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Help design our proposal for New Zealand's next biodiversity strategy


This early feedback consultation informed discussion document, Te Koiroa o te Koiora, which proposes our next biodiversity strategy. Submissions closed 28 February 2019.

From early October 2018 until 28 February 2019, we wanted to know how you feel about our biodiversity – what it means to you, why it matters, and what you want us to achieve in the future. We also engaged with our Treaty Partners and worked with reference groups who have expertise in Te Ao Māori worldviews, science, conservation and industry.

The feedback we received helped design the proposal of a new action plan from 2020. The proposal was out for consultation during August and September 2019.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of all living things and ecosystems. It includes plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms as well as the ecosystems (on land or in water) where they live. Biodiversity can be of any scale – it could be a patch in your backyard or the whole planet. Biodiversity is the web of life.

Why we need to protect it

Aotearoa has a rich and unique biodiversity. Many of our plants, birds, bats, insects, fungi, reptiles and fish aren’t found anywhere else in the world. We’re lucky enough to have ancient rainforests, tussock grasslands and braided rivers on our doorstep.

Many of us feel a strong connection to our native plants and wildlife. Our nature gives us enjoyment when we’re outdoors, draws visitors to our country and is part of our culture and way of life.

We have a responsibility to safeguard our biodiversity for present and future generations. This strategy will guide how we do that.

We have a chance to set an ambitious plan for the next 20 years

The goals and actions of the current Biodiversity Strategy run out in 2020. As it stands, we currently have over 4,000 indigenous species threatened or at risk of extinction.

The new Biodiversity Strategy will set a vision and guide our biodiversity management work for the next 20 years.

Estimated timeline for the project

October 2018: Process to develop a new strategy announced

October 2018 – March 2019: Early engagement through reference groups, regional hui, workshops and online forums. Design of a discussion document.

August – September 2019: Discussion document released for formal consultation.

October – December 2019: Submissions analysis and development of draft Biodiversity Strategy. Ideas will continue to be tested with reference groups.

Mid 2020: Biodiversity Strategy is finalised and approved by Cabinet.

For more information about the government processes and the scope of the new strategy, please see the Terms of Reference (PDF, 170K) and Cabinet paper (PDF, 164K)


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