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Feedback on the Code


Feedback is strongly encouraged from stakeholders concerning any positive or negative experiences encountered while implementing the Code in operational conditions, and will be used to inform future reviews.

The Code will be in force for a period of three years, at which point there will be a performance review before further consideration of mandatory regulations.

During this time, feedback is strongly encouraged from stakeholders concerning any positive or negative experiences encountered while implementing the Code in operational conditions. This process will ensure that any necessary improvements can be made before regulations are considered.

Marine mammal observer. Photo credit Ocean Science Consulting
Marine mammal observer

In addition, the Excel based standardised observer reporting form will be subject to continual ongoing refinement as Marine Mammal Observers and Passive Acoustic Monitoring operators gain experience using the form in field conditions.

Feedback process

All feedback as outlined in this section should be submitted to or sent in hard copy to:

c/o Marine Species and Threats
National Office
Department of Conservation
PO Box 10 420
Wellington 6143
New Zealand