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Gibson's wandering albatross, methods to estimate population size


Read two reports that look at census techniques for estimating the population size of Gibson's wandering albatross. Published June & August 2015.

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POP2014-02: Gibson's wandering albatross: analysis of census techniques (PDF, 594K)

POP2014-02: Assessment of aerial census techniques to robustly estimate the total population size of Gibson's albatross on Adams Island (PDF, 1,251K)


These reports aim to provide recommendations for robustly estimating the total population size of Gibson’s albatross at Adams Island. They identify and review the range of feasible options for conducting aerial survey techniques at Adams Island.

Publication information

Walker, K, and Elliot, G. 2015. Gibson's wandering albstross: analysis of census techniques. Report prepared by Albatross Research for the New Zealand Department of Conservation, Wellington. 10p.

Baker, B., Jensz, K., and Hamilton, S. 2015. Assessment of aerial census techniques to robustly estimate the total population size of Gibson's albatross on Adams Island. Report prepared by Latitude 42 for the New Zealand Department of Conservation, Wellington. 18p.