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Conservation Sciences Publication archive


Conservation Sciences Publication archive.

7. Ecology and management of invasive weeds. P.A. Williams 1997. Conservation Sciences Publication 7. 67p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 5,001K)

6. Conservation ecology of the dusky galaxias, Galaxias pullus (Teleostei: Galaxiidae). R.M. Allibone; R.M. McDowall 1997. Conservation Sciences Publication 6. 48p. (Out of print.)

5. Critical habitats for the conservation of shortjawed kokopu, Galaxias postvectis Clarke. R.M. McDowall; G.A. Eldon; M.L. Bonnett; J.R.E. Sykes 1996. Conservation Sciences Publication 5. 80p. (Out of print.)

4. Conservation expertise. A directory of conservation-related research and technical skills. H.M. Adcock (Comp.) 1994. Conservation Sciences Publication 4. 152 p. (Out of print.)

3. Land evaluation for nature conservation: A scientific review compiled for application in New Zealand. K.F. O'Connor; F.B. Overmars; M.M. Ralston 1990. Conservation Sciences Publication 3. 328 p. (Out of print.)

2. Ecological restoration of New Zealand islands. Proceedings of a conference. D.R. Towns; C.H. Daugherty; I.A.E Atkinson (Eds) 1990.Conservation Sciences Publication 2. 325 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 4304K)

1. Atlas of the amphibians and reptiles of New Zealand. C.R. Pickard; D.R. Towns 1988. and A field guide to the lizards of New Zealand. 2nd ed. D.R Towns 1988. Conservation Sciences Publication 1. 28 pp. (Out of print.) (PDF Entire, 4532K)

Part 1: (PDF, 281K)
Part 2: (PDF, 552K)
Part 3: (PDF, 578K)
Part 4: (PDF, 511K)
Part 5: (PDF, 530K)
Part 6: (PDF, 557K)
Part 7: (PDF, 554K)
Part 8: (PDF, 559K)
Part 9: (PDF, 633K)