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Natural areas of Ahipara Ecological District


This is a reconnaissance survey report about the Ahipara Ecological District for the Protected Natural Areas Programme (PNAP). Published 1998.

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Natural areas of Ahipara Ecological District



The Ahipara Ecological District is located on the western coast of the North Island, south of Kaitaia, and covers approximately 27,762 ha and occupies a unique place in the geography of Northland. It encompasses the southern extremeties of Ninety Mile Beach, the mouths of the Herekino and Whangape harbours, and several high dissected plateaus whose ecology is dominated by the presence of kauri.

It may seem that sufficient land is already reserved. However, this view does not take into account the importance of these natural areas to New Zealand’s biodiversity, the nationally and regionally uncommon biological associations, and the outstanding examples of nationally rare habitats.