A necropsy is an examination of a dead animal to try to determine the cause of death.
Necropsies require specialised veterinary skills. Wildbase Pathology based at Massey University undertakes necropsies for DOC.
A necropsy is only performed with the support of iwi/hāpu. The condition of the animal must also be suitable to be able to carry out a necropsy.
Necropsies are undertaken on dead Hector's and Māui dolphins and New Zealand sea lions to help identify cause of death and to collect important scientific data that may help us manage threats to these species. Sometimes necropsies are carried out on other species for various reasons, such as on a particularly rare species, an unusual event, or to investigate a compliance issue (breaches of the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978).
View Hector's and Māui dolphin necropsy reports.
Many companies undertaking seismic surveying agree to consider covering the cost of necropsies for any dead whales or dolphins found in the broad vicinity of their operations. We get Massey University pathologists to carry out these independent assessments.
Find out more about seismic surveying in New Zealand.
Whether a necropsy is undertaken is dependent upon many factors, including (but not limited to):
Scientific researchers may seek permission to carry out post-mortem examinations or take samples (e.g. body tissues or stomach contents) from dead animals. They must have a permit from DOC and consult with iwi/hāpu.
While DOC may facilitate such research requests, these investigations are independent from DOC and may not be for the purpose of examining cause of death, nor will they necessarily be conducted straight away.
View pathology reports from Massey University for significant events.
ID | What | Location | Date | |
TBA | Headless fur seal pups | Banks Peninsula | December 2018 | |
3810 | Sperm whale | White Rock, Wairarapa | March 2017 | |
3798 | Pilot whales | Farewell Spit, Golden Bay | February 2017 | |
3421 | Pilot whales | Farewell Spit, Golden Bay | January 2014 | |
3625 | Elephant seal pup | Caroline Bay, Timaru | October 2015 | |
3633 | Minke whale | Waikawa, Manawatu | June 2015 | |
3902 | Pygmy sperm whale | O'Neills Beach, Auckland | January 2015 | |
3472 | Pygmy sperm whale | Port Underwood, Marlborough Sounds | June 2014 | |
3457 | Pygmy sperm whales | Mahia Beach, Hawke's Bay | May 2014 | Pygmy sperm whale #1 (PDF, 140K) |
3903 | Pygmy sperm whales | Te Awanga, Hawke's Bay | May 2014 | |
NA | NZ sea lion | Stewart Island | April 2014 | |
3468 | Orca | Te Wae Wae Bay | February 2014 | |
3905 | Pilot whale | Kaka Point, Dunedin | February 2014 | |
3425 | Cuvier's beaked whale | Scott's Ferry, Whanganui | February 2014 |
Email: marine@doc.govt.nz