While the Code is non-enforceable under the Marine Mammal Protection Act 1978, signatories agree to commit to the provisions in full for all marine seismic survey activities in New Zealand continental waters.
The adoption process is straightforward. The Chief Executive (or equivalent) responsible for New Zealand operations of any organisation involved in marine seismic surveying should sign the adoption acceptance form and submit it to the Director-General.
The Code contains a copy of the adoption acceptance form as Appendix 5. Alternatively, the form can be downloaded separately:
Ensco 56 mobile drilling rig off Taranaki
Adoption acceptance form (PDF, 465K)
Signed forms should be submitted electronically to marinemammals@doc.govt.nz or posted in hard copy to:
The Director-General
c/o Marine Species and Threats
Department of Conservation National Office
PO Box 10 420
Wellington 6143
New Zealand
The following organisations have formally adopted the Code.