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Application for a lease, licence and easement from No 8 Limited


A decision has been made to grant lease, licence and easements for a small hydro scheme on the West Coast.


Update 21 January 2020

A final report was provided to the Ministers delegate in December 2019. The decision to grant this concession application has now been made.

Public submissions and hearing

A hearing was held on Wednesday 26 September 2019, 10.30 am at the Hokitika DOC Office. One submitter was heard.

A report that summarised all submissions and recommendations from the Hearing Panel was prepared and provided to the Ministers delegate.

Submission documents:

Some of these documents are scans and very large files.

Application documents

Further information provided by applicant

About the application

This application was publicly notified under section 17SC of the Conservation Act 1987. The Minister of Conservation received an application for a lease, licence and easement for a term of 40 years to construct and manage a small hydro scheme.

Applicant: No. 8 Limited

Location of proposed activity: Within the Waitangi Forest Conservation Area, Whataroa Scenic Reserve and Marginal Strip – McCulloughs Creek, West Coast, South Island.

Map reference: Approximately 4,981m2, between approximate map references NZTM: 1392680.5206250 NZTM:1391846.5205998, NZTM: 1390417.5206541 and NZTM: 1390907.5206898. Topo50 map BW16 - Whataroa

Summary of proposal: No.8 Hydro Limited applied for a 1.890kW, run-of-river hydro scheme on McCulloughs Creek. The scheme application included intake structures, penstocks, access road and powerhouse. The requested term is 40 years.