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National status and trend reports 2015–2016


Explore some findings from DOC’s Monitoring and Reporting System on New Zealand's biodiversity and the introduced animals and plants that threaten it.

These factsheets are complementary technical information to the Annual Report 2015-16. The factsheet numbers match the references used in the annual report.

General factsheets

Information to increase our understanding of New Zealand's biodiversity on public conservation land:

New International Visitors Survey opens opportunities (Factsheet 1)

Where are possums and hares most abundant? (PDF, 999K) (Factsheet 2)

Where are ungulates most abundant? (PDF, 1,062K) (Factsheet 3)

Distribution maps of mammalian predators (Factsheet 4)

Where are woody weeds, including conifers, found? (PDF, 1,661K) (Factsheet 5)

Which areas are under the greatest pressure from invasive species? (PDF, 1,432K) (Factsheet 6)

Where are native and introduced birds most abundant? (PDF, 160K) (Factsheet 7)

Are the populations of tree species that are consumed by mammalian herbivores in balance across forests? (PDF, 212K) (Factsheet 8)

How well do current public and private conservation lands encapsulate the full climatic range across New Zealand’s main islands? (PDF, 531K) (Factsheet 14)

How well are threatened ecosystems protected? (PDF, 330K) (Factsheet 16)

Which major forest and shrubland groups support the greatest abundance of native birds? (PDF, 160K)

How do bird abundances relate to ungulate and possum abundances? (PDF, 412K)

Do some of our native tree species show imbalances in their populations at a regional scale? (PDF, 3,055K)

Factsheets on a specific indicator or measure

Interactive factual evidence that is delivered as progress reports on implemented indicators and measures:

Ecosystem representation of managed ecosystems (Factsheet 9)
Management of priority ecosystems; and ecosystem representation and change in ecological integrity of managed ecosystems

Security of threatened & at risk taxa – South Island long-tailed bats (Factsheet 10)
Current and predicted trends in the demographics of populations of threatened and at risk taxa – South Island long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus), Eglinton Valley, Fiordland

Security of threatened & at risk taxa – Australasian bittern (Factsheet 11)
Current and predicted trends in the abundance and distribution of threatened and at risk taxa Australasian bittern (matuku, Botaurus poiciloptilus

Security of threatened & at risk taxa – Kākāpō (Factsheet 12)
Current and predicted trends in the abundance and distribution of threatened and at risk tax – Kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus)

Species composition & diversity - South Island robin (Factsheet 13)
South Island robin (Petroica australis), Eglinton Valley, Fiordland 

Ecosystem representation & protection status - LENZ (Factsheet 15)
Proportion of ecosystems protected and under indigenous cover: Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ)

Ecosystem representation & protection status – Marine (Factsheet 17)
Proportion of ecosystems protected; and percentage of environmental unit in marine reserves and marine mammal sanctuaries

Ecosystem function – Mast seedfall (Factsheet 18)
Mast seedfall events in beech forests 

Security of threatened & at risk taxa – Managed species 

Security of threatened & at risk taxa – Taxon: South Island long-tailed bats

Security of threatened & at risk taxa – Taxon: Kākāpō