Areas included or near by: Ōmahuta- Puketī Forest Conservation Park
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 4,979
Status: Ongoing
Species protected include:
Kiwi, kūkupa, kauri snail, pekapeka/short and long tailed bats, toutouwai/North Island robin, forest and Northland green gecko
Areas included or near by: Waipoua Forest
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 1,790
Status: Ongoing
Species protected include:
Kiwi, kōkako
Areas included or near by: Whareorino Conservation Area and Herangi range
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 29,166
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Pekapeka/long tailed bats, Archey’s frog, dactylanthus taylorii
Areas included or near by: Hauturu-Awaroa forest areas
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 9,640
Date: Autumn 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Kārearea, rock hebe (Veronica scopulorum)
Areas included or near by: Whitecliffs Conservation Covenant, Whitecliffs Conservation Area and Mt Davidson Scenic Reserve
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 1,702
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
North Island brown kiwi, North Island robin, kōkako
Areas included or near by: Pouiatoa and Taramoukou Conservation Areas
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 6,113
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
North Island brown kiwi, North Island robin, whitehead, riflemen
Areas included or near by: Tapuaetahi Scenic Reserve and Coromandel Forest Park
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 1,281
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Coromandel brown kiwi, kererū
Areas included or near by: The Raukūmara Conservation Park, Raukūmara Ranges, and surrounding areas
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 40,712
Date: Autumn 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Kākā, kiwi, whio, pekapeka/bats and the Hochstetter’s frog
Areas included or near by: The Raukūmara Conservation Park, Raukūmara Ranges, and surrounding areas
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 20,274
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Kākā, kiwi, whio, pekapeka/bats and the Hochstetter’s frog
Areas included or near by: Portions of Rangataua Conservation Area, Rotokura Ecological Reserve and Tongariro National Park
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 13,358
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Kiwi, pekapeka/bats, kākā, whio
Areas included or near by: Rotoehu Forest including Pongokawa Ecological Area
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 2,756
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Kōkako, bellbird, kereru, rifleman
Areas included or near by: Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 3,460
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Lowland forest, shrub & grasslands
Areas included or near by: Low altitude, species rich coastal forest lying between the Tasman Mountains and the sea.
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 26,596
Date: Summer 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Northern rātā, pekapeka/long tailed bats, rorora/great spotted kiwi, powelliphanta, whio, pīwauwau/rock wren
Areas included or near by: Bio and geo-diverse landscape rising from sea level through the Oparara basin to Alpine ranges in the East.
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 62,328
Date: Summer 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Northern rātā, pekapeka/long tailed bats, rorora/great spotted kiwi, powelliphanta, whio, pīwauwau/rock wren
Areas included or near by: Seddonville, Mohikinui and Radiant Range
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 46,786
Date: Spring 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Rorora/great spotted kiwi, pekapeka/long tailed bats, powelliphanta, whio, kākā, kea
Areas included or near by: Alpine tops, coastal hills, river valleys, pakihi wetlands, the Orikaka lowland basin, and the sandstone pavements on the Denniston and Stockton plateaux.
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 58,358
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Northern rātā, rorora/great spotted kiwi, powelliphanta, whio, kākā, kea
Areas included or near by: Arawhata and Waipara Valleys and the Haast Tokoeka Kiwi Sanctuary
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 49,177
Date: Autumn 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Haast tokoeka, forest birds, korukoru/ mistletoe
Areas included or near by: Haast kiwi sanctuary
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 7,570
Status: Ongoing
Species protected include:
Haast tokoeka/kiwi, pekapeka/bats, kākā
Areas included or near by: Arthur’s Pass National Park and Lake Sumner Forest
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 5,671
Status: Ongoing
Species protected include:
Kākāriki karaka/orange-fronted parakeet, kiwi
Areas included or near by: Fiordland National Park, bounded by Lake Te Anau
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 52,985
Status: Ongoing
Species protected include:
Takahē, mohua, whio, kea, kākā, kārearea/New Zealand falcon
Areas included or near by: Fiordland National Park, Between Te Anau to the Divide.
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 44,357
Date: Summer 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Kea, rockwren/tuke, long-tailed bats, mohua
Areas included or near by: Mainland peninsulas in Dusky Sounds (the Wet Jacket Peninsulas) and small islands
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 39,429
Date: Autmun 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Fiordland tokoeka, kea, kākā, rock wren/tuke
Areas included or near by: Hollyford Valley
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 26,054
Date: Spring 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Kākā, kea, tuke/rock wren, whio, pekapeka/long-tailed bats, mistletoe
Areas included or near by: Catlins Conservation Park
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 14,191
Date: Winter 2023
Status: Completed
Species protected include:
Mohua, pekapeka/long-tailed bats, mistletoe