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King shag CSP reports


Read all CSP reports on king shags.

Breeding population assessment of kawau pāteketeke/king shag

This is the final report for project BCBC2020-05a: Kawau pāteketeke/king shag population census by Toroa Consulting. Published June 2022.

Breeding biology of King shags from analysis of field camera images

This report covers DOC-funded research on the nationally endangered king shag (Leucocarbo carunculatus), a rare diving seabird endemic to the Marlborough Sounds. Published February 2022,

Determining the diet of New Zealand king shag using DNA metabarcoding

This is the final report for one component of BCBC2019-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fisheries and New Zealand king shag foraging activity, diets and population trends. Published 2021.

Occurrence of prey species identified from remains in regurgitated pellets collected from king shags 2019-20

This is the final report for one component of BCBC2019-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fisheries and NZ king shag foraging activity, diets and population trends. Published 2021.

Spatial and temporal patterns in the diet of New Zealand king shag

This is the final report for one component of BCBC2020-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fisheries and New Zealand king shag foraging activity, diets and population trends. Published 2021.

Indirect effects of commercial fishing in the Marlborough Sounds on the foraging of king shag

This is the final report for one component of BCBC2019-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fisheries and NZ king shag. Additional research on dietary and population trends is still underway. Published 2020.