Lake Waikaremoana



Remote, rugged, immense, Te Urewera is the home of the Tūhoe people and is famous for its lakes and forested beauty.

Te Urewera is recognised in New Zealand law as a living person. Te Urewera is spoken for and governed by a board. Care for Te Urewera, including the tracks and facilities, is carried out by Te Uru Taumatua – Ngāi Tūhoe’s operational entity.

Te Uru Taumatua are working to develop a new kind of visitor experience – one that is rich with culture, appreciation of Papatūānuku, and care for nature and people. Manuhiri (visitors) are welcome in Te Urewera and are encouraged to experience this unique and special place.

Te Uru Taumatua are making changes to visitor infrastructure and huts are being removed.

Find things to do and places to stay Te Urewera

The Ruapani Circuit Track, which passes 7 wetlands, is a great place to see wetland birds such as scaups/pāpango, grey ducks/pārera, Australian coots and little black shags.

Most craft are permitted on Lake Waikaremoana, although jet skis, house boats and float planes are not permitted. Carry approved safety equipment and a local chart of the lake. Observe water safety regulations.

Row boats can be hired on Lake Waikareiti when the Te Urewera Visitor Centre is open.

Be aware that conditions on the lake can change rapidly.

Brown and rainbow trout are found in Lakes Waikaremoana and Waikareiti. Fishing licenses can be bought from Fish & Game New Zealand and from the Waikaremoana Holiday Park store.


Te Urewera Visitor Centre
Phone +64 6 837 3900
Address Te Kura Whenua
6249 Lake Road/SH38
Waikaremoana 4195
Te Urewera
  Visitor centre services
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