Map and boundaries
View a map and get the GPS boundary points for the Ulva Island-Te Wharawhara Marine Reserve.

For tide, boundaries and other information you can download the MarineMate app.

Interactive map

Downloadable map and boundaries

Ulva Island-Te Wharawhara Marine Reserve (PDF, 836K)

GPS information

Ulva Island-Te Wharawhara Marine Reserve GPS file (GPX, 3K)

  1. 46° 56.777' S 168° 3.719' E
  2. 46° 56.034' S 168° 6.322' E
  3. 46° 56.005' S 168° 6.335' E
  4. 46° 55.598' S 168° 6.555' E
  5. 46° 56.323' S 168° 8.056' E
  6. 46° 57.506' S 168° 5.78' E
  7. 46° 55.514' S 168° 7.925' E
  8. 46° 55.56' S 168° 8.086' E
  9. 46° 55.572' S 168° 8.122' E
  10. 46° 55.847' S 168° 8.424' E
  11. 46° 55.829' S 168° 8.805' E
  12. 46° 54.937' S 168° 8.835' E
  13. 46° 54.948' S 168° 9.765' E
  14. 46° 56.005' S 168° 9.722' E
  15. 46° 55.992' S 168° 9.279' E
  16. 46° 55.907' S 168° 08.802' E
  17. 46° 55.874' S 168° 08.803' E