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Threatened Species Occasional Publication archive


Threatened Species Occasional Publication archive.

24. Captive management plan for kiwi. 2004. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 24. 42 p. (PDF, 213K)

23. New Zealand threat classification system lists 2002. R. Hitchmough 2002. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 23. 210 p.

Introductory pages: (PDF, 619K)
Entire publication: (PDF, 1 350K)
Excel datafile: (XLS, 1 228K
Compressed datafile: (ZIP, 348K)

22. Classifying species according to threat of extinction - a system for New Zealand. J. Molloy; B.D. Bell; M. Clout; P. de Lange; G. Gibbs; D. Given; D. Norton; N. Smith; T. Stephens 2002. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 22. 26 p. (PDF, 570K)

21. Tuatara captive management plan and husbandry manual. B. Blanchard et. al. 2000. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 21. 74 p. (PDF, 769K)

20. Conservation requirements of New Zealand's nationally threatened invertebrates. C. McGuinness 2001. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 20. 658 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 319K)
Part 2: (PDF, 1 177K
Part 3: (PDF, 2 776K
Part 4: (PDF, 2 678K
Part 5: (PDF, 2 069K
Part 6: (PDF, 1 991K
Part 7: (PDF, 398K)
Part 8: (PDF, 2 699K

19. Kokako management folder. I. Flux; J. Innes 2001. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 19. 73 p. (PDF, 533K)

17. Action plan for seabird conservation in New Zealand. Part B: non-threatened seabirds. G.A. Taylor 2000. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 17. 201 p. (PDF, 1 645K

16. Action plan for seabird conservation in New Zealand. Part A: threatened seabirds. G.A. Taylor 2000. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 16. 234 p. (PDF, 1 942K

15. Brown teal captive management plan. G. Dumbell 2000. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 15. 30 p. (PDF, 277K)

14. Translocation database summary. O. McHalick (Comp.) 1998. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 14. 62 p. (PDF, 269K)

13. The conservation requirements of New Zealand's nationally threatened vascular plants. S.R. Dopson; P.J. de Lange; C.C. Ogle; B.D. Rance; S.P. Courtney; J. Molloy 1999. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 13. 194 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 580K)
Part 2: (PDF, 533K)
Part 3: (PDF, 546K)
Part 4: (PDF, 552K)
Part 5: (PDF, 349K)
Part 6: (PDF, 368K)
Part 7: (PDF, 380K)
Part 8: (PDF, 300K)

12. Biodiversity Recovery Unit: roles and responsibilities. 1998. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 12. 12 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 113K)

11. Management plan for captive black stilts. C. Reed 1998. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 11. 24 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 145K)

10. Department of Conservation response plan for use in the event of an outbreak of rabbit calicivirus disease (RCD). H. Aikman 1997. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 10. 171 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 483K)
Part 2: (PDF, 368K)
Part 3: (PDF, 404K)

9. Kea (Nestor notabilis) captive management plan and husbandry manual. T. Pullar 1996. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 9. 15 p. (PDF, 97K)

8. Survey for the "Chesterfield" skink (Leiolopisma sp.) near Hokitika on the West Coast. 7–9 March 1995. M.E. Aviss; J. Lyall 1995. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 8. 8 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 89K)

7. Captive management plan Antipodes Island parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor). R. West; C. Tisdall; M. Aviss 1995. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 7. 6 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 177K)

6. Threatened terrestrial insects: a workshop to advance conservation. M. Cresswell; D. Veitch (Comps) 1994. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 6. 69 p. (PDF, 583K)

5. Pest fences: notes and comments. M. Aviss; A. Roberts (Comps) 1994. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 5. 39 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 553K)
Part 2: (PDF, 494K)

4. Mohua captive management plan. P.J. Dilks 1993. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 4. 21 p. (PDF, 215K)

3. Proceedings of the national predator management workshop. D. Veitch; M. Fitzgerald; J. Innes; E. Murphy (Eds) 1992. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 3. 96 p. (Out of print.)

Part 1: (PDF, 384K)
Part 2: (PDF, 498K)

2. Report on the Chatham Island taiko and Chatham Island petrel recovery programmes (1990/91). G.A. Taylor 1991. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 2. 25 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 540K)

1. Proceedings of a threatened species workshop held in Turangi. April 27–May 2 1990. G. Rasch; A. Saunders (Eds) 1990. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 1. 31 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 221K)

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