Ulva Island-Te Wharawhara Marine Reserve is made up of three separate areas off Ulva Island/Te Wharawhara in Paterson Inlet/Whaka a Te Wera on the eastern side of Stewart Island/Rakiura. The marine reserve was established in 2004. No commercial fishing has been permitted in the inlet since 1994.
The isolation of Paterson Inlet and its forest catchment help keep these cold waters clear and unpolluted. Ulva Island itself is a pest-free open sanctuary, with native vegetation growing all the way to the beach. Extending from the shore, this marine reserve protects unique and diverse undersea habitats in conditions that are thought to be close to those of pre-human times.
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Report card (PDF, 874K)
How marine health is assessed
Report card rationale
Research in the marine reserve
Research and monitoring
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Ulva Island-Te Wharawhara Marine Reserve