In order to achieve this, the Code features specific standards for required competencies of Marine Mammal Observers (MMO) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) operators. Also, in conjunction with professional observers, DOC has developed a high-level curriculum for observer training courses and established a process to recognise observer training courses that are consistent with the standards articulated in the Code.
Only suitably trained, qualified and experienced MMO and PAM operators may be engaged for observational duties on marine seismic surveys in accordance with the Code. However, in recognition of potential resourcing constraints that these new requirements may cause, there are a number of interim measures which provide transitional arrangements for establishment of the new regime.
Since the observer standards are performance based, experienced observers that have the requisite skills can demonstrate competency through assessment (for example, a recognised examination process at a training provider) without necessarily completing additional training.
Established training providers wishing to offer observer training courses and competency assessment for the purposes of the Code need to include the subjects outlined in the following high-level curriculum as a minimum.
Training providers are encouraged to develop appropriate training courses according to the basic structure of the curriculum, and submit course material to the Director-General for evaluation. Any course material submitted will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used for internal DOC review purposes by the relevant officials, who may liaise with training providers to provide feedback on areas requiring further development.
Training courses that are considered to be consistent with the standards in the Code will be recognised, and details made available on this website.
For further information on the development of observer training courses, or to submit course material for evaluation:
Or send in hard copy to:
The Director-General
c/o Marine Species and Threats
Department of Conservation National Office
PO Box 10 420
Wellington 6143
New Zealand
The following observer training and assessment courses have been recognised as consistent with the standards of the Code. If interested, contact the relevant training provider directly.
DOC will not be responsible in any way for the observer training courses, nor does it accept liability for any matters arising from the conduct of such training.
Training curriculum (PDF, 51K)
Note: a minimum of 12 weeks sea time as a professional seismic surveying observer anywhere in the world is required to undertake these courses. Observers who successfully complete such a course will be recognised as “qualified” under the Code if they have a minimum of 12 weeks experience in New Zealand, otherwise will be recognised as “trained”.
Company: Blue Planet Marine
Phone: +64 27 631 9000
Website: Blue Planet Marine
Course overview: Assessment process for experienced MMOs and PAM operators to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct
Company: RPS Energy, Australia Asia Pacific
Phone: +61 8 9211 1111
Website: RPS Energy
Course overview: Assessment process for experienced MMOs to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct
Company: Seiche Training Ltd
Phone: +44 (1409) 404050
Website: Seiche
Course overview: Assessment process for experienced PAM operators to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct
All observers are eligible for this course, including new entrants to the industry.
Company: Blue Planet Marine
Phone: +64 27 631 9000
Website: Blue Planet Marine
Course overview: Assessment course for new entrants, inexperienced, or experienced MMOs to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct
Company: Gardline Environmental Ltd
Phone: +44 (0) 1493 845 600
Website: Gardline Environmental
Course overview: Assessment course for new entrants, inexperienced, or experienced MMOs and PAM operators to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct
Company: Ocean Science Consulting Ltd
Phone: +44 (0) 1368 856 722
Website: Ocean Science Consulting
Course overview: Assessment course for new entrants, inexperienced, or experienced MMOs and PAM operators to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct
Company: Ocean Science Consulting NZ (Asia-Pacific) Ltd
Phone: +44 (0) 1368 856 722
Website: Ocean Science Consulting-NZ
Course overview: Assessment course for new entrants, inexperienced, or experienced MMOs and PAM operators to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct
Company: Seiche Training Ltd
Phone: +44 (1409) 404 050
Website: Seiche
Course overview: Assessment process for new entrants, inexperienced, or experienced PAM operators to demonstrate competence, consistent with the 2013 seismic surveying Code of Conduct