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Mitigation CSP reports


Read all CSP reports on mitigation projects.

Bottom longline sink rate testing

This is the final report for MIT2021-03B Bottom longline sink rate testing. Published February 2024.

Protected species liaison programme 2021/22

This report summarises the outcomes of the Protected Species Liaison Programme for the 2021-22 fishing year (1 Oct 2021 – 30 Sept 2022), including a summary of the inshore and HMS fleets’ adherence to Protected Species Risk Management Plans. Published May 2023

Bait retention as a driver to mitigation use in the surface longline fishery

This is the final report for MIT2022-04 Bait retention as a driver to mitigation use in the surface longline fishery, Published April 2023.

Cetacean interactions with pot fisheries

This is the final report for MIT2021-02: Cetacean interactions with pot fisheries. Published August 2022.

Development of bottom longline underwater setting devices

This is the final report for BCBC2020-11b: Development of bottom longline underwater setting devices. Published July 2022.

Liaison Programme annual report - 2020-21 fishing year

This report summarises the outcomes of the Conservation Services Liaison Programme for the 2020-21 fishing year (1 Oct 2020 – 30 Sept 2021), including a summary of the inshore and HMS fleets’ adherence to Protected Species Risk Management Plans.

Using electronic monitoring imagery to characterise protected species interactions with commercial fisheries: A primer and review

This is the final report for INT2017-02: Using electronic monitoring imagery to characterise protected species interactions with commercial fisheries. Published October 2018.

Protected species liaison project 2017/18

This is the final annual report for MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project. Published November 2018.

Mitigating seabird captures during hauling on smaller longline vessels

These are the final reports for MIT2015-02: Mitigating seabird captures during hauling on smaller longline vessels. Published November 2018.

Characterising discharge management in small-vessel trawl and longline fisheries

This is the final report on characterising discharge management in small-vessel trawl and longline fisheries. Published December 2018.

Protected species bycatch media 2017/18

This is the final report on protected species by catch media project. Published August 2018.

Protected Species Bycatch Media 2016/17

This is the final report for the protected species bycatch media 2016-17. Published March 2018.

Seabird Liaison for Surface Longline Fleet Programme 2016/17

This is the final report for the Seabird Liaison for Surface Longline Fleet Programme 2016/17. Published December 2017.

Tori line designs for small longline vessels

This is the final report for MIT2015-02: Seabird mitigation: small longline vessel trials - Tori line designs for small longline vessels. Published September 2017.

Sink rates of line weighting configurations in the snapper longline fishery

This is the final report for BCBC2021-03: Measuring sink rates of a range of line weighting configurations in the snapper longline fishery. Published April 2022.

Longline sink rate verification

This is the final report for BCBC2020-11c: Longline sink rate verification. Published 2021.

Hauling mitigation for small longline vessels

This is the final report for MIT2018-02: Hauling mitigation for small longline vessels. Published 2021.

Development of an adaptive management tool for line setting

This is the final report for MIT2018-03: Setting mitigation for small longline vessels. Published 2021.

Lighting adjustments to mitigate against fishing vessel deck strikes/ vessel impacts

This is the final report for MIT2019-03: Lighting adjustments to mitigate against fishing vessel deck strikes/ vessel impacts. Published 2021.

Mitigation gaps analysis towards reducing protected species bycatch

This is the final report for MIT2020-03: Mitigation gaps analysis towards reducing protected species bycatch. Published 2021.

Drivers for fisher uptake of seabird bycatch mitigation in the surface longline fishery

This is the final report for BCBC2020-11d: Drivers for fisher uptake of seabird bycatch mitigation in the surface longline fishery. Published 2022.

Review of mitigation techniques to reduce benthic impacts of trawling

This is the final report for MIT2019-02: Review of mitigation techniques to reduce benthic impacts of trawling. Published 2020.

Development of underwater line setters for use in bottom longline fisheries

This is the final report for BCBC2018-01: Development of underwater line setters for use in bottom longline fisheries. Published 2020.

Assessing management of fish waste discharge in the scampi fishery

This is the final report for MIT2019-04: Optimum batching interval for discharge management on vessels in the scampi fishery. Published 2020.

Stakeholder engagement in assessment of recreational fisheries bycatch of marine protected species

This is the final report for BCBC2019-07c: Stakeholder engagement in assessment of recreational fisheries bycatch of marine protected species. Published 2020.

Protected species liaison project 2019/20

This is the final annual report for MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project 2019/20. Published 2021.

Characterisation and mitigation of protected species interactions in the inshore trawl fisheries

This is the final report for MIT2017-03: Characterisation and mitigation of protected species interactions in the inshore trawl fisheries. Published 2019.

Protected species liaison project 2018/19

This is the final annual report for MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project. Published 2019.

Protected species engagement project

This is the final report for MIT2018-01: Protected species engagement project. Published 2020.

Testing the Hookpod-mini in the New Zealand pelagic longline fishery

This is the final report for MIT2015-02 on seabird mitigation: testing of Hookpod-minis in the NZ pelagic longline fishery. Published August 2017.

Seabird bycatch reduction in small vessel longline fisheries, 2016/17

This is the final report for the seabird bycatch reduction in small vessel longline fisheries, 2016/17 project. Published June 2017.

Seabird bycatch reduction in small vessel longline fisheries

Read about seabird bycatch reduction for small vessel longline fisheries in 2015/16. Published September 2016.

Kellian Line Setter Sea Trials

This is the final report for the Kellian line setter sea trials and replaces all previous and preliminary reports for it. Published September 2016.

Protected species bycatch newsletter- Bycatch Bylines 2015/16

This is the final report on the protected species bycatch newsletter which was produced to communicate protected species-related information to commercial fishers. This project's two-year term has now concluded, with 12 issues of the newsletter produced. Published July 2016.

Development of bird baffler designs for offshore trawl vessels

This paper reports on the development of a novel design for a bird baffler for use on deepwater trawlers. Published July 2016.

Improving tori line performance in small vessel longline fisheries

Read about the development of improved tori lines which are specifically optimised for safe and effective use on small longline vessels. Published July 2016.

Improving and documenting seabird bycatch mitigation practices in the North Eastern New Zealand longline fishery

Read about the seabird liaison officer assisting the North East coast longline fleets in reducing their risk to seabirds. Published July 2015.

Protected species bycatch newsletter - Bycatch Bylines 2014/15

Annual update on the protected species bycatch newsletter which is half way through its term. Published June 2015.

Novel approaches to line-weighting in New Zealand's inshore surface-longline fishery

This report describes the findings from a study on line-weighting in New Zealand's inshore surface-longline fishery. Published January 2015.

Characterisation of smaller vessel deepwater bottom-longline operations

This report describes the results of the characterisation of the smaller vessel deep water bottom longline fishery with respect to factors relating to seabird capture. Published December 2014.

Review of mitigation techniques in setnet fisheries

This report assesses the current mitigation techniques for both marine mammal and seabird capture employed in set net fisheries both domestically and internationally and makes recommendations as to their applicability to the New Zealand situation. Published December 2014.

Protected species bycatch newsletter - Bycatch Bylines 2013/14

Read about Bycatch Bylines, a newsletter that was produced to communicate protected species-related information to trawl and longline fishermen. Published August 2014.

Protected species bycatch newsletter - The Ocean Guardian

Read about The Ocean Guardian, a newsletter that was produced to communicate protected species-related information to trawl and longline fishermen. Published May 2014.

Reducing seabird bycatch in inshore bottom longline fisheries

This report investigates methods for reducing net captures of seabirds in the inshore bottom longline fishermen in the Hauraki Gulf. Published September 2013.

Kellian underwater line setting device

This report describes the results of flume tank testing and development of a seabird bycatch mitigation device, the Kellian underwater line setter. Published August 2013.

Seabird bycatch reduction in scampi trawl fisheries

This report investigates methods for reducing net captures of seabirds in the scampi trawl fishery. It documents the fishery, factors effecting likelihood of capture of seabirds and development of a net restrictor device designed to mitigate the risk of seabird captures. Published July 2013.

Development of mitigation strategies for inshore fisheries

This report investigates methods used by inshore demersal longline vessels to increase the sink rates of lines to reduce the risk of interactions with seabird species. It also provides recommendations on ways to further increase those sink rates. Published April 2011.

Warp strike mitigation devices in New Zealand fisheries

Learn about a project to improve warp strike mitigation devices in use on trawlers > 28 m in length operating in New Zealand fisheries. Published April 2013.

Development of mitigation strategies for inshore fisheries

This report provides information about the inshore demersal longline fleet, including fishing practices and mitigation techniques. It also investigates the line sink rates using time-depth recorders. Published 2010.

Preliminary assessment of hook sink rates using two branchline types

Read the full report on the preliminary assessment of hook sink rates using two branchline types aboard F.V. Ikatere. Published 2006.

Safe lead impact study

This report describes the result of a port trial to compare the impact of safe leads, weighted swivels and hooks on surface longline snoods cut and released under tension. Published 2008.

Mincing and mealing: a test of offal management strategies to reduce interactions between seabirds and trawl vessels

Find results of an experiment to test the effect of two offal management strategies on the numbers of seabirds attending a fishing trawler. Published 2007.

Effect of blue dyed bait on incidental seabird mortalities and fish catch rates on a commercial longliner fishing off East Cape, New Zealand

Review findings from an experiment that tested the effect of blue-dyed bait on incidental seabird mortalities and on fish catch rates in the New Zealand domestic tuna longline fishery. Published 2004.