Date: 17 February 2025Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
“Tourism is a key economic driver, and nature is our biggest draw card for international tourists,” says Mr Potaka.
“Improving tourism infrastructure is good for the economy, and investing in conservation tourism is a win win.
“Around 50 per cent of visitors cite natural landscapes and environment as their primary reason for traveling, and about 50 per cent of international tourists visit national parks.
“While visitor satisfaction remains high, work is needed to ensure Aotearoa New Zealand continues to deliver on its promise to visitors.”
To manage pressures at Aotearoa New Zealand’s most popular visitor sites, the Government is investing $11 million including:
“These investments will help deliver a top-notch visitor experience at some of our most popular natural heritage sites.
“Some will complement the Hauraki Gulf Bill that will deliver the highest ever level of environmental protection for this precious moana when it passes later this year.
“New Zealand’s first marine reserve, Goat Island / Te Hāwere a Maki (Cape Rodney – Ōkakari Point), will be 50 years old later this year. It is among the top 10 most visited natural heritage areas with 350,000 visitors per year and has real potential for improved visitor experiences,” says Mr Potaka.
“The benefits this will bring to the shops in Leigh, Matakana, and the surrounding area can be substantial.
“Today’s announcement follows the Government’s launching of a new campaign to gear-up tourism for 2025 by encouraging Australians to pick New Zealand for their next holiday. We are also supporting the continued development of Māori tourism, which now contributes more than $1 billion a year to New Zealand’s economic growth,” Mr Potaka says.
The Government is investing $19 million from the IVL into protecting biodiversity by reducing the spread of predators and invasive plant species. Investments include:
“By expanding predator control, we will improve the protection of critically endangered species in national parks and grow the number of iconic birds for visitors to enjoy.
“Wallabies have a terrible impact on indigenous forests such as at the popular Lakes Tarawera and Okataina, and down in Canterbury.
“These investments funded from the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy will deliver better visitor experiences and improved environmental outcomes and ultimately provide a boost for sustainable tourism and growth,” Mr Potaka says.
The funding covers work across the next three years and comes from money raised under the previous $35 IVL rate.
For media enquiries contact:
Jared Nicoll +64 21 834 865