We use an Outcomes Monitoring Framework (OMF) to support our statements around outcomes and performance.
Information to increase our understanding of New Zealand's biodiversity.
Distribution maps of mammalian pressures
Interactive factual evidence that is delivered as progress reports on implemented indicators and measures:
Ecosystem prioritisation and management
Do the current site selections for DOC’s ecosystem management work ensure that the full range of Aotearoa New Zealand’s ecosystems are protected in a healthy and functioning state?
How well are threatened ecosystems protected?
How well are threatened terrestrial and wetland ecosystems protected?
Proportion of marine ecosystems protected
The area of Aotearoa New Zealand's marine environment that is within marine reserves and marine mammal sanctuaries.
Proportion of Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) protected and under indigenous cover
Assessing the overall changes in Aotearoa New Zealand's native vegetation by environment type.
Number of managed indigenous species
The number of species populations receiving management indicates progress towards securing a wide range of threatened and at-risk taxa from extinction.
Status and trends of common and widespread bird species
Assessment of status and trend in common and widespread terrestrial species across all public conservation land (PCL) in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Distribution of nocturnal birds on conservation land
Recording presence of nocturnal bird species using bird counts and automatic monitoring devices improves our knowledge of their distributions.
Mortality and recruitment of tagged stems grouped by palatability class
Annual rates of recruitment and mortality for common and widespread trees, grouped by palatability to browsing mammals.
Trends in the abundance and distribution of kākāpō
Current determination of the population demographics of kākāpō.
Trends in the demography of long-tailed bats, Eglinton Valley, Fiordland
Trends in demography of a managed threatened species population can indicate management effectiveness.
Trends in survival of short-tailed bats at Eglinton Valley and Pureora Forest Park
Estimating the annual survival of short-tailed bats in the Eglinton Valley, Fiordland and in Pureora Forest in the King Country.
Abundance and distribution of possums
Estimates of possums' national distribution and abundance can help direct control efforts on PCL, also provides important baseline information against which future assessments and different management interventions can be compared.
Abundance and distribution of ungulates
Estimates of ungulates' national distribution and abundance can help direct control efforts on PCL, and provides important baseline information against which future assessments and different management interventions can be compared.
Abundance and distribution of hares and rabbits
Estimates of national abundances and distributions of rabbits and hares can help direct control efforts on PCL, and provides important baseline information against which future assessments and different management interventions can be compared.
Satisfaction with DOC’s Great Walks
Understanding visitors' experiences through their eyes is essential if DOC is to continue to provide outstanding visitor experiences on its world-renowned Great Walks.
Safety on DOC’s Great Walks
Visitors' perceptions and experiences regarding their own safety and wellbeing on Great Walks helps ensure the effectiveness of DOC's safety-related efforts.
Utilisation of DOC assets
To ensure visitors continue to enjoy outstanding experiences on public conservation land and waters, DOC uses activity counters to record the level of public utilisation of its visitor assets to help guide investment and operational planning.
Standard of DOC assets
DOC invests heavily in an extensive portfolio of visitor assets to support recreational opportunities on public conservation lands and waters. These assets undergo continual inspection and maintenance to ensure they continue to meet the expectations of visitors and remain safe to use.
Distribution of DOC assets across public conservation land
DOC invests heavily in the construction and maintenance of an extensive portfolio of visitor assets across Aotearoa/New Zealand to support recreational opportunities on public conservation land and waters