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Marine protected areas


Read reports on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that explore MPA design, planning and implementation, and ways to improve them.

Evaluating Key Ecological Areas datasets for the New Zealand marine environment

A follow up assessment of data that could be used to identify key ecological areas in our seas. Published 2020.

The ecological integrity of New Zealand’s marine ecosystems

Ecological integrity measures the health of an ecosystem by considering how native, pristine, diverse and resilient it is. This report sets out a strategy to assess trends in the ecological integrity of New Zealand’s marine ecosystems. Published 2011.

Marine Protected Areas: Tier 1 statistic

The Marine Protected Areas: Tier 1 statistic report provides the current statistics relating to marine protected areas (MPAs) inshore of the outer (12 nautical mile) limit of New Zealand’s Territorial Sea.

Marine Protected Areas: Classification, protection standard and implementation guidelines

These are the classification, protection standard and implementation guidelines for the Marine Protected Areas: policy and implementation plan. Published 2008.

Marine Protected Areas: Policy and implementation plan

This policy is a key means of protecting a full range of New Zealand’s marine habitats and ecosystems. Published 2005.

Coastal marine habitats and marine protected areas in the New Zealand Territorial Sea: a broad scale gap analysis

This report provides an analysis of which coastal habitats in the New Zealand Territorial Sea are currently represented in areas that meet the New Zealand MPA Protection Standard (the Protection Standard). Published 2011.

Marine habitat map of Northland: Mangawhai to Ahipara

This report describes the methods used to produce the data, results and discussion including potential uses of this mapping resource. View the completed maps of this project. Published 2009.

Exploration of the use of reserve planning software to identify potential marine protected areas in New Zealand's exclusive economic zone

This report describes results of an exploratory analysis using reserve selection software (Zonation) to evaluate various scenarios for the identification of Marine Protected Areas within New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone. Published 2006.

Maori methods & indicators for marine protection project reports

This project sought to understand more about how marine reserves and alternative methods of marine management contribute to meeting iwi/hapu objectives.

Marine protection for the New Zealand subantarctic islands

Scattered across the Southern Ocean are five island groups we call ‘the subantarctics’. Together they form one of the last bastions of nature on the planet. Action now to protect these marine areas will allow us to safeguard this treasure trove for years to come. Published 2006.

Protecting our seas - Tiakina a Tangaroa

Protecting our seas is an overview of New Zealand’s marine biodiversity conservation and the role of Marine Protected Areas. Published 2005.