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2011/12 Conservation Services Programme reports


Conservation Services reports from July 2011 to June 2012.

2011-12 Annual research summary

This report outlines the research carried out through the Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2011/12, and provides updates on multi-year projects started in previous years. Published December 2014.

Protected species bycatch newsletter - The Ocean Guardian

Read about The Ocean Guardian, a newsletter that was produced to communicate protected species-related information to trawl and longline fishermen. Published May 2014.

Pied shag, a national population review

This report describes the results of a national population review of pied shags. Published December 2013.

Kellian underwater line setting device

This report describes the results of flume tank testing and development of a seabird bycatch mitigation device, the Kellian underwater line setter. Published August 2013.

Seabird bycatch reduction in scampi trawl fisheries

This report investigates methods for reducing net captures of seabirds in the scampi trawl fishery. It documents the fishery, factors effecting likelihood of capture of seabirds and development of a net restrictor device designed to mitigate the risk of seabird captures. Published July 2013.

Warp strike mitigation devices in New Zealand fisheries

Learn about a project to improve warp strike mitigation devices in use on trawlers > 28 m in length operating in New Zealand fisheries. Published April 2013.

The distribution of protected corals in New Zealand

This research report is the final output from CSP project POP2011-06, investigating the distribution of protected corals and overlap with commercial fishing effort. Published March 2013.

Protected rays - occurrence and development of mitigation methods in the New Zealand tuna purse seine fishery

Read the results of a study to mitigate captures of protected rays and assess the fate of live released rays. Published September 2012.

Basking shark bycatch review 2011/12

Read about possible factors affecting bycatch of basking sharks (Certorhinus maximus) in New Zealand trawl fisheries. Published September 2012.

Protected fish - review of fishery interactions population information

Read the final report for project POP2011-03 Protected fish - review of interactions and populations. Published December 2012.

NZ sea lion monitoring at the Auckland Islands 2011/12

These reports describe the results of ongoing population monitoring of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland islands. These are the final reports for the 2011/12 year. Published November 2012.

Yellow-eyed penguins - A review of population information

Read about the range and distribution of yellow-eyed penguins along with their population levels and trends. This project was commissioned as part of the Conservation Services Programme project POP2011-08. Published November 2012.

Shag interactions with commercial potting - Chatham Islands

Read about shag interactions with commercial rock lobster pot and trap fishing methods in the Chatham Islands. This project was commissioned as part of the Conservation Services Programme project INT2011-02. Published August 2012.

Identification of seabirds captured in NZ fisheries, 2011/12

Read about the identification of seabirds captured in NZ fisheries for the 2011/12 year (July 2011-June 2012). Published June 2013.