7. Ecology and management of invasive weeds. P.A. Williams 1997. Conservation Sciences Publication 7. 67p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 5,001K)
6. Conservation ecology of the dusky galaxias, Galaxias pullus (Teleostei: Galaxiidae). R.M. Allibone; R.M. McDowall 1997. Conservation Sciences Publication 6. 48p. (Out of print.)
5. Critical habitats for the conservation of shortjawed kokopu, Galaxias postvectis Clarke. R.M. McDowall; G.A. Eldon; M.L. Bonnett; J.R.E. Sykes 1996. Conservation Sciences Publication 5. 80p. (Out of print.)
4. Conservation expertise. A directory of conservation-related research and technical skills. H.M. Adcock (Comp.) 1994. Conservation Sciences Publication 4. 152 p. (Out of print.)
3. Land evaluation for nature conservation: A scientific review compiled for application in New Zealand. K.F. O'Connor; F.B. Overmars; M.M. Ralston 1990. Conservation Sciences Publication 3. 328 p. (Out of print.)
2. Ecological restoration of New Zealand islands. Proceedings of a conference. D.R. Towns; C.H. Daugherty; I.A.E Atkinson (Eds) 1990.Conservation Sciences Publication 2. 325 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 4304K)
1. Atlas of the amphibians and reptiles of New Zealand. C.R. Pickard; D.R. Towns 1988. and A field guide to the lizards of New Zealand. 2nd ed. D.R Towns 1988. Conservation Sciences Publication 1. 28 pp. (Out of print.) (PDF Entire, 4532K)
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Part 9: (PDF, 633K)