If you're unable to find a suitable activity with DOC, there are lots of other people doing great conservation work – get more information.
This volunteer opportunity is a 4-day long weekend Friday to Monday.
Applications are invited for Monday–Friday volunteering to support the Motuora ranger.
Get involved on Tiritiri Matangi.
Help with maintenance of the Kawau Island Historic Reserve and the exterior of Mansion House.
Join a group of dedicated volunteers and work in the gardens at Mansion House for a day.
Get involved with maintenance or weeding on Te Hauturu-o-Toi/Little Barrier Island.
Applications for the 2024/2025 season are now closed.
DOC led volunteering is 5-days. We also encourage you to look at opportunities with Motuihe Trust.
Wildlife Response Squad volunteers will support DOC rangers by responding to call-outs from the public about distressed wildlife around Auckland Mainland. Applications will open April/May 2025.