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2017/18 Conservation Services Programme reports


Conservation Services Programme reports from July 2017 to June 2018.

2017-18 Annual Research Summary

This report outlines the research carried out through the Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2017-18, and provides updates on multi-year projects started in previous years. Published February 2019.

NZ sea lion monitoring at the Auckland Islands 2017/18

This report describes the results of ongoing population monitoring of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland islands. This is the final report for the 2017/18 year. Published May 2018.

Antipodean wandering albatross census and population study 2018

Read the research report for the the Antipodean wandering albatross census and population study 2018. Published November 2018.

White-capped albatross mark-recapture study at Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands

The final report for POP2017-04: White capped albatross mark-recapture study at Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands. Published December 2018.

Characterising discharge management in small-vessel trawl and longline fisheries

This is the final report on characterising discharge management in small-vessel trawl and longline fisheries. Published December 2018.

Identification of marine mammals captured in NZ fisheries 2017/18

This the annual report on the identification of marine mammals captured in New Zealand fisheries in 2017/18 (1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018). Published November 2019.

Mitigating seabird captures during hauling on smaller longline vessels

These are the final reports for MIT2015-02: Mitigating seabird captures during hauling on smaller longline vessels. Published November 2018.

Protected species liaison project 2017/18

This is the final annual report for MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project. Published November 2018.

Using electronic monitoring imagery to characterise protected species interactions with commercial fisheries: A primer and review

This is the final report for INT2017-02: Using electronic monitoring imagery to characterise protected species interactions with commercial fisheries. Published October 2018.

Protected species bycatch media 2017/18

This is the final report on protected species by catch media project. Published August 2018.

Yellow-eyed penguin research workshop

This is the workshop report on Hoiho (Yellow-eyed penguin) foraging and indirect effects research presented to the CSP Technical Working Group. Published August 2018.

Yellow-eyed penguin diet and indirect effects affecting prey composition

This is the final report summarising the yellow-eyed penguin diet and the indirect effects affecting prey composition. Published May 2018.

Seabird population research, Chatham Islands 2017-18

The final report for POP2017-01: Seabird population research, Chatham Islands 2017/18. Published December 2018.

Ageing methods for protected deep-sea corals

This report reviews and recommends ageing methods for protected deep-sea corals. Published April 2018.

Flesh-footed shearwater population projects 2017/18

These are the final reports for the Flesh-footed shearwater: various locations population project 2017/18. Published October 2018.

Identification of seabirds caught in NZ fisheries 2017/18

This is the final annual report on protected seabird species caught in NZ fisheries during the period 1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018. Published December 2018.

Identification and storage of cold water coral bycatch specimens 1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018

This is a final report for INT2015-03: Identification and storage of cold-water coral bycatch specimens. Published February 2019.

Gibson's wandering albatross population study and census 2017/18

This is the final report for the Gibson's wandering albatross population study and census 2017/18. Published July 2018.

Aerial Census of northern royal albatross fledglings on The Sisters and Forty-Fours

This report presents a summary of the aerial census of Northern royal albatross (Diomedea sanfordi) fledglings on Rangitatahi (The Sisters) and Motuhara (Forty-Fours), July 2017. This report was prepared for Marine Species and Threats team, Department of Conservation and did not form a part of the Conservation Services Programme. Published January 2018.