the local area – through additional employment, business opportunities and increased tourism/visitor spend.

There has already been an increase in bookings for the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track since the 2019 Great Walk upgrade announcement.

Project progress

The project set-up and supporting work started in 2019. The track construction phase was started in late 2022. Originally forecast for completion in late 2023, the project has been extended to October 2024 to allow more time after supply chain delays, weather conditions and working on arduous terrain slowed progress.

The 60 km track has been divided into sections so the construction contracting teams can do the track upgrade work on different sections at the same time and focus on the sections most in need of repair/upgrade. 

Hump Ridge Track upgrade map (3,722K)

Timeframes and key tasks 

June 2019 – September 2021

  • Announcement of the decision to upgrade the Hump Ridge Track to Great Walk standard – see media releases.
  • Project team formed.
  • Development of relationships with partners and key stakeholders.
  • Background work started – including governance, legal, financial, compliance, land access, asset management, track and structures assessment, historical and heritage evaluations etc.

October 2021

  • Community information day in Tuatapere – see presentation in project documents below.
  • Completion of the scoping of the construction work required to bring the track up to Great Walk standard.
  • Launch of project webpage and project newsletter – see project documents

December 2021

  • Request for Tenders (RFT) for the track upgrade (excluding Section D) released on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS). This is the process used to inform and invite registered contractors to tender for work.
  • Initiation of the plan for upgrading Track Section D. This work is separate to the tender process due to the track being in very muddy condition and needing urgent repair.

April 2022

  • A Whakatau te whenua held by mana whenua mana moana of the rohe Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka. This is a ceremony to settle the land, bless the track and clear the way for track construction work to begin – see media releases.
  • The contractor begins the upgrade work at Track Section D.
  • Publication of a project newsletter – see project documents

June 2022

Approval of the detailed business case that confirmed the project budget and expected work.

Key details are:

  • the project capital expenditure costs will be $7.9m.
  • the project will deliver a track to Great Walk standard at the Hump Ridge location by upgrading the track surface and structures
  • this includes a new swing bridge at the Edwin Burn to bypass the Edwin Burn Viaduct. Note: the viaduct is not being removed or is it unsafe - this bridge will provide an alternative crossing should the viaduct become unusable.
  • the work listed also includes an extension of car parking at Rarakau and an entrance Waharoa (gateway), shelter and additional toilets.
  • high-level experience design, which includes storytelling and interpretation, is approved for detailed development.
  • work on the detailed assessment for the protection of the heritage and cultural values/impacts for the track and surrounding areas, including a conservation heritage plan for Port Craig.
  • the main construction phase will begin mid-late 2022 and continue well into 2023.
  • the project was initially forecast for completion in late 2023. 

July to December 2022

  • Contractual agreements, planning and scheduling of all approved project works with successful contractors completed.
  • Rarakau car park redevelopment design works completed.
  • Community information day in Tuatapere – see presentation in project documents.
  • Project newsletter published – see project documents.
  • Contractor completed upgrade work at Track Section D and O.
  • Procurement process initiated for the interpretation and story-telling package.

January - March 2023

  • Contractor started upgrade work at Track Section A and C.
  • Request for Tenders (RFT) for the carpark upgrade released on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS). This is the process used to inform and invite registered contractors to tender for work.
  • Publication of project newsletter – see project documents

April - September 2023

  • Contractor completed upgrade work at Track Section A, started upgrade work at Track Section B and J and continued upgrade work at Track Section C.
  • Completion of the tendering and construction process for Rarakau car park upgrade works.
  • Development of detailed work for the storytelling and interpretation packages.
  • Publication of project newsletter – see project documents
  • Users, stakeholders, and local community advised of the temporary closure of the Rarakau carpark for redevelopment upgrade works along with the expected timeframes, anticipated impacts, and recommended actions by users.
  • Public announcement that the project work will continue into 2024, with the project completion now forecast for October 2024 – see media releases.

October 2023

  • Contractor continued upgrade work at Track Section J and began upgrade work at Track Section F (Port Craig to PCL boundary).
  • Contractor(s) continued upgrade at Track Section B and at Track Section C.
  • Redevelopment of the Rarakau carpark/track start was completed. Stakeholders, carpark users and local community advised that carpark reopened for public use.
  • Annual community information day in Tuatapere – see presentation in project documents.
  • Project newsletter published – see project documents.

November 2023 – April 2024

  • Production and delivery of most of the elements of the storytelling and interpretation infrastructure.
  • Contractor continued upgrade work at Track Section B and at Track Section F.
  • Contractor(s) completed upgrade work at Track Section C and Track Section J, and began upgrade work at Track Section G. 

May 2024 – September 2024

  • Project Fact Sheet developed - see project documents
  • The construction of the new 58m swing bridge at Edwin Burn Junction.
  • Installation of elements of the storytelling and interpretation infrastructure across the track
  • Design and construction of footings for the Waharoa and planting of native trees and shrubs at the new track entrance.
  • Contractor(s) continued upgrade work at Track Section B and Track Section F.
  • Contractor(s) completed upgrade work at Track Section G and began upgrade work at Track Section E. 
  • Agreement that the Track would open with Great Walk status on Friday 25 October 2024.


  • Contractors continue the track construction upgrade work at Track Sections B, E and F.
  • Negotiation of legal easements with landowners to secure public access.
  • Final development of the Waharoa (gateway) and landscaping around the track entrance.
  • Planning for 2024/25 Great Walks summer season
  • Event planning and advertisement of the track opening on Friday 25 October 2024 –  see project documents


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This is a shared project mailbox that is monitored regularly and one of the project team will get back to you.

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